Hug edition
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I don't know what to farm for and it's making me not play
What's the most expensive unvaulted prime piece right now? I need to get my merchant on.
Are the Raptors fucked or something?
Farm for me. I'll play Nezha and encourage you, you give me plat.
Its not that much of a grind, I got it really easily in about an hour. The real question is "is it worth the wait?"
I'll give you 2 plat per "encouraging" picture of yourself you send me.
Whats this shit about a new Ghoul Warframe?
Maybe like three years ago. The only places getting up in arms about it now are the forums and reddit, who are so far behind the curve it's not even funny.
Joke's on you, I have 400 copies of the same picture and I'm gonna send them all to you in bulk, before you can tell me you don't accept duplicates.
You weren't here last thread.
Got it wrong mate. Theres a new old cat lady warframe that revolves around slash damage.
Then theres the new grineer ghoul enemies that will pop out of the ground and have explosive shields attached to them. They're basically the reject clones we never saw before.
No one's up in arms about it because we know DE's incompetent and is going to stall it out for as long as possible. Rather than wasting energy trying to change it, let the riled up masses, which is the majority of the people in the argument, do it for us.
DE's going to do their absolute best to make the entire ordeal take as long as physically possible before they eventually cave.
Can someone price these for me?
False alarm, damn.
Just want a Grineer frame
> -magazine capacity on paris
How's that going to work? Fire half an arrow?
I know negative fire rate literally prevents you from firing, that's for sure
New Grineer genetic rejects that are ambush fighters that will be showing up in the plains at some point in the future. Think of the suicide dudes from Serious Sam, but hiding in the ground and waiting for you.
Not just slash damage, she's like a physical version of Chroma changing between Impact, Puncture, and Slash (IPS), Plus an exalted whip and her own kavat that is a skill rather than a companion.
that wouldn't make any sense unless they injected some deep ass lore explaining how tyl regor isn't dead and he found a way to make a warframe that doesn't copy existing orokin tech
but we have universal vaccum user...
I want them to stop with the exalted shit
They could just lazily write away his death like they did with Alad V
Lets do that!
>you werent here last thread where i tried to get wfg to agree universal vac is needed in the game
>wfg points out the flaws of having it
>starts shit back up in the next thread
go back
I like to swing my taters butt in front of other warframes in cetus.
Fucking pedos
I wasn't that guy, I just saw a bunch of people arguing about it, as well as some other bollocks, I didn't read your arguments because I wasn't the slightest bit interested.
You know, given how much you hate Universal Vacuum, and how much you love to say it's not happening in /wfg/, you sure love to start shit.
And I know you're starting shit because you post that autistic picture every single time.
I haven't jewed people before in this game. How often to people buy corrupted mods (the good ones, that is)?
I've got a ton lying around because I actually find vault runs to be fun, and now I need to cash them in.
>S3 defence.
Univac is proof that retardation knows no borders, with /wfg/ being the epicenter.
Not too lazy with Alad V, and with Grineer they can always just use cybernetics to rebuild them.
You're proving the exact same thing, given that you honestly think people are stupid enough to not realize when you're samefagging
Finally fucking got Blood Rush. Time for some red crits.
>XB1 Plains of Eidolon Update: Status (Launching Nov 14!!)
So.. cyst event next Tuesday?
First time I've been accused of samefagging in a while.
>"there can't be more than one person opposing my backwards argument! There just cant!"
pls post nidus builds
Post your grindan tunes.
pre-teen eyes wide shut party
>univac is retarded
Nigger please
Reminds me of that 90s movie "Kids". Don't look it up.
post rare tyl regors
how many more times are you going to ask for a nidus build. if you couldnt read the 20 replies you gotten over the same of 2 weeks surely one more wont help.
Max strength to at least 314% and throw on Stretch
Put on vitality and steel fiber if you want them
Maybe throw on some duration for his 4 if you like that
Put whatever you want for the rest
That's about it, he's not too complex
Can I spam bounties for the gara neuroptics or are they a one time completion reward chance every 24 hours like Syndicate missions.
Too bad
Already did
Standing once per rotation, reward is as many times as you can stand.
BTW, Reddit just banned r/incels so expect jews and WE WUZ to get mentioned a whole lot more in this thread.
>literally just clone him
Just wait for them to remove the vacuum mod and say 3 meters is enough.
they're not super specific about the grineer cloning process but I assume that tyl regors are serendipitous events that occur only once every few trillion copies
mom bought wings instead of tendies, and now this?!?!?!?
go back
>The Void has blessed us with 280 characters! We will not waste this gift and use it to bring down the Grineer Empire and Corpus.
Think about it this way: it's easy to reproduce a specific entity, with low odds of mutation.
It's not easy to create a mutation through cloning, but it's easy to clone an existing mutation.
Anyone want any of these before I endo them in two hours before I get back from class?
the what now?
If this was the Volt skin would you be happy?
No. I'm never happy.
Certain twitter accounts are getting their tweet length doubled from 140 to 280.
reddit's /r9k/ satellite
I bet it's only verified accounts.
pfff. But thanks for the info.
Bump, still want some appraisal.
I heard it depends on the number of followers, but probably. Not all verified are getting it though evidently.
What are you guys favorite loadouts?
No I mean just create a direct copy of Tyl Regor using his existing genetic data.
no, but is miles better than the shit we will get
generic valkyr with catclaw prime and pirate's cannon
Legit question. How is it bad? You not having to run around for minutes looking for potential good mod drops, how is that bad? The game is about speed. Not fucking slowly combing the lands looking for that one rare mod that dropped. Univac makes the game faster. There can only be greed in hopes of driving fucking plat sales for mods that would make someone dislike it.
Mirage or Nova?
So why don't people use this build? Its better at taking down stuff with loads of armour
Mirage for multishot and blind
Nova for making enemies go fast (or slow if you're into that sort of thing, I'm not judging).
Wait isn't that the guy who made the Mag, Trinity, Rhino and a few others deluxe skins? He was the one they got the Mesa concept from when Mesa was a dude.
Guys what do you think about AGayGuyPlays? I've watched videos about him how he drives almost every youtuber leave the game and makes full SJW agenda in game and if you against it, you getting banned. Does anyone else thing it's time for us to drive him to suicide? It's won't be hard since he is already mentally ill
Sobek with both the Syndicate mod and Acid Shells, and Ash with high duration and Zenurik shenanigans. Pop invisibility every time you have to ensure that 4s loading time.
Ignore me, I might be retarded. I don't think it is faster at taking down bombards than this build
damn I really want to fuck that tharja's mouth
>making enemies go fast
What does this mean? I am kinda new to the game
I like the art, it looks great, but thematically it does not fit into the WF universe. The ornate style sticks out in sharp contrast to the post solar apocalypse that befell the system.
It does not even look orokin, it looks cool, but really stands out for no good reasons.
Nova's 4 with power strength under 100 instead of slowing enemies down makes them go really fast. It makes farming endless missions much faster due to them running into whatever murder ball you have set up.
Can confirm that I am retarded.
He use to be good back when he did scripted videos, because when he tries he is actually smart.
But now he just records himself playing and talking
AGGP is a cancer on this community. Do it
Yes. He also did the BETTER Ember skin.
Is it worth going range on Gara for more splinter storm range or nah.
Besides the right foot looking like a literal dildo, that would have been fucking amazing instead of the hot garbage we got.
If today we don't get a hotfix that fixes Archwing in the plains being shit, I'm gonna be real mad
>identity politics
Into the trash it goes, it's fine to be gay, it's not fine to be one dimensional
??? that is what we got it's the Mag deluxe skin
there is one particular retard that is against univac, using the word "crutch" to describe everything that he hates because it's popular.
in time you will recognize this crutch guy, and learn to no engage with him.
he's just trying to fight with someone.
Oh right, god I need to sleep been up too long. But yeah I still stand by that basically anything would be better.
>it's fine to be gay