So what are your expectations of salary?

>So what are your expectations of salary?

Why the FUCK is this shit not illegal yet?

Other urls found in this thread:

You get up and walk out?

"I think you deserve about 70k a year right now but if you're nice to me I'll be generous about it."

How much do you got?
>Uh..uh..the company's worth 40...40 million
It'll do, for now.

this is a good start

"A typical rate for [this role] in [this city] is [amount]. I believe that I bring [skills] to the role which make me more valuable to the company than other candidates, and therefore I think a salary of [amount + 25%] is a fair reflection"

Pretty easy way to deal with it desu, it's worth going high (but not ridiculously so) and seeing what they say. Worst they can do is offer lower.

I would base my answer by first asking how much the company is worth, then asking what common schools some of the employees come from, then I base my answer for salary off those two factors. If the compnaies net worth is in the millions, and I went to a Better school then say maybe 85% of the employees, then I'd pin my answer around 75K-120K. Never settle for less is a strong rule.

I'll take a 10% pay cut in your advertised salary now, with a written contract stating a review of my performance in 6 months. If It is satisfactory I want a 40% increase. If It is unsatisfactory after 6 months I want a letter of recommendation upon my last day."

I took a 40k job and turned it into a 70k job with this tactic.
eat a dick, 4chins.

Sorry, we'll hire someone else to be trainee dishwasher

If I get a job I recently interviewed for, they said I negotiate salary with HR.

My thoughts are I'm going to ask for a range and I'll put myself $2000-$5000 below the maximum, assuming that figure is what I would be happy with.