Winter Wives Edition
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League of Legends General - /lolg/
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xth for missionary position for the purposes of procreation.
xth for breast metal waifu
Best guy!
Evelynn is fun and cool!
Will this thread die?!
gumi we should duo sometime so i can show you my draven!
Remember, assert dominance by flashing towards your opponent randomly. This will demoralize them and cause them to tilt.
Haven't played since January, will the preseason changes make this game worth coming back to?
>tfw no qt petite gf
Only you can decide that. It will be very weird and absurdly unbalanced for a while though. That's always a bit if fun.
think about why you left in the first place
it literally hasn't changed
im kinda busy now and days but just message me when im on and we can play!!
Reposting because I don't know if the user I was talking to moved to this thread.
Ah okay. So I am supposed to be chunking people not bursting them all the way down. Thanks user I figured it'd be like LB where she just lands her q then evaporates you. What rune should I be taking? I've tried meteor so far and think the only other good one might be dark harvest.
>tfw fell asleep early so now I'm awake more than three hours early while EUW is still down
Kleptomancy or Summon Aerie for healsluts?
>Leona is the aspect of the Sun and has sun-based abilities
>Diana is the aspect of the Moon and has moon-based abilities
>Taric is the aspect of the Protector and has protection abilities
>Pantheon is the aspect of War and has warrior abilities
>Zoe is aspect of Twilight and has... sparkly bubbles and spell stealing?
explain this shit lolbabs
>Trying to do the courteous thing and wait my turn for mid to try out Zoe.
>Fags keep disconnecting whenever they aren't it and every game we finally settle I'm not mid.
I just want to try her out, why are people being complete faggots?
Summon aerie for every single champion that used windspeakers or dft it seems.
>one of the runes videos Riot just put up makes a joke about Phreak not having mana as Cait
>don't get the reference
>look it up
>its him getting killed by Tyler1
>Tyler1 yells like a fucking ape when he kills Phreak
I've never actually watched this guy; how does anyone stand him?
>My life isn't pic related
I bet your IQ is pretty high huh
just kidding!!
I dont want to duo with you!
Kill yourself~
I don't think so?
>Needing more than one wife
He got popular because all the streamers kept bitching about how much they hated inters in high Elo, and he was one name that came up a lot. He had like no following before all that controversy, maybe a few people who watched a draven one trick.
Any and all help is appreciated.
move here, no early fags allowed
>no new thread
>makes one 700 posts early
>P-please use my thread I really want /lolig/ in the title
I don't care for early threads but it beats you trying to push your stupid idea. If you don't want it to be so obvious it's you drop the reddit spacing.
>implying one isn't my waifu's friend that she brings along for fun
>no earlyfags allowed
>was posted almost the exact same time as this one
This thread was made at 40:15.
The /lolig/ thread was made at 40:12.
So both threads are early.
yeah, my point
>I just want to try her out, why are people being complete faggots?
Custom games with someone wanting to 1v1 zoes since both of you get to pick her and no one complains.
>play ranked
>lose 5 times
>jungler that fucked over all lanes by not ganking, everyone bitched at them
>mid gave enemy first turret gold and gave my enemy top laner his first kill
>mid fed enemy mid laner
>bot lane fed everyone
>bot lane was fucking useless overall and fed the jungling trundle into carrying
5 matches in a row im stuck with shitters and my mmr has been nuked, and got demoted
why the FUCK are there so many shitty players right now
How come my rank isn't reset?
I'm pretty sure it resets when the new season starts
>project vayne
>edgelord 9000
>gets a vehicle
>edgiest VO ever
holy shit please be in a loot box i don't even want elementalist lux anymore
people unironically think the season ended when it didn't
had someone say it to me in chat 3 days ago
they also forget that when your rank resets its dependent on the rank during preseason not when the season ended, therefore fucking up their placements
perfect example of ignorance
>jhin poster
Can someone post the standard rune page for attack speed based ADCs?
ad reds, armor yellows, mr blues, and attack speed quints is what i usually use. i don't play adc much though so not sure how good it is
>perfect example of ignorance
Alright boiz, now that the season is over post em and r8 em
how do i get a skin for quinn without paying money?
im not jewish i just want to not pay money