Fuck making a new thread edition
/dg/ - Destiny General
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first for no friends on pc
Femtitans best
>tfw a coworker friend plays the game solo on ps4
I wish I could do stuff with him, since I have a group of friends I play with on PC, but it's not like someone can just go out and throw hundreds of dollars into buying a computer to play one game.
What Sword do you guys use for PvP? Is It Stared Back still the best one?
Will this thread be more active with the "expansion"?
I can be ur friend m8
If I can't use the hunter sword cause I'm not on hunter I never use a sword.
do shaders change the way exotics like nighthawk or raiden flux change their glow?
So, let me get this straight. I'm at 273 now. I do my weekly milestones or exotic quests (haven't done any yet) to get a higher power piece of gear. Then I either use or infuse it, and that will bump up my power. From there, I can either get purple drops that have gone up a couple points and upgrade my gear a couple points to bring all of my gear up, or do another milestone/exotic quest for an even higher power item.
It seems that while it may take longer, getting the big bump from one item then bringing the rest of my items up with the higher level drops would probably be better for my progression in the long run.
I know that some shaders will change the glow on synthoceps arms, so it'd be reasonable to assume that other o\exotics behave the same way.
Funny when a teammate causes it to happen
Less funny when a Phalanx somehow smashes you into the ground and oneshots you from full health.
After an upgrade I usually go find a vendor to check the engram level which should be the kind of drop I can expect, then I check if any of my gear has a LL lower than that (unmodded) and grind until I find a piece of that level.
Good fashion tips for using actium war rig?
Use a better looking chest.
Completely new, while looking for info/reviews, I watched some angry autist on youtube and the angry spic. What turned me off the most was that they both said the game was retard tier easy (except some later parts). Is it still like that?
Pretty sure Angry Alejandro didn't even do the raid.
And I won't either most likely because no friends so I'm only interested in the solo content and stuff you can get grouped with randoms.
I thought the same would be for me, but I tried it blind with a group of guys from here and it was top fun desu
>asking if a game is too easy while expecting to not do endgame content
Calling this game difficult is a joke.
Any player missing out on the raids is simply not getting their money's worth imo.
The fact that you post here means you can join players here for a run or just go to lfg.
>The fact that you post here means you can join players here
>anonymous posts vs posting your name and doing stuff together
You do not comprehend the power of the 'tism.
Anyone else expecting Halo odst like spin offs after halo 3?
Uh, Destiny 3 I meant.
fuckin ugly
what gun is this, destiny 1 ?
Some kinda exotic from d1, yes
>tfw no thorn bf
outbreak prime exotic tied to the rise of iron raid
Wait isnt maintenence going on
the limit becomes infusion cost. generally just waiting for better purples to drop is better than trying to infuse a blue: you'll end up +3 shards for dismantling the old purple instead of spending 4 shards and some glimmer for the infusion from a blue.
after a few weeks and getting most of the exotics i had hundreds of legendary shards and nothing to do with them except infuse stuff i knew i'd get an upgrade for the next week anyhow.
the game wasn't finished. the currency economy sucks.
and why do i have to turn in every token and planet resource manually? why is there no "turn all in now" button? why doesn't it just up my rep automatically and only pulse the rep turn in npc when i've got rewards? why the fuck even have planetary rewards if they're just shitty tokens?
Is there a discord for PC players that isn't clan-specific? I can't/won't join a vg clan, mainly due to being in one made by RL friends, but I'd still like to have some options when I'm looking for groups to do stuff.
>infusion cost
nigga it's like 1 shard for weps and 4 shards for amor
I'd play with you but it'd only be on sun/mon/tue
Last time asking, just to be sure.
Should I get it for solo and content that can be done with randoms?
Current thoughts: No
You can join mine. Just a bunch of assholes from LFG that I’ve run the raid with. Enough to ping the chat and get a bunch of member for a run before checking LFG. Add RetCon#1862 and I’ll put you in when I get home from work.
You can't queue with people in-game for Nightfall Strikes and Raid so no.
Stop being a little pussy ass bitch and use a LFG Discord server/website.
The best content is the raids, which you CAN NOT do solo, no matter how high level you are or what weapons you have. You will either: not be able to complete certain challenges set before you, or you will constantly die over and over because you are fighting enemies that are just as high level as you all fighting only you at the same time.
There is a good amount of single player content, and single player random match ups for some of the PVE/PVP content, but it's not worth it if you aren't going to group up.
If you want to play, try and get the game from a keysite for cheaper or something. Or just suck it up and do LFG (no argument that you shouldn't just be able to do it in the game) for the team content.
I regularly play with randoms and the solo stuff is alright just a bit easy
Just join this clan and play with us
>Get Random invites from Russians on my hunter
cyka blyat, stalker
Because they knew the economy was garbage and had to artificially extend game life. I understand what they were going for with their system, but that doesn't make it any less shit, with essentially turning it into gacha game, if you're familiar with that term. But even then there are systems in place for those games so duplicates have a purpose. I'm actually concerned this is something that isn't going to see a major overhaul until the third DLC, because of how much the main dev team made the game circle around it.
it's a fun shooter for 10 hours or so
I played the pve for 10 hours before realizing that nothing gets any harder and i'm wasting my time
Played pvp for 30 hours until I figured out that you can't hide from the minimap. Realized that wallhacks are on 24/7 making different playstyles impossible since MIDAs ADS keeps the minimap on at all times and everyone uses that weapon to wallhack while aiming. Once you've played one round, you've played them all
I'd say wait a bit and see if the next expansions fix the game
Can you check total playtime in the Battlenet launcher thingy like you can on Steam?
no but you can here:
>Nioh will be finished by tomorrow, maybe later today
Fuck it, not worth it. I guess the reason I can't let go is because it sounds like something I really want then I learn more about it and I realize it isn't and that it's fucked in various ways and just disappointing. Even if I had a group, solo is just going to be worse.
I hit the cap for NM turn ins and got everything but the gauntlets. Is there no way to get them once you reach the cap?
How many recovery mod types are there in the game?
Warlock bond and titan legs I know of...
But what else?
What's the cap anyway?
You sound like a massive faggot.
Please kill yourself.
Anything operator. Alternatively go for pieces that complement the large "belly" created by the War Rig's pouches, as opposed to the usually empty midsections of many sets.
I think it's 30(600 tokens) engrams but I'm not positive. All I know is that I only get shaders now
Congratulations, that's it.
It's all legs not just titan legs by the way.
So the faction rally is over already? It was only yesterday? I can't make another character and join another faction anymore?
>have one char in DO, but want the explosive handcannon
>made another char.
>though the gun was in NM so joined in with NM and grinded but nothing
>later find out I made a stupid mistake and that gun is actually in FWC
wew, kill me
Yup it’s over better luck next time
any good weapons from dead orbit?
Dire Promise if you want a shitty Old Fashioned
Guiding Star if you want a shitty Scathelock
Whatever that fucking veist scout rifle is maybe
The only gun worth talking about in the entire faction rally is The Number from FWC
The Number is a shitty Uriel's.
Anyone for a PC Nightfall?
Dire promise isn't anything like old fashioned past its model.
I will be tonight, but I'm too shy to use mic.
I've got the number twice from random engrams, once before the rally even started. Is that really the only good gun?
I'll with ya don
Sorry my dudes just found a group.
Actium War Rig + High-Impact Reserves
All good, forgot I completed all mine already lulz
Man, synthoceps are probably the best PvP exotic for titans right now, and I barely see anyone with it equipt.
If you want to be optimal, all the faction guns are bad. I'm still hoping for a Dire Promise because it looks fun, though. It's not like you need to be optimal 100% of the time in this game.
>melee in pvp
>Not being able to jump over-head, and then lunge straight into the enemy, while dropping a grenade to kill anyone surrounding you
It's like you're shit at the game, or something.
Store all of your gear, delete your character, and make a new one, then grind to 20 and do it all over again.
He's trolling
Are transversive steps good for pvp?
It's the best.
is true prophecy just meta devils but better?
>You sound like a massive faggot.
Wanna be my bf user?
We can cuddle. :3
>better better devils
more like
worstest devils
super funny to switch the clans in the op
who over did that please kill yourself
Is there a more fun weapon?
Anyone interested in a pc eu raid?
my dick
He said weapon, not joke article.
why are ps cucks so insecure?
>pump action
>more fun than full auto
his(Female) dick
pump action is way more satisfying
So I just got to that secret lobby, and I scanned that journal thingy, but it doesn't really make too much sense for someone who never played the first Destiny. Who the fuck is Ana Bray?
PC EU Raid 3/6
So the number in an Exo's name is their iteration? Like the number of times they've been reset?
Yes, however some of them choose not to put the number in their name, like Cayde.
>cayde 6
The Breys created the technology to make Exos, and she is thought to be the first one to be able to use the golden gun.