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Why do Horde players only attack people when they're alone and already in the middle of a fight?
everything is just so compartmentalized now. all the shit i liked about hunter is spread across three specs and i don't like any of them.
Reminder that Hitler would've been an Alliance main.
Darkspear never die.
going back to classic skins, you lose them all
something you know noothing about
because they want to kill you and killing you when you are vulnerbale is fasted way to kill and most efficient kill so you cant have high chance of back
If you transmog the artifact skin, you will have the appearance in your cat or bear form
Horde races:
>Undead: pretty cool with a unique model
>Trolls: not as cool but still decent with a unique model
>Tauren: pretty cool with a unique model
>Orc: pretty cool with a unique model
>Goblin: shit tier like the Gnome model
>Blood Elfs: bland but decent model, too close to humans though
Alliance races:
>Human: cool i guess if you like coming into a fantasy game to play a fucking human
>Dwarf: kinda cool if you like lore from other franchises like LOTR, etc
>Gnomes: some of the faggiest shit i've ever seen in a video game what is only rivaled by Goblins which still arent as faggot-tier due to the fact they arent bubbly little human models 1/3rd the size of a normal one
>Night Elfs: pretty decent look with a pretty decent model
>Draenai: pretty decent model with a unique look
Faction mutual:
>pandaren: gay as fuck and ill thought out, male models look like fat lumps of shit who cannot do anything, females look unrealistic as fuck, overall complete failure in the modeling department as much as i understand their reasoning
Prove me wrong, /wowg/, Alliance races are gay ass faggot tier shit compared to the Horde.
3/4ths of Alliance races are just fucked Humans models, quite fucking LITERALLY.
here's your (you), see you next thread
>Corrupted by demons
>Corrupted by Old Gods
>Corrupted by Old Gods
>Corrupted by demons
>Corrupted by demons
>Corrupted by demons and Old Gods
>Corrupted by demons
Warchief Garrosh Hellscream
>Mastered the power of an Old God without being corrupted
Is /our warchief/ the most mentally powerful character in Warcraft?
Those tusks are so fucking big, how can he talk?
decided i'm going to play, what do you do to get the free 4-7 days from mama blizzard?
I've been told to do it before but i dont know anything else
>adding very few new abilities
>no major gameplay changes
>player character is the main story character
Is BfA going to be another shit expansion? I really hope they don't fuck it up but going off what was taken from the recent interviews it looks like we're going to have another legion.
When will blizzard learn their lesson.
Besides Zandalari will any of the new races be able to be druids?
*proves u wrong*
fuck off anime shits
Game is F2P to level 20 forever. You can do PvP twinking and fuck around in low level zones, thats it.
Used to be a time limited trial but they got rid of that.
>victory or death!
>don't let the horde die here
so which is it hordecucks?
HM Tauren.
game is free to lvl 20, play around with the different classes until you find one you like. Classes don't play like they do at max lvl at 20, but you'll get an idea.
Classes are the best since I started playing (5.4)
Also the player character isnt the main at all, that was legion
no I heard if you contact support you can get a few days of subscription free so you can get a token or whatever
so i made an undead to see horde pov in the gilneas invasion
how many layers of plot armor does sylvanas have? how many does she have left?
nigga please classes aren't even really functional at level 20, it gives you absolutely no idea how they play.
Well yeah, if you've already got a character at 110, but if you don't know how to make the gold for a token you're not going to be able to do it in that time.
>still no new mekkatorque model
I want to say there's 3 valkyr left? I forget exactly how many she started Cata with
how do I find myself a draenei wife?
Elfs > Everything else
what phone is best for this game?
need to upgrade and wondering what seps the phone are for game, how many WOW app?
but at least I'd be able to play and get a feel for things again!
>mommy Jaina
>MILF Alexstrasza
The patricians at Blizzard have very good taste.
Can you still change models without getting banned?
Wait? People actually like how the classes play in legion? I thought it was more or less agreed on that the legion classes were shit, especially warlock, hunter and warrior.
I guess that means blizzard aren't going to change the classes. What other MMOs are fun?
>The burning of Teldrassil is the event that causes the Alliance to lay siege to the Undercity.
With a fix'd wow.exe, to my knownledge, yes
Seems like this Brewmaster alt is getting geared up pretty fast.
I quite like arms warrior
Only if it is a draenei horsecock you're adding
The absolute state of Hordecucks
I think I like leveling characters and fantasizing about what it'll be like at max level more than I actually like playing them at max level.
Horde shits need to be DISMANTLED
same here dude, i just keep restarting characters over and over
You're going to love WoW Classic then
when are you faggots going to fuck off
giv tribal gf
>I'll definitely make THIS one my main.
When you report and ignore them.
When mommy rapes me with her horsecock
when I get home from work and can actually play the fucking game.
Yeah me too sometimes, max level is just constant grinding of the same content until a new patch comes.
I think that's the current problem with WoW right now, leveling is fucking broken. I hope they fix it with 7.3.5
Is it bad that I'm actually more looking forward to classic than BfA. I don't think BfA has been looking too good and I used to play the shit out of nost and elysium.
go mr. hands yourself you fucking subhuman
It means you have autism, but that's ok.
tfw you'll never make it to the good times.
Genuily cannot wait to play out my favourite zones with lvl'ing without having to worry about not getting xp/heavily out lvling the zone
Already stacked up on Inky Black Potions to make Duskwood feel comfy
I need a Mommy and I need one RIGHT NOW
arthas wasnt corrupted speedplayer
Troll blue is best blue.
sipping some breakfast tea with honey for a short break from studying
only orcs say lok'tar ogar retard
The frost elementals guarding the sword and muradin clearly tell Arthas the sword is cursed then we later find out it consumed his soul
>wasnt corrupted
are these going to be NPC armors or player armors? because if this is alliance player armor, hot damn
i hope that blue cape thing is real
it's going to be a piece of blue cardboard glued to your back
how much are wow tokens at right now?
Take it to your blog kid
That's just concept art. You tell me if concept art from the past expansions became actual armor sets.
oh right, i forgot orcs are irrelevant in the current horde
what are you doing nigger?
>Rotating camera feels like it randomly spikes my DPI
O_O !!
Did the latest hotfix include stealth mouse acceleration or some sh*t!?
EU is at 293k
play wc3 again, oh wait you didnt
check the OP moran
297,000g EU
184,000g NA
>Saurang didn't shout LOK'TAR OGAR in the cinematic as he charged
One job. One fucking job to make that moment great and they didn't do it.
If you play a female character but are NOT a female you MUST reply to this post
and if you're a female playing a male character you have to reply to my post
pls be my gf
Hi, whats up user?
Do you think thats embarassing or something
I play exclusively dorf and gnome girls.
What did Blizzard mean by this?
Will I get >it today, /wowg/?
they should add girly mogs
patching ;_;
....that is a lot but thankfully i'm on NA
well wow token is out of the park, time to sell my body
thats me
that website wouldnt load the data for me for whatever reason
Literally 100% of my characters are female if you exclude a single orc warrior on a dead server that was the first character I ever got to 60 back in vanilla and then abandoned
>vanilla fags fell for Blizzard's trap
>vanilla fags will have to pay subscription
>subscription also involves the much hated retail
>money from vanilla fags will be used on development of future expansions
>retail is the ultimate winner
When you think you're a bull but you have been cuck all along...
I wonder how much people are actually going to pay a full price sub for Vanilla
>have to make stories up because this insecure
sure you win bro
Strength and Honor