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Leviathan is the one true god

fat cat thread

Cats are for snuggles.

Dark Knights General


Did someone say cat thread?


>this picture
>paid with cucklebucks
>no trace of the cuck even in this picture
>probably didn't even get paid back
That's ultimate humiliation desu

Post catmen you would wed in holy matrimony


Who the fuck would marry a mangy barbarian that isn't even a suncat

because he has confirmed 10 inches down there


Better be a elezen, highlander, roe, or a really tall midlandander unless you want to be cervix punched over and over again.
It's not fun

>Orn Khai means "One born of sadness"
Where can I learn dragon? I wanna talk with dragons in their own tongue

So I have finally decided to start paying for this game. The problem is that I cannot decide what class to grind to 50 first.
I believe I have all of the jobs available at level 35.

Which should I go with?



I have not played anything past 35. I like dps and healing the most, but tanking is also fun. Any recommendations?


Pick one of each and level them all. You'll want to have at least one of each role leveled.

there was a forum post by Koji Fox with a lot of words from dragon speak. Enough to identity all the stuff in the game with.

Level a healer or tank first. I would choose whm or sch. I personally enjoy healing a lot more, but i enjoy bard the most.


>Wanting to learn animal speak.

>be a big strong alpha cat male of the deserts get 50 cat bitches of your choosing and don't do anything else but eat and fight uppity fuckboys every now and then
>be some fuckboy who has your mothers name don't get to chose who you fuck in a society where the old ass hags get you first then work they're way down (your dick will be unwillable by the time you get to the younger ones) live inside like a basement dweller except you're living with horned up grandmas and you have no freedom
The choice is obvious

That's only if you're a nunh, but mooncatgirls are feisty house cats that are always dtf, so moonbois get tons of pussy

>do triple pull on skalla as war
>10 fucking mobs
>berserk unchained steel cyclone
>40k+ hp healed in 3 buttons
>rinse and repeat with infuriate for 3 times in a pull
>more healing with equilibrium
>most healers still let you die


C'had thundernunh

unchained does nothing on steel cyclone, it already ignores the damage penalty

Reminder that lewdposting about manqo'tes is illegal.

but did you pop rampart and vengeance

also if it was the pull with the big lanky blue fuckers, those guys hit like goddamn trucks, you'd be better off spamming inner beast for the additional DR.

Granny cat pussy
It's the con of being breeding stock in a matriarchal society

Then why do you post yourself without pants on?

>run expert
>get skalla
>tank is drk
>he pulls all the way on every pull
>I keep him and while spamming holy through the whole dungeon
>get two comms

that pull is not that bad, it's the one with the 2 big stone guys, the 3 smaller guys and then the extra bug guy and like 4-6 small dudes. that's the pull that I pray for a good healer for

For some reason i thought it didn't. Thanks for the heads up I don't play war that often


Look at this cat senpai, take a good look at him as he's one of the few mooncat npcs in the game.
Look at how alpha he is.

I'm a tall highlander and miqo'te men are good for punching their prostates until they can't do anything but babble incoherenty and twitch.

Describe your world.

That's not lewdposting...

God I love meowboys

i always have to spend half my time spam healing on that huge pull near the end with the lanky fuckers, no other pull gives me a similar level of difficulty. the phoebads and golems stop attacking to cast for a decently long time, as long as people get out of the AOEs that cuts down on the healing required there.

i fucked up and nearly got myself killed there one time on WHM but managed to hit myself with a benediction that landed between two 18k hits that resolved at the same time

another thing you can do is also pop thrill of battle with vengeance and when they're about to run out use shake it off to get a fresh cooldown

Now look at one of the few nunh npcs in the game. All old and beaten. I bet all tias are fucking catgirls behind his back.

no wonder catboys are canon gays
either they are forced to be since they cannot breed women or they are so traumatized by the grannies they stop touching girls altogether

like, nya

I just want to say thank you for being nice and helpful.
New-ish to this game but there are always so many willing and helpful players to assist my new ass.
Played WoW for a decade and the only time that the majority of people were even half as nice as you fuckers was way back during WotLK.

So, thank you. I appreciate it.

What? Females can't get pregnant after a certain age, males will be expected to be constantly impregnating the young girls in mooncat society.

>been cat for a day
>already taken like 60 pictures

you're kidding right? that moonie gets hilariously embarrassed by what amounts to two different gangs of scooby doo kids, he's the virgin chad

Now look at the other nunh ingame. Can't even control the only tia on his tribe.
Bet who wears the pants on this relationship is the wife.

Actually there isn't much info about mooncat relationships. All we know is that they live in small tribes so i'm guessing they're like our typical households with 1 father, 1 mother (that leads the family) then the kids. After that the kids can go on their way and marry as they wish with other tribes.

Yea i do that already.

For a male healslut, do I use WHM short shorts and thigh boots?

Those older cats don't give a fuck they end up knocking the ones up in the middle of the pecking order the older ones who haven't went through menopaws. The younger ones have to watch but can't touch til the higher ranks are satisfied. Like how jungle cats feed on carcases in the wild.

shisui pants and tigh boots

Paladin is the best class.
All others are shit.

so you LIKE all the other classes?

Pretty sure the fertile females have their pick of the males no matter the age. Males are probably expected to cum inside several miqo'te a day.

If I liked them I would call them poopy. Not shit. Learn the difference squeeb.

guess which ones are the most fertile? The ones who already had kids.

have you ever put your poop in the freezer and then used it as a great big mushy poop dildo?


They'll be pregnant most of the year, while the young ones who just come of age will need to be bred.

Anyone that messes with the WoL gets embarassed.

>Males are probably expected to cum inside several miqo'te a day.
That's all headcannon. Mooncats are known to live in small tribes, if they were fucking like rabbits it would be expected for tribes to be gigantic.

Let's discuss roegadyn breeding instead of miqo'te breeding, because it will piss off futafags

Femroes probably make good moms.

I'm a little sore I didn't get to embarrass him personally.

All cats are canon cucks then?

>join static for SB
>hit it off with girl in raid group
>after a month go visit her in person
>fuck her for 4 nights in a row
>go back home
>start ERPing again
>use actual experience to create even more detailed ERP
>going back to visit girl again soon

Is there no way to release myself from my degeneracy?

how about roe men breeding catboys

Can you only send mail to people on your friends list? I wanted to randomly send minions to sprouts to surprise them.

Male suncats, yes.

Like it's written on the lorebook tias have 3 choices.
They defeat a tribe nunh and gain the harem fucking rights.
They leave the tribe to make their own, however this comes with the issue that not all femcats are impressed by weak shit who tries to do this.
And finally the do nothing and just watch everyone fuck around you.

Only on your friends list, yeah. I assume to stop spammers and bots from harassing randos. You can always walk up and initiate a trade though.


Where do I get Grade 1 Carbonized Matter? I tried searching for it on the MB, but it doesn't seem to exist?

its been removed

You mine it from rocks or harvest it from trees.

hit b and type in grade 1

>raiding with couples
part of the problem desu

Look at elezen female walk animation on alt
Immediately regret my choice as au ra female

>not the canon option: fuck all the femine tias since breeding males is allowed

Oh, I see! I can meld armor with the guy next to the MB. This guide must be really outdated.

You cant buy it anymore cause you can meld without it now. Simply hit meld and bam, you are at the mercy of the rng gods now.

grades 2 through 5 were removed

grade 1 is still in the game because it is required for botany and mining quests

melding doesn't require a reagent anymore, so it's free for crafters and costs a token amount of gil for everyone else.

so ALL cats are sluts? nice


>join a small FC in HW
>really enjoy playing with the four guys
>FC slowly dwindles to myself and two others
>my schedule now makes it so I can't play with them
>feel incredibly guilty for wanting to leave and find a new FC

Please make these feelings stop.

sand in your underwear

The feet mod is the worst thing to have happened to this general.

Nope, just sunsluts. They're forced to take a cock because their tribe leader says so.
Mooncats on the other hand seem to have more freedom on their partner.


Mooncats orbit autistic mooncat men no matter how retarded they are because they're rare

Is "feet mod" what you call yourself? Because if so, then yes.


Get a real girl with real feet, you miserable faggot.

The number of lonely prison gay men who play mooncats and thirst after/orbit irl girls makes so much more sense now.

most of the younger generations of sun cats seek out life as adventurers or sailors/pirates as well. So while the text from the lore book is in sense right, i doubt it's 100% in every situation.


Don't fall for the memes you see in these threads. Elezen are very feminine.

Summoner books are first edition dueling disks
if you deny this face me in a duel

Who is the cutest sunslut c@girl?

I can't get over their running animation. The first time I ran a dungeon with an Elezen I was choking back tears because of how goofy it is.

Explain what you found "goofy" about it.

Well yea, imagine being born female in a suncat tribe and having your mom say "user, it's time for you to go have sex with the village leader for the good of the village". No wonder they rather leave the tribe.

Also on a fun fact, mooncats are concentrated on the black shroud while suncats are spread all over the world. That's a good indication of a lot of suncats that do not wish to stay as a tribe while mooncats don't mind to stay together in their tribe environment.