Manly edition
Old thread
Manly edition
Old thread
>tfw predator skarner
>run in a like a mad man at fertile waifus
>rape them infront of their eyes with 5000 ms
>if they flash i still have my own flash
>they cant do anything but watch me pentrate them and drag them to myteam for further gangraping (were all void creatures)
What keystones for Jhin?
post the ones you got!!!
Been playing GOTTA GO FAST taliyah, also tfw no epic skin because I never bought rune pages
I aint wasting my precious blue essence on that shit.
Give me that retarded cupcake icon, reeee
Keystones for Elise?
Same bruh.
I want Nami to smother me with her fishpussy!
the press attack thingy
>6k for ward skin
>120k for chromas
Is the random mystery champ for 4k BE a limited time offer or not?
Warrior Kingdoms Garem
Blood Moon Jhin
Star Guardian Ahri
Infernal Diana
Dark Star Orianna
Rate my free skins / 10
Shit meme just like your life
and has NOTHING to do with league of legends
why would you post this pick?
legacy lol servers when?
retarded meme that doesn't exist in real life
I'm playing a preseason tourney tomorrow, can I get some suggestions for a team comp/just op champs this patch in each role?
repostan from last t. supportslut
>ip overhaul gonna give me insane amount of free shit
>new qt loli champ that covers like 4 of my fetishes
>fixed shitty rune system
fuck, I was hoping i had finally escaped this shit game. give me ONE reason I should not reinstall right now.
are the shards from this unlockable without blue essence?
56k blue essence spent
36k on chromas
20k on Icons, the Kat icon came last
8/10. Infernal Diana is utter trash, rest is neat.
So how's the new thunderlord?
I love Riven! My cute and perfect wife!
ezreal adc
cant say for sure if its op or not but bard with hextech freezeray was raping left and right in my game
any tank/bruiserbab top
same for jungle
any mage mid
because i selected wrong image on accident
there's hot ahegaos and silly ones
Ahri is League of Legends.
>he never made a girl ahegao irl
Are you a virgin or do you just have a small penis?
How exactly does Dark Harvest work? Generally I haven't considered picking it up because I HATE farming when I could be killing.
Supposedly the more you kill the more dmg you get per stack?
Tiger Udyr for Physical dmg jungle, TK for support or top (grasp), Ultimate Hat Vayne for bot, Kayle for top and Lux for mid.
Can't be used for poke anymore it's strictly for all-ins because of the CD.
It's leauge
>Warring Kingdom
That shit is Legacy and 2nd best Garen skin
You got a steal bro.
Now post the hot one. AnT is retarded with his ahegao.
>Are you a virgin or do you just have a small penis?
i have standards and don't fuck weeb girls who watch too much anime/jap porn
they are, but they give you just champ shard, they don't give you entire champ.
who else /notapoorfag/
So both. Sucks to be you.
why the fuck can i only make 2 custom rune pages
nice projection
>tfw a sudden bunch of Renektons came out of the woodwork to fuck my shitty top laner's day
You can edit them in matchmaking, there's no reason you ever need more than 1
havent played since about march, is this still the League of Waveclear and Lethality?
Swain teaser when
Sounds like you only owned 2 rune pages before. You have to buy more.
I want vladfag to waterboard me with her filthy gypsy pussy
>making girls ahegao irl
Or I could watch a cringe comp, what's the difference?
>play a FREE game for enough time to earn enough BE to buy urfwick
>not poor
Rune Pages are still in the game. You can just have one for the role you like and customize the other one.
Because you only had 2 rune pages before. You either need to buy more pages or work with those two in champ select
>200BE away from new champ
>lv30 with 10% exp
Fuck the system
where's your skin m8
>implying NuSwain will anything like Tywin
You just KNOW that he's gonna be Runeterra's version of Trump
bought in s1 for 50 rp
They give a permanent champ shard for a champ you dont already have and also the possibilty to grant an extra random champ shard
Brand is my favorite champion
This season is gonna be a ride
Every page is 6200BE
Riot explicitly stated they will model him after Tywin.
of course a virgin poorfag would buy it at its cheapest
Positing from last thread since nobody got it. Favourite champion is Ahri
>Alright, the new system's in.
>Let's play a game.
>Awesome, we won.
>Oh, I got Dragonslayer Xin Zhao.
>Oh, I got a fuckton of essence.
>Oh, I got honor 5.
Man, maybe I should play the lottery today.
What is Sonas cup size?
just bought the last champ i didn't own and have enough mystery champ shards for the next 5 champs riot decides to release
hows preseason treating you lads?
lulu getting double teamed by pix and aeie hentai WHEN
>I never fucked a girl so hard her eyes rolled back so that means this never happens irl
the state of /lolg/ right now
Leona is screwed early game as far as adaptive stat goes for damage/snowballing potential-- it goes to AP rather than AD when her damage output is primarily physical pre-6 due to AQA and all the other basic attacks she slings out with spells on cd
if riot gave relic shield 5 bonus ad I'd be ecstatic
speaking of relic shield, the enhanced auto on proccing things with tier 3 items is 100% broken on equinox and face of the mountain
Did I make good page for Twitch?
Hey I'm retarded and dropped one of like 7 images I have
sorcery runes are fucking garbage
RIP my main
>play a game
>don't know what I'm doing
>no one knows what they're doing
I don't really want to play anymore, see you in a few weeks
source or you're lying
>tfw cant buy it because i got all champions so i cant even stockpile those shard for next champions
Me Tywin
Me old
Family, Blood, Dishonor, some shit like that
Me oldfashioned
Me ruthless psycopath that kill whole clan while it rain
Me like to suc my own dic a bit tu mucch
The new rune system is bullshit fun. You can create huge pressure just by using the tower rune and destroying shit faster. Also
>1000 Blue Orb
>20k Blue Orb
>Steel Legion Garen skin
I love Camille
can't wait to play her with the new runes!
Please refrain from using pictures of my wife for shitposting, thank you.
the only thing you listed that was based on chance was the xin skin
Riot explicitly stated that Swain will no longer be a master tactician
get the lethaliy for leaving stealth you nigger
Isn't it chance that I got honor right now?
you watch too much porn
>patch hits
>my visibility/transparency hud is incompatible now
Wait, so I have to play a game to get my promised rewards? I don't get them instantly? Reeeee
Althought 14K blue essence is nice to buy the missing champions
you forgot that he owes the jews a shit ton of money
>when you don't realize the old thread hit cap
as i was saying
nice fucking game
>play all day
>finally hit lvl 31
>champion capsule
>2x annie shard, teemo shard, trist shard
>worth 720 BE total
that doesn't seem good
Oce bro here, been playing lulu mid it is disgusting with runes
kneel peasant
I mean neither is Tywin
so should i just spend all of my essence on this and activate one whenever a new champ gets released?
i own all the champions
F cup isn't actually that big
>I never fucked a girl
electeroCUTE >:3
Bots covers it as all wells.
not really, you were going to get it eventually, you just couldn't see when
Tywin is a master tactician, though.
What is he else? Lord of Change?