League of legends general /lolg/
Other urls found in this thread:
>people didn't read what the new runes were
>trying to play the meta like it's Worlds patch
>"haha wow what is that?!"
everybody under 100 IQ should not be allowed to have internet access
What was the keystone?
xth for my wife Syndra
redpill me on ornn
>tfw no qt petite gf
>Lane against Kayle
Holy shit, I don't see a single one since S3. Tips?
Best pussy in league by every measure
welp another bloated damage turbocancer season, on top of this Riot has just gone full jew with the freemium model, level up rewards are horrendous.
Twitch still able to 3 shoot entire teams out of stealth epic
I want Dark Lux to STEP on my BALLS
god, client is super broken
morde is viable, start banning him
>you now get champions automatically unlocked as you level up
>the free skin cheat is impossible now
This is why we should have gassed all the jews when we had a chance
>im a rebel
>killing stuff is so much fun haha i hate everything
>stop calling me edgy silly boys XD
>omg shoes
>rawr >:3
How do I open Blue Essence Orbs? Do I need key? I read I should restart client, but that didn't work.
Lux isn't cruel, she only teases you in loving ways
I want Nami to smother me with her fishpussy!
It is 2017 and Udyr, Nunu, Mordekaiser, and Ezreal still haven't got a visual update.
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums is still up on NA!
password is also still vidya
all levels and ranks are welcome to join
Damn another turbodamage season yet it's still Tank Meta. Think of all those poor ADCs.
Going to become aatrox for preseason and s8 shoot me some names lolg
Why the fuck would they put this up on their own site? Rito gonna Rito.
Is she viable now?
And it's not even full champions. It's just the promise of a champion eventually.
Which tier is champion of league?
I don't want her to do it in a cruel way though. Maybe just play with my balls with her feet (with the stockings still on of course)
what do i run for GP? this is annoying
What is the best Jhin keystone?
Go Kleptomancy for maximum jew.
All trinity users are stronger now
Kleptomancy 100%.
I rolled Sona top. Sounds legit.
>tfw Reddit is DEFENDING this
People who play a lot are going to a lot higher than lvl 39 so it's still massively nerfed compared to ip gains.
Yes. Go PtA and take The Ultimate Hat and Transcendence from Sorcery or go take Sudden Impact and you've got yourself a viable champion.
*pats on head
Send help.
>there are people who believe the game isn't decided when you load in
they're either better than you or you're better than them, what is so hard to understand about this
Get those spicy 90% guaranteed Comets off of your W.
If you're not feeling as spicy you can't go wrong with Fleet Footwork even if it's a downgrade from old Warlord's.
>case study shows that milestone rewards are so big that it is even more be than old ip
>lel no its still a nerf :^)
learn to read
Does /lolg/ have a chart for patrician and pleb champions to play?
If not, here's my nominees:
Brainlet tier:
>Yasuo (the undisputed pleb champ)
>Master Yi
>all healsluts
>all adcs (no exceptions)
Big brain tier:
>Aurelion Sol
That's just off the top of my head though. We can have a vote to see who goes into what tier.
someone left from last thread's lobby so now it's at eight slots remaining
hows this lads?
I guess if you really wanted her to, but it still seems out of character
Base AD got buffed so trinity procs are stronger
Want to know thisas well
That's why we play, to find out if they'll prove to be worthy...
probably not though.
How is Yorick with the new masteries? Can I abuse him even harder in lower elo now?
Why is Maokai allowed to be both invincible and also do a ton of damage?
Are Lulu and Annie still good selfish supports for solo queue?
How do i shen now?
was thinking of Aftershock, Font of Life, Conditioning, Overgrowth, with Sudden Impact, and Eyeball collection.
but im open to some suggestions.
base ad buffed to compensate for removal of runes
ad from runes didn't affect sheen proc
Post a song and other anons recommend you a champion that match with that song.
I'll start:
This season be clearing and placing zombie wards, expecialy on pro scene
If you aren't playing zyra/brand/velkoz or lux support you're not selfish.
gee thanks...
need more suggestions lolgnons
It takes longer and longer to level while the leveling reward stays the same so no it's not better, it's only better at low levels and hey what do you know Jewto Games only shows examples of low levels.
Yeah I got the Nami skin.
Gay esports skin for a gay hero I never play, cool.
Juicy Lips Boi
Mods need to crack down on this name bullshit
Is kleptomancy or Aery better on Sona? I've noticed that Aery is not as good for poking because adc steals it all the time by being near me
Wait now that i think about it, is it harder now to get champs?
>Trying to try out new runes options on supports
>Keep getting adcs that act like they have never played the game before
I know people are learning the pre season but is it really hard to do something like stand behind minions vs a Blitz or stop farming when the jungler ganks?
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA exploded into bits! There is no timer on custom games anymore for whatever reason million dollar indie dev or something.
I'll try again tomorrow, forgot I needed to do something later in the evening
thanks for trying to get it rolling today, guys
I hate my Dad
Kleptomancy + Spellthief's seems like the most broken possible combination right now.
>tfw fed my ass off but still won game
Its good to be a support main
tfw literally only played arams today to test different shit.
ez fast games läds
it is now easier on average, but it happens in bigger chunks (every 1 and 10 levels) instead of per game.
but don't let that stop you or all the autists here complaining about jews or trickery or whatever things you usually spout.
this is wierd
I got SKT1 Nami too
is the system glitched or something?
Iv'e seen like a dozen peopel now who all claim to have gotten SKT1 Nami
That and the dumbass rollers who ask for mains and it's obvious they're not gonna commit to it.
I have 20 fucking chests, I'm thinking of just shelling out 20 bucks on keys to open all of these. Dumb question, but do I lose them once the next season comes around? If not I'll just wait and gather keys over time I guess.
>just uncrated firefang warwick
>that fucking model
I got demon Vi and Star girl Syndra. Syndra is solid but demon Vi is fucking disgusting. I'd muchr ather have Nami.
You dont learn shit from arams but ok.
become the new /lolg/ aatrox main and post edgy anime screenshots
my dad beats me
They should've fucking used the second one
Redpill me on lux runes
>people act as if loading borders are life or death situations
>top fucking thread on reddit is complaining about not seeing enemy loading screen borders when there are so many other fucking issues people should be complaining about
>riot will just use this as a "get out of jail card" and enable borders for everyone then go on to not do fucking shit about the real issues in the game
why is reddit always the one that manages to fuck up every single fucking game?
I've got 21 I win.
>league of legends
you can only pick one
Will tell you all how this works out.
How do I play this retard?
I feel I do fuck all damage and contribute next to nothing.
I've always wondered why there's fanart of classic Irelia having white hair.Not that I mind since it's the best hair color
Last stand
Literally anything from branch 1&2
Ravenous Hunter
Xth for Lethal Tempo is balanced
>stop playing ranked cause i want to have fun
>normals is filled with premade tryhards or retards who afk/feed cause "lol its just normals who cares"
when the fuck are we gonna get our next featured mode?
Summon Aery + Ultimate hat
figure out the rest 4 urself