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It's almost time.
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Reminder that Veeky Forums will have weekend Warcraft lore threads to discuss nulore and oldlore.
Who else is hyped for when Anduin realises his power level to the fullest extent?
>Orcs are reinterned into camps
>Elves are driven out, just as Garithos wanted
>the Eastern Kingdoms become 100% human, all human kingdoms become one
>Gnomish and Dwarven degeneracy is not tolerated
>Horde scum is vanquished forever
>He would've gotten over his "Draenei females are attractive" phase
What else will full-power Anduin achieve?
>The absolute SHIT state of Horde leadership
I thought Veeky Forums hated anything video games
>banter is now wrong
Blizzard's really gone down the drain.
>Paying 200us for the ticket
>plus traveling , food and a hotel just ot act like a mongoloid in a closed chat
Once you have a draenei female fetish it never goes away.
HAMMERS UP! *burps*
>wah wah i cant be a terrible human being and get away with it like online
Better admit you are a disgusting human being and that is why nobody wants you, you are the problem
I cant creaming woman
>when the saronite spike goes in the wrong hole.png
What will Jaina bully?
Are all vg guilds ded?
Fine, alright.
Let's say Warriors are the only arousing class, what race would fit the best?
Nah, not really, as long as it's relevant to the universe being discussed. Of course some generals might be filled with shitters.
Just I give playing as a Worgen a try?
So what did they actually say?
Literal REEEEE leader
Cute worgen females SOON
Look at those lips. Is she wearing lipgloss?
Weak Alliance males until she finds a proper one or until Arthas comes back
female gnome.
Not him but another streamer said there was this guy calling people nigger and cunt.
It's my cum
Well that depends on the type
Not every guy likes their girls thin or thick or fit everyone has a preference and races are basically builds
Probably the average trade chat autism, acting like whites are the victims, being racist and pretending it is ok
Reminder that Sylvanas has been impregnated by Yogg-Saron's unholy spawn.
For teh horde!!!
She's undead so she could have more than 2 holes down there. Could look like a bee hive once you get rid of those clothes.
I would cuddle with him
Of course if he is a trump voter i would ditch him immidiatelly
So in the live q&a last month, Ion said more connected realms are coming.
Blizzcon told us PVP is becoming a toggle for everyone, so we can expect them to merge some PVP and PVE realms together.
How far are they going to condense stuff this time?
>Ion: /ourguy/
>Asmongold: /ourguy/
>Pezado: /ourguy/
>Mmrrggll: /ourguy/
>Ttoowwlliiee: /ourguy/
Am i missing anyone, /wowg/?
That reminds me of a manga I'd rather not remember.
really? where is the proofs??
cute worgen girls would be appreciated
I am a proud orc shaman
Reminder that horde is the normalfag/retard faction
remember when Sylvanas was a night elf
>Questing in Azsuna
>Hear a HIIYA and get stunned by a female Gnome Warrior
>She blows me the fuck out because I'm lvl 105 and she's 110
>Stands over my corpse, still targetting it
>Gnome Warrior pokes user
>Gnome Warrior pokes user
>Gnome Warrior shrugs at user.
I wasn't even mad, this was just super cute.
Why would people try to look like comic book guy?
Who are these cute girls?
Is sylvannes taking a shit in that picture
Feels great my faction isnt picked by brainwashed bigoted 4channers
I literally do not remember the second from the left model.
What expac was that?
I agree with the builds. But you mean that a fit race only likes fit women then or the build of what their races females are?
Goddamn the Alliance vs Horde shitposting has reached an all-time high... wait... is THIS the Battle for Azeroth? Right now?
Really makes me think
Wrath beta
She's getting ass fucked by the righteous Light-infused cock of vengeance right there.
why does sylvanas go from purple to almost white?
who thought that filter was a good idea
gives me eye cancer
Gender dysphoria is a real issue user
Mongold is the only e-celeb who is "our guy"
They said they weren't happy at all with female worgen and wanted to do more than just update it.
>Zandalari Druid models will have their own models and that the travel form is a Raptor
Join the Zandalari Master race!
Is Windwalker still shit? Did I cuck myself by gearing it up?
it's my favorite class/spec
She was always 56% white.
It's meant to remind the stupid chinks of the movie
>if he is a trump voter
thats a joke right?
>Jaina: ''My king its time to strike the horde where it hurts them''
>Anduin: ''Well Jaina i guess you could say this is the Battle for Azeroth''
What was Blizzard thinking when they wrote this?
keep it to /int/ SA monkey
Notice the world is all blue.
Stupidity and anger management issues are a turn off
Bring the player not the class :^)
Windwalkers are so op its fucking retarded
>all notable elf characters are getting banged by humans
>orcs, tauren and trolls are cannon fodder for a corpse
Explain this horde babbies.
>Implying i would unironically date anyone who voted for trump
Lowest lifeform to exist, nothing more disgusting and they deserve to die alone
I'm doing alright with it. 99% of people in pugs are terrible so even if you're playing bottom of barrel spec in terms of sims you can still top the DPS meter just by not being braindead like the rest of the raid.
>acting like whites are the victims
oy vey, 7/10 bait
Not like people are still losing their shit over pieces of paper that say it's okay to be the race you were born as or anything.
It's a false flag because you guys take the bait every time
He's Horde so probably not.
You'd think they'd learn by now that 1 year of 1 tier is bad
>unkept male who plays horde
Of course he voted trump
>wah wah y cant i be a bigot and be treated good
>wah wah muh SJWs
yeah we get it, you are the average retarded insecure white loser who is afraid of anything diverse
>5 months is now a year
>5 months is now 16 months, according to redditors
Very epic my friend.
>This article
The world has gone to shit
I knew what is was before I clicked it somehow.
Did you serve your king today, /wowg/?
which race/gender has the biggest turd cutter
So what does /wowg/ even play?
Alliance or Horde?
what the fuck are worgen builds then?
>Translation: Wah Wah why cant i be a terrible human being and still get a date.
>[normal voice] Vol'jin.. is dead...
Enough with the tranny trash.
>tranny with voice changer doing the voice acting
Horde lmao
Is this cannon?[\spoiler]
i think she finds me funny
>about to crack open my 60th relinquished leggings in hopes of will of valeera
>"might as well kill this boss that has a relic slot upgrade for outlaw first"
>this happens
Alliance of course
>no idort option
shit poll tbqf
What're the best healing specs?
What race should I roll for hunter?
The absolute state of Horde