What do you have against him?
What do you have against him?
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I think his condemnation of peasants and workers and his elation of the noble class was some fucking pathetic pandering.
This is pretty much all I can think of.
>I will unite the German peoples under one faith.
>All these religions claiming to be the one true faith is really fucking with me
>So I decided to create another set of beliefs that also claims to be the one true faith and join the fray.
He is literally an autistic gentleman, also he's really ugly
Thomas Aquinas was spectacularly ugly, suffering from obesity and edema, with one eye grotesquely larger than the other. He rarely spoke and was constantly drifting off into his own thoughts. His combination of size, ugliness, and perpetual silence led to the nickname “The Dumb Ox.”
Literally Satan's bagpipe.
>selling indulgences is wrong
>meanwhile, protestant churches all over the world make people give their money to them
This is a Brazilian protestant """""bishop""""", look at his networth. He literally farms money.
Catholics waste money buying gold for child molesters.
>butthurt prods
What do I have?
He gave us another 500 years of christcuckoldry (which proved fatal for Western civ), when it should have finally metamorphosed (yea evolded) into a pagan religion in Catholicism.
Christinity is AIDS indeed, but Protestantism is Ebola.
Liked to eat his own feces
Pretty much shuts the door to him
>implying rome wasn't so butthurt they literally excommunicated an augustinian friar who wanted to reform an obviously broken system
He just wanted to keep fucking that nun and not feel guilty about it.
>Reforming a structure that is based on moral high ground and moderation already
come on now, don't be so fucking dumb
>Literally can't have sex
>Literally live in the church that they work at
>Literally wear robes all around
>Literally have to listen to people bitch all day
>Literally give more money to charity than anyone else in the world including muslim nations that have obligatory taxes for that sort of shit
>"ohh b-but they have gold colored things all over and priceless painting that were given to them"
Matthew 7:21
Next question.
The fact that he is german is already enough to trigger Veeky Forums but he's also a protestant
Reminder that anyone thinking Luther alone was responsible for the reformation is either retarded or dishonest.
But the Church itself admitted it had problems at the council of Trent.
So Al Baghdadi isn't responsible for the actions of ISIS?
He's German therefore I hate him
t. Every Veeky Forumstorianfag
Not thinking Luther alone wasn't responsible for the reformation isn't like thinking Al Baghdadi isn't alone responsible for the actions of ISIS (Which in itself isn't necessarily wrong to think as he may very well just be a figurehead)) but thinking some guy alone is responsible for the sectarian violence occurring after the US invasion of Iraq.
Luther wasn't the first reformer (The Catholics had just burned those before him) nor was he the first that lead to violent actions ((Remember the Hussite wars?)) He just happened to come at a time when the Authority of the HRE was low enough to let several princes break off from it. If not he had done it, someone else would have sooner or later.
>A protestant
Luther was a Catholic wanting reformation, nothing shows he actually wanted a complete separation from Rome. That's the opinion of the autistic German/Swedish princes who used his opinion as basis for their heresy.
But the Catholic Church still excommunicated him for it.
>sexing your wife-nun is bad
better than the Catholic options: diddling kids, jerking off to Lactating Mary Paintings or being celibate.
Protestantism was the best response to Catholicism.
just be Orthodox.
>just be Orthodox.
>praying to a bunch of corrupt Russian and gypsy patriarchs
Islam is a better option than that Slavic pagan cult.
>Protestantism was the best response to Catholicism.
Yeah, Protestant nations (Germany, Scandinavia and the UK) are turning out so great. Now go prep the bull, Ahmed needs to fuck your sister.
>being so butthurt that you run off deep into the forest to make a cult based around yourself
>take the ugliest nun in town with you
His racism and his hate for Jews. The word Jewish historical means different things according to the regions. To Martin Luther the Jew meant mixed persons. Its one of the bigger reasons netherlands was attracted to the luthers schism and ultimately protestant reformation. The Spanish would send their people, either north african and later on mixed american indigenous/sub-saharan to trade in the Netherlands. It would get the Dutch mad. As these people would control the trade of their kinsmen. For a long time the Protestants believed that the levant failed because of their racial admixture devoid of all purity. And that each original nation was cursed according to the sin of their ancestor. So protestants allowed anyone that wasnt pure white to be treated like animals.
>Protestant nations (Germany, Scandinavia and the UK) are turning out so great
America will be great again thanks to this Protestant.
I can almost guarantee he isn't religious. He used you Evangelicals like pawns.
>America will be great again
Yeah, right. He already said last night he can't back out of NAFTA and he's going to allow Putin to run around doing what he wants. That will weaken America's progress worldwide.
>Yeah, Protestant nations (Germany, Scandinavia and the UK) are turning out so great. Now go prep the bull, Ahmed needs to fuck your sister.
Those nations aren't like that because they are protestant, they are like that because they are Catholic. And in all of them, that actually got any important amount of Catholics (Germany and UK) it's always the Catholics adhering to the less conservative and culturally relative side of politics.
>Local bishop vs Church wide leader
He is religious
That picture is hot.
Mama Merkel is a Protestant.
Catholics in the UK and Scandinavia make up less than 3% of the total population. I'm sure they're not the ones swinging the vote, lad. Admit it, modern Protestantism is cucked. Luther is rolling over in hell.
The point wasn't about Catholics swinging the votes, it was about Catholics being more progressive than Protestants as long as they live in similar conditions.
>less than 3% of the total population
Here's the Canada vote btw, Catholic Quebec sure want those refugees in.
>Catholic Quebec
When you Google "Catholicism in Quebec" the entire first page is filled with articles about the decline of Catholicism in decline. Almost nobody practices it there anymore, I assume it's mostly atheist liberals.
>In 2011 there were roughly 5.7 million Catholics in the United Kingdom; 4,155,100 in England and Wales (7.4%),[9] 841,053 in Scotland (15.9%),[10][11] and 738,033 in Northern Ireland (40.76%).
Right from the "Catholic Church in the UK" wiki page. 7.4% is still not enough to swing the vote. It's the CofE and Muslim folks voting for the Labour Party and the Greens.
Anyways, I don't think sitting here and calling each other cucks is going to solve our problems. Protestants and Catholics (even throw the Orthodox into the mix) should work together towards one goal: keeping the west Christian and converting non-Christians.
He Judaized the Christian faith.
can you elaborate?
Don't insult Islam
And who was charging shekles to get into heaven hmmm?
He was a great man of God
Go back to /christian/ AElian
Shhhhh, Catholicism is the newest meme religion. Being Pagan isn't edgy enough anymore.
Shouldn't you be welcoming refugees and fighting for gay rights, Paco?
He was basically the biggest autistic manchild in his theological arguments/debates ever.
At the beginning of the reformation Erasmus wrote a rational and well reasoned criticism of Luther's ideas on free will, and in response Luther basically just threw shit at Erasmus and claimed he wasn't even a true Christian for not agreeing with him
Wtf I love Luther now!
His hatred of the Jews was spot on as was his assessment of them.
>i have never read De Servo Abitrio
>Literally can't have sex
Literally not true but you do not want to go there (((father))).