/dlg/ - Duel Links General

Duel Links General #151

Rev up those cancer decks and make /dlg/ proud by becoming #1. The KC cup is about to start.

Last Thread: Latest News

>The KC cup will be starting tomorrow
>A new Main Box is out. (Gladiator Beasts might be good)
>Jesse Anderson is now roaming the GX part of Duel Links
>Champions Vigilance and Machine Angel Ritual was limited to 1, and Red Eyes Spirit was limited to 2.
>The Balance skill has been nerfed and the Creator skill now gives more meta relevant cards
>Pegasus and Paradox Bros. now appear at the gate permanently
>The KC cup will be starting on the 9th
>Espa Roba will be coming to DL in Mid November

Useful (Duel) Links
>sites with good info on LDs, skills, deck lists, beginner guides, etc. (Partially outdated but it's the best we've got.)

Android emulators

A few tips for new players
>Create and link a Konami ID to play on multiple devices and save your progress in case of a crash
>Turn your battery/power usage bar up to max in the settings menu for a smoother experience
>When sending Vagabonds, always choose the 1 card challenge because it gives the most XP
>There is no indication that Konami bans people for using the modded APK.
>Decide on what deck you want to build before spending gems.
>Level up Mai and Keith first to unlock Windstorm of Etaqua and Metalmorph
>Level up Alexis for a free Spell Shield Type 8

Other urls found in this thread:


First for the mother of Dragons.

You did buy her box, didn't you user?

I created the Ancient Gear deck so no one else can use it. Now stop copying my deck you unoriginal fags.

Sorry sweety, I've used it first.

Just crop some good porn instead of using this shit image.

>You did buy her box, didn't you user?
A furry and his money are soon parted

>not getting free gems from the friends in public chat

>not sucking their dicks for free


How to counter antimeta decks?
>massivemorph renders your monsters useless and clogs your field
>lava golem whenever they want to minus you two monsters and burn you
>3 fucking trap holes to clog your field
>burning land/masks to burn you after your field is clogged
>kuribohs and impenetrable attacks to defend them
>swordswoman may or may not be present and it ends the game

We need a fucking side deck for these fags.

Only with the new card

Nigga, just play 3SD Ninjas.

impenetrable attack and glads completely shit on weevil burn now, it shouldnt be an issue.

any examples I can use senpai? I just got this from last thread

give me a few dicklists and maybe I can build it.

Go nuts.


>ojama pajamas

DP19-JP024 おジャマパーティ Ojamaparty
Continuous Trap Card
You can only use each effect among the (1)st and (3)rd effects with this card’s name once per turn.
(1) During either player’s Main Phase: You can add 1 “Ojama” card or “Ojamuscle” from your Deck to your hand, then discard 1 card.
(2) If an “Armed Dragon” monster(s) you control (other than “Hardened Armed Dragon”) and/or a LIGHT Machine Fusion Monster(s) you control would be destroyed by battle or card effect, you can banish 1 “Ojama” card or “Ojamuscle” from your hand, field, or GY instead.
(3) If this card is sent to the GY: You can Special Summon as many of your banished “Ojama” monsters as possible.


Nothing good, darn.

And now to burn my PC.

me on the right


Gladiator Beasts actually seem fun and competitive

they were an actual meta deck IRL, id hope they would be

There's no MP2 in Duel Links, and they're missing the cards that made them competitive (Gyzarus, Darius, Chariot, Test Tiger, Prisma, etc).

>botanical girl's effect doesn't happen at the same time as fragrance storm

MP2 doesnt change much when youre not dropping gyzarus anyways

Konami will fear the samurai

It does as long as you dont draw a 2nd card retard

So I finally have the Paradox Bros and Elements Unite. What's the best Farm deck to make with them?

What should I get with my SR tickets? Don't have any of the RE shit, but I doubt I'll bother making it. Kinda thinking of going for the GK Recruiters.

Also, is there anything worth getting with the N/R tickets or just use them on random shit?

Red-Eyes shit because it will get a lot better when they release Fubuki, Red-Eyes Return and Fusion.

>implying Red-Eyes will get more support
That ship has sailed.

1 Piranha Army
1 Secret Pass
1 Riryoku
1 Gift of the Martyr
16 Draw/Deck Thin cards

Fubuki main monster is Red-Eyes and its a popular deck, of course it will get somekind of support eventually. Thank God I already have my Meteor B. Dragon set.

No GK Vassal?

Who Autodueling Jesse here? I almost got everything without playing.

Piranha + Martyr replaces Vassal + Union Attack.

just missing a couple tigers

GK vassal for that sweet sweet Effect Damage Only bonus.

Piranha is easier to pull of, but does not have that bonus.

NA NO NE is the best character.

Aside from Sergeant Electro, is there anything else I should keep a look out for in Flame of the Tyrant packs?

golden apples maybe

I'm going to take my new, innovative, and secret deck, Cyber Angels, to the KC Cup. Can't believe no one thought of this.

The SR magician for the Black Magician meme decks.

i'm tempted to just buy the sr-packs during the sale to get that goddamn wall of disruption

only that and mecha dragon are left in my box

That's not how it works

omfg this guy. is he supposed to be Italian or something speaking Japanese?


French nanone

he is meant to be a japanese pizzaboo

He's the best character with the best monsters.

Kaiba comes second though

What the hell?
>EVERY minibox has 'of' in its name
>Yet NONE of the main boxes do
Is this some Japanese thing

>Is he supposed to be Italian speaking Japanese?
Yes. He's even a Medici.

>naninani no naninani
its pretty common but always translates as a possessive


He's french but he got a fancy italian name followed by japanese battle cry NANONE

Further elaborate?

>t. brainlet

its quiet in here

We should... I don't know, duel?

That's the point, right?


>Tfw I want Half-Shut for my Gladiator Beasts
>But I already have 3 walls and 2 Senjus, yet 0 HS
Should I drop my gemmies for it anyways?
I want to play GB's in the KC cup

There are multiple people that have reported being able to get to KoG without any Half Shut.

>Jesse attacks my face down Kidmodo with Tiger while I already have one face up BEWD on the field that can kill it next turn

Jesse is strange.

half shut is good but its not mandatory.

>Jesse prefers to attack my King Ojama in attack position instead of my Ojamas in defense position

Is Jesse the most idiot NPC yet?

That's not the KC Cup.

Half Shut isn't just good for Glad Beasts. You can take it into the damage step which makes you able to attack anything. It's the single best card for Glad Beasts.

Dead game

You wish cuck

loses to rush headlong though, unlike impenetrable attack.

Jesse just wants you to fuck his boipussy.

I want to build some good warriors, is it possible?

It's a good thing SRH has fallen off then, huh. It fucks Glad Beasts up in general.

>12 hours till KC cup

Could do what I did.
>Field of the Warriors
>Buncha Lv 4 Vanilla Warriors
>Knight of the Red Lotus
>Battleguard King
>Marinating Captain
>Some Warrior-locked Equips
>Staples as desired
Does decently.

KoG worthy? No. But Joey's field skill makes them a decent raw beatdown up to plat.

Might try something like that, gotta buy the deck then first for the captains

>SRH has fallen off
Why is this? I feel like I slap people's shit when I use it and they didn't even see it coming

I'm erect.

Too bad there's no realistic way of summoning him without MP2.
The whole GB extra deck is pointless. Instead of going into any of them a turn later, you could have just won the duel with what you had on the board. 4000 LP was a mistake.


The 2 Generic GB Fusion is pretty good for cucking things like Wall of D, Lava Golem, Massivemorph, Mask of the Accursed, Pretty much Weevil Burn's entire deck rofl

I just had a Nephthys nigger topdeck like a god for six turns straight and win because of it
I'm so fucking tilted I hate this game

How's silver?

Wait until I get into Platinum and you will eat my Phoenix flaming cock as you shallow the ashes and it rebirths inside of your tummy faggot

Dakini. It attacks over everything in the meta so it'll still kill your monster through SRH with MAR. It's safer to use with the limit, but no one altered their lists.

Platinum still has several of them and I fucking hate that deck

So what IS meta this season so far?

I still have war flashbacks from the Phoenix/Red eyes season right before CA came. I fucking hate Phoenix because I always depend on backrow.

is jesse hinted to being homo? his rainbow cards and the evil fem card thinking Jaden loves him make him feel pretty homo

I run into a ton of burn but I haven't had the time to crawl out of Plat yet.

Yubel is just full-on Yandere. She calms down a lot.

>wait till I get into platinum
Well of course you will beat me then since I'll have already died of old age

Cyber Angel and Red Eyes Zombie are still T0 even after the nerf. If you thought Phoenix and Red eyes were bad, you will probably drop the game because of Cyber Angels. Once they get their engine going they can't be beat

Don't want to hear you crying when we duel then, you smug faggot

>tfw no yandere demon gf

Does a latefag moralfag have any chance of making /dlg/proud in KC cup?
I know CA decks are the easiest f2p to get, but I can't even grind alexis consistely

I have been saving my gems just for this

What about it?

Just spend 200 bucks and get Glad Beasts
Make us proud goy I mean user

Pegasus you one-eyed bastard.
Just give me your UR already.
I've spent like 1500 keys in 2 days.
