play lulu mid edition
new runes
yadda yadda
play lulu mid edition
new runes
yadda yadda
xth for my wife Syndra
xth for breast metal waifu
Second for Riven
Magical Unicorn Pussy
have you guys found anything busted yet?
Assassinbabs are the most retarded
Junglebabs are the most delusional
No old thread link?
Reminder that you should be maxing E on Hella Rimz and building tiamat to clear the jungle as fast as possible, stacking your dark harvest and poacher knives as quickly as you can.
new runes and the biggest think riot fucks up has nothing to do with them
yes but Ill only tell you the one everyone already knows, klepto ezreal
>fantasy game
>no qt necromancer champ
the fugg
We've talked about what runes are shit, strong or OP.
But what's your favorite rune, /lolg/?
I want Nami to smother me with her fishpussy!
7 for a new healslutname
>tfw can't play taric top anymore
rip :/
Other than chromas, is urfwick the only skin you can buy with be?
What can you expect for a dumb Lulufag?
>Vayne with Press the Attack
Fill me in, who is broken with new runes?
NOTE: You must post your elo before giving your opinion. Any rank below Diamond 3 should not have any opinion on game balance.
You called it.
Yorick is cute and is literally a necromancer user.
Dolphin Snatch
lethal tempo is such an awful rune
everytime someone procs it people either disengage or they know they can kill the adc so they dont even bother
its only semi decent on adcs with chase potential and even then its bad
no skele allowed
Ravenous Hunter
>30% Spellvamp
You already got it.
Is the guy who was talking about really liking lux and her jackpot skillshots still here? Lux is fine for ranked, go for it. If you like her, I might also suggest Taliyah, who has a W->E combo which is similar in chunking half of your laning opponent's health and she also has utility like Lux does
ch-cheese, you say?
gold 3v3 player here
ornn is busted now
we already have two necromancer champs. Morde is a lich and summons
ghosts, and yorick raises zombies.
I said HUG!
>No idea what skin I got from my new chest thing I got for playing my first game as a Vet.
>No chest in my loot page
leona feels ridiculous with aftershock
Is the old lolg colaborative page which name was based on the Saintvicious meme dead?
Old thread:
d-doesn't count also pic related
>this site says you should go resolve second on renekton
>when you could be going domination with sudden impact and ravenous hunter
yeah twitch is an exception i guess since he has 800 range and the element of surprise
is this good for rakan?
top/tank babs are the most autistic
>lethal tempo kayle
>you literally cannot do shit but run especially in lane where you get assfucked for free
they either nerf it or the meta will be hard cc
Newfag missing half the champs here.
Anyone done any math on the shard+unlocking now? Is it cheaper than just buying 4800+6300's?
Not everything needs to please your dick you fucking waifu faggot.
>no runes feel good on Jhin
>no runes feel good on Kled
Sivir feels really comfy with PTA.
AA W AA for the rest lets her proc it faster than any other adc, and after that just throw your Q out for massive fucking damage.
Even if you get poked a bit while trying to get into range you'll end up on top.
switch them up and you're golden
Any Camillefags got a good Camille page yet? The removal of Fervor stings hard but I found success with either Press the Attack or Aftershock. Even adapted a new build with Triforce and Black Cleaver.
So any pages worth mentioning for her or similar champs like
>Comet Riven
Shyvfag is a heal slut.
Dark Harvest.
Proc it with your fourth shot for insane damage.
t. got wrecked by a dark harvest jhin on bot
Spicy Guacamole
How does Dark Harvest even work
>press the attack Jhin
>first 3 shots increase your damage
>grenade + 4th shot gets 12% bonus
Arcane Comet seems fucking hard as shit to dodge when Lux's E triggers it, the tiny bit of slowing it does lasts just long enough to make it hard
>My game now crashes my graphics card 30 seconds into a game every time
Well shit.
>your new balance is 124k
>doesnt show i got the other 65k blue essence
wow epic meme lol
Nami is my love
>dont read the popup
>OMFG GUYS WHAT IS GOING ON?!?!?!?!!~~!!11
Press the attack has to be the same target though, that happens rarely in teamfights
which champion is the biggest bitch in the game
like if you decide you want to trade you're denied by cc and the champ moves as far away as possible before you can move again, and this is how the champ is intended to be played
will the blue essence market be here forever?
pay denbts
These roll posts are getting really out of hand
Serious talk, /lolg/.
I'm conflicted on the new runes.
Not sure what to run on Elise/Eve jungle.
I want to take Electrocute with my secondary line being Sorcery with Scorch, but when my ping was shitting out on me early today as I played Zyra supp, the enemy Kayn had Predator and Mobis. Fucker was zipping through the map blowing shit up because of adaptive damage.
How effective would that be on Elise?
do you guys think lulu would ult both pix and aerie for some double teaming action when shes bored
Helps you kill tanks which is the one thing he really struggles with.
If NOTHING else you can just go neo warlords for the movespeed.
Its me or in the end if you look in champ history RUNE page every damage keystone have similar numbers. Tried diffrent things on same champions and numbers are same
click on the patch notes tab, the answer is no
my draven
*laughs in Demacian*
Broken AP mid laners to abuse with new runes
Experiment on your own, get creative you lazy fuck
>Already have urfwick
>got conqueror of the league so could care less about essence emotes
>Have top beta tester icon which I'll never remove to keep mega oldfag cred
So what the fuck is a grandpa supposed to spend this 300k essence on?
> AP mid laners
They die to Zed 2 autos
>Just recently came back to the game last week
>Mfw these new changes
>Literally NO IDEA what I'm doing
Holy shit I need a quick rundown.
Lux is a monster at kinting and really just wants to hide offmap to land her 1shot combo so is the correct answer I guess.
I do love her though.
>The smurf I bought got so much blue essence
holy FUCK
gemstones, chromas, and ward skins
>tfw no qt petite gf
every ap midlaner
there is so few mr in the game now that it doesnt matter
theyll fix it though
>start game
>cant change runes or buy items
>reprot this jnuglr 0 gank 0 item noob
Phase Rush
Can move enemies with TK further than a fucking blitz hook even.
>top beta tester
What's that icon look like, gramps?
I wanna sing cheesy love songs with Lulu!