>Heroes FAQ and Links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
>Heroes FAQ and Links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
I like this one more.
What is the best boon and bane for henry?
>needs a blessed armor to be op
Reminder that Karel is /ourguy/
+spd -hp
>not spics thread
>chad black knight
>not fire emblem heroes general
this is the correct thread
I need help /feg/. I'm forever in tier 19 > 18. How do I become rank 20? I can't seem to get fights that go past +696. I have a +1 Hector with summoner support and Anna as a bonus unit.
What do I do? Most of my units are rated 186 without seals.
The next banner will be Thracia as Leif is the only Lord (Read: Lord) not in the game.
What sort of busted powercreep do you think he'll have?
This is a cool OP. Definitely staying no matter the other one's reply count.
le negro knight AKA reddit’s wallace
He'll have scrolls
I got a Thicc and Less clothed (+HP -Def) Red Mage Pussy. How do I build her, she's the only I have and I need at least a single good red mage
Elincia banner!
Nobody gives a shit about brown hair Roy so he'll just another cucked infantry sword.
>reddit’s wallace
>gamefaq's Hannibal
Yeah, this isn't Fire Emblem Heroes General
So let's talk about nothing but Fire Emblem Heroes
690 per round is enough to tier 20 enter, though higher scale ones becoming more favorable as more people enter 20 rotation. Just stop getting killed.
You need merges, high bst (Hector is good) and expensive skills like Aether or DC
He's the trashcan armour man, also known as Reddit's Black Knight. Ares "The Black Knight" is Our Black Knight
Do you have other generals for epic armor buffs?
Who should get my last fury 3
Who's ready for the next big mobage?
Post cute
-hp +spd, att, res for HHenry
-spd +def, att for Henry
Life and Death, Renewal, Ardent, Draw Back, Reposition, Draconic Aura
lad renewal
Not an argument, faggot.
there are still people who don't understand the difference between desperation and BA.
there are still people who don't know what wrathful staff and hardy bearing do.
this is why "what does atk+3 do" became a short-lived meme.
because of you tards.
Stay mad faggot. Now go and cry about it
Is Celica a lord? You do realize that "lord" is not exclusive to the title of a character's class, right? Evidently not.
What's her IV's, /feg/?
What FE game do you want to talk about user?
nice reddit spacing, fehgfag
>a loser
>reddit’s wallace
this meme is getting out of hand
>Is Celica a lord?
No, she's a priestess, as you've pointed out.
Do you have a point to this user?
What does the Luck stat even do? Does it vary from game to game? Because my Micaiah refuses to raise anything but Luck
>-atk Katarina
Should I even try to build her if I already have a +atk Tharja?
As much a point as you do to yours. I say she's a lord, you say she's not. Are you gonna tell me you're right because your logic say you're right?
Mostly just crit chance on you and the enemy
>Reddit spacing
translation? then I will decide if this is cute.
>-hp +spd, att, res for HHenry
Why not +def? That make him into a good CC candidate.
So, when are we getting a flier with a DC prf weapon?
No I'm saying Michaiah is a light mage, that's her class.
Leif is a lord, that's his class.
Do you have difficulty reading user?
I guess it didn't affect damage at all, but what about hit and dodge? I've never known how those are calculated
Ok give me a few minutes to make /fefg/, /feag/, /Febbg/, /feGHW/, /feT776/ and /feRD/
Plenty Priestesses are shown to be lords in various media, including Gaiden... so I don't follow your logic.
Kill yourself
Hopefully never
Celica, aka Femui v1, is not a lord.
do it
According to you, I do. But let me ask you this. Why is a lord only considered a lord based on their class requirement in your opinion? Does the implication of not being the lead character or commander of their army mean nothing?
It affects those, yes
W H E N ?
You fucks make no sense
You're all so vehemently opposed to a Fire Emblem Heroes General and yet you only talk about Fire Emblem Heroes
You FUCKING retards.
tiki's voice in warriors is great
So I asked a few threads ago and really didn't get much.
Who should the next story be about, and should this one be with dogs/wolves or dragons?
I'm glad they've taken so long, now he's not going to get cucked on his prf weapon like Roy or Merric. Bring on broken Forseti, baby.
I will NEVER EVER let Veronica into my caslte.
And I will laugh at her from the top of the Askr tower with my wife.
sounds like your nature is +MAD -HETERO
haha that’s a heroes joke get it
I like the part where you never try to talk about other Fire Emblems. Well, it's what I should expect from an user with less IQ than Florina's CON number.
My Taco looks weird
I see. Thanks for the info. So in the end it's just a "helps a little bit" stat unless it's a massive amount. I guess I'll never truly be able to see just how helpful it is or isn't
Looks neutral
+atk -spd
Very nice
let me marry her in fe7 remake
lin is shit
>450 orbs
>shitty nowi
>shitty mathilda
>shitty tiki
>shitty +def -spd delthea
>shitty shitja
>+atk -def elincia
holy fuck this game
Fake, Brave units are seasonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
The absolute STATE of /fehg/ autist.
Post Lewyn's wife
>all this Faeposting
No they aren't. I pulled a Bike going for Deirdre
>this could have been effie’s voice
why does treehouse hate us
autistic post
Does feh favor waifus? Specifically female mages always seem to be better.
Harry Potter is the fedora for females
I want to hug her and tell her she did great
More green dragons when? Fae can't keep being the only one that gets ABSOLUTELY OBLITERATED by any falchion user in the game