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first for anime lol
second for benis
Are you trying to get rid of me to hog the oak spot
just get 200m for fuck sake
Also because that will stop you from fucking spinning in circles in seers bank for a good few months
I'm sick of seeing your mug
I grind therefore I am (a virgin)
are you trying to remove me from the oak spot?
oak spt????
sir, would it be at all possible, and please excuse my suspicions, that the actions your are taking are in an effort to perhaps claim the oak spot for yourself by ousting me from the position through slandering my good name?
just because you forced me out of the oak spot doesn't mean im botting
anyway i'm not botting okay don't report me
report me anyway because I'm not botting
im leaving my strange plant there in protest of you forcing me out of the oak spot
Done, you're so busted
t-try me!
Reminder no one cares if you bot as long as you respond to players in game
t. seaman
this is why you should never respond to players in game
>tfw the time you spend by just cutting logs for fmaking is the same as the time it would take you to level up to 99 and make money through Winterdodt in osrs
>gathering anything at all in OSRS
Literally just do 1 boss run, sell whatever you get and buy all the mats you need to 99 anything
dont do this they report you and fuck up your grind
But then who's gonna be selling?
Bots, bossers who get 1000's of noted mats they don't need, and the fact that Jagex stocks the GE with mats regardless.
I was talking about gathering the logs here in vscape. Just seems crazy to me how an already easy skill is 2 times faster in osrs than on a private higher rate server.
OSRS panders hard to casuals. They have double xp all the time anyway and basically every update makes the game easier and easier. Amazingly Jagex has somehow figured out a way to market RS, a grinding game, to people who hate grinding.
Yeah I personally think that combat skills were hit the hardest. They are absolute meme tier there with NMZ. It's not normal for a strength skillcape to be literally less prestigious than a 60-65 in RC and probably fucking easier.
>and the fact that Jagex stocks the GE with mats regardless.
This is why they've all but given up on combating the bots. They're literally needed to run the economy.
>just like here in /v/scape
this pic is epic lulz!!!
dead thread dead server
Check this #
i love ____
I fucking love her(him).
i love the shit out of boop
Tfw no emotionally abusive runescape ex-gf
>this pic gets posted at least 4 times per thread
This photo was taken in Ottowa
do i have to
Yeah you have to say sorry for being so mean and abusive
hey guys odel here lol
what even is this
Spanish Nationalism.
yes i did say that, do you think anyone cares? holy shit it's been 2 years leave me alone
please go to bed boop
i love you boopie
Bumping with an old pic
i love you hype pls stop caring about boop shes just a bitch
Idk I'm just bored and thread needs bumping
braping with an old brap
>double exp on osrs
this has never happened, they only do that on rs3
bravo, jagex
>get 99 in autistic skill that requires a lot of mind numbing clicking and don't respond because antisocialite
>get accused of botting when hitting 99
this happened to me
it really says something when you're too autistic to play a game that revolves around being autistic
yeah you wish you could grind as hard as me
Eh, don't worry about it. A bunch of dumb neets get their only social interaction through this game and assume that anyone isn't looking to do the same must be a bot
>muh hurt feelins
your not fooling me botter scum
I couldn't care either way. I don't take pride in having 99 in a meme skill it was just something to do while binging netflix
if you dont care then hand yourself into the authorities
he's at the hobgoblin mine
I just want you to know I appreciate your humor
bring back rs1 fatigue system when?
pickle pickles haha
it is getting cold :-(
If someone has the need to accuse others of botting without any shred of proof they're just a shitter that deserves to be ignored its easy as that
Even the mind numbing clicky shit here isn't nearly as autistic as some of the 200M skills that OSRS autists grind out for 8 months daily and no one bats an eye over there
Contact WrcWpk for pricing
nice "filter"
wiki picture for double loot on heroes is less than no double loot on heroes.
what did randy mean by this?
Double loot used to be broken so that image was actually correct. It's since been fixed and the image only remains there because no one has bothered replacing it and to trick newfags into being less efficient thus keeping material supplies low and thus prices high.
fishing lvl?
I don't level pleb skills
Well botting is allowed in osrs...
well, did you?
>to trick newfags into being less efficient thus keeping material supplies low and thus prices high.
This doesn't even make sense, we're tricking our mat gathering slaves into gathering less so they can charge more?
No, we trick mat gathering newfags into gathering less so the mat gathering oldfags can sell them for more.
Does the lower butler costs of training with teak/mahogany make up for the higher sawmill costs?
where's mango, I need a fury.
mango if you are here, pm me
My username is [spoiler=]_____Moo[/spoiler]
What did he mean by this?
what's the absolute fastest way to 99 magic from a fresh account? or at least 80ish