Press F to Pay Respects
Season 7:
Press F to Pay Respects
Season 7:
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First for femdom being objectively best kink
Relentless Sexual Aggression Tier: Evelynn, Ahri, Vi, Nidalee, Leona Illaoi,Magma,Fire,Kayle
Teasing and Control Freak Tier: LeBlanc,
Definitely Dominant But Not Quite As Sexual Tier:, Sejuani, Zyra
High Tier: Cassiopeia, Karma, Katarina, Vayne, Diana, Fiora,Miss Fortune
Mid Tier: Jinx, Caitlyn, Riven,Quinn, Sivir Air
Low Tier: Lux (some Elementalist forms are much higher), Ashe,Water,Nature,Akali
Submissive: Sona Soraka Janna
Please do not sexualize Tristana
Best guy!
Evelynn is fun and really cool!
stop posting your headcanon autism please
To the people who've played on the new patch, is new grasp as retarded as it was on the PBE?
Still the best.
From someone who never cared much about the loot box system, how do you buy an specific champ now?
From what I undestand, when you lvl up you get a box with stuff like BE and maybe a random champion shard, so how slow is it now to get 6300 BE (or whatever new price is now) to buy a non-random champ? or maybe I understanding this wrong I dunno.
It's not headcanon
Stop this denial user
Good night, /lolg/.
Bad night, fellow Eve fags.
I want to perform dentistry on Tahm and keep his chompers in tip-top condition!!
Mommydom champ when?
Xth for the new blue essence system is going to fuck us over major
xth for breast metaI waifu
when people ask about the last time that we spoke
i let the stitches do the talking for the most part
after jinx sister
What's gonna be the next new Rune layouts for Vi, Ornn, and Jhin once the update's live?
So you yanks have the new runes now?
+Post match history
>posts no proof or evidence that would lead somebody to the same conclusion as you
I want Nami to smother me with her fishpussy!
The proof is common sense
>filter the word lulu
>the general increases in quality ten fold
What new rune should I take on Zoe?
>common sense fallacy
Just don't, problem solved.
>nothing of substance
Yeah, that's what I thought.
He might be autistically posting it but the last makes sense for the most part
Rune of the repick king
Will dark harvest proc off on hurricane bolts? Can I go dark harvest jinx and rfc and oneshot a whole backline
Hopefully you remembered to spend all your IP on mystery champion shards user! Would be a shame if you missed out on a free 8% or more extra IP/BE.
xth for Cute Ashe
good night lolg
xth for my wife Syndra
haha /lolig/
haha so funny
Your wife is so garbage you deserve her.
I want jinx to sit herself down on my face and stay there for a while. If I dared move she would shoot me!
are you being sarcastic, what should i do with my currency for the best return?
But her q is fun.
The one that lets you change summoners?
Isn't it kinda hard to proc on her?
post more syndras!
hey, that's my wife!
I heard you cant get your first win from co-op vs ai anymore
Can Riot ban me for going afk/leaving a game?
You betcha.
I'm excited for the new season and everything going to shit
I want Dark Lux to sit on my lap and stay there for a while
>go into match lobby
>teammate instalocks Twisted Fate
Ask me how that match went down.
I really don't want to play a match when is 90% sure that we will lose and my retarded team won't surrender. It's really depressing
update out yet?
what's the best nu-runes for healsluts
how did the match go down
but what would SHE do if you tried to move?
REMINDER not to have sex before marriage.
Buy as many shards with IP as you possibly can and break them down into BE. After the conversion today/tomorrow the math works out to be an 8.5% increase in IP/BE. There was a thread on reddit about it roughly a month ago with all the math.
One game? No. There's an automatic leaver buster that'll ban you for too many leaves/AFK reports though.
oh lord how?
you think you do
now blizzard thinks you do
but you actually dont
Why summon aery? I don't know much about that rune.
Well, there's no guarantee that they will. They're just absolutely physically capable of doing so if they're so inclined.
Incidentally, I frequently refuse to surrender when my retarded team is the reason we are losing. They made their bed, so they get to lie in it. If you're losing, maybe you should think about how you could have had a more significant (positive) impact on the game, or identify ways you could adjust your play to make up for your allies- You can't fix their behavior, but you can fix yours!
Push herself down on you very firmly
I think you know the answer already.
>You don't get Blue Essence/IP after the new System Every Game
>Have to play 25+ games in order to level up and get RNG Capsules which don't have what i need
Why did they do this?
This is literally worst than the old system
Did it go well? Twisted Fate is a pretty strong champion.
It has a low CD compared to other options like Electrocute, and Zoe is all about constant safe spam like Leblanc. Also, maining the Sorcery tree is way better due to the extra AP.
>get things you don't need
>can disenchant them into BE
>can now buy what you need
They need to increase the amount you get per level up, but otherwise what exactly are you upset about?
ill take anything at this point
crowfall ashes of creation camelot chained vanilla wow archeage private servers anything just
Do you think she would use dark magic to bind you and then tease you about being powerless to do anything
That only like 6 people on the planet know how to play.
It's almost like Riot changed the system to make more money.
>old system is 1 game's worth of IP per game
>new system is 10 game's worth of IP every 10 games
it's the fucking same, quit crying.
who oce here
I can never bring myself to queue alone
I'm not going to say it's Jews, but it's probably Jews.
fuck did I just get 2x 2.5k hour reward emote >.
I want s3 or s2 League of legends.
Because Rito finally caught up to the other companies in realizing that lootboxes print money.
and only like 12 people play so you have about 50/50 odds of yours being one of the good ones.
was it a jungle TF?
I saw that shit in one of my games, the guy sucked tho
Just as garbage as the Sona, Ahri, Lulu, Liss, Eve, and Lux fags
Please god no
I don't want to go back to only having boots and wards as a support at 20 minutes
>ctrl + F
>2 results
Confirmed for another meme champion like Au Sol.
At what hour roughly will the update go live?
Will it be different for each time zone or does it go into effect at the same time?
You sound like an angry cucky boy nigger with social development issues ::::3
>Lying on the internet
If you weren't behaving, probbably
But it's better that way. Supports are slaves.
I don't see myself buying real champs for money, I own almost all of them already and they produce champs so slowly that I'll always be able to buy whatever they put out with in game currency
sucks for people still grinding for champs tho
or maybe Elise is a shit waifu and you know it, idk who you're talking about.
Elise eats people, im not into vore
Thanks user. Will definitely give it a try.
who can be behind this post ?
Thats the point, now any retard can play high level support.
Back than it was an art a craft..
I miss solocarrying
I miss win lane, win game
I miss splitpushing
I miss boot enchants
I miss old graves and old darius
I hope season 8 doesn't suck
>Both threads are made super early
>This one is being used because it was shared 20 posts later
When are we going to get people who aren't retarded to make the ops?
>having such shit tastes
You like being blueballed and having your skin flayed off?
Leveled up to 34 so far, Got 3-5 champ shards every time.
Roughly 700 BE, takes me (on PBE) 4-5 games if I win at least 2.
I have a boost on so I get insane XP for winning games though, once that fades (i think it just did) it'll be a bit slower. Still pretty fast