ah yes
damn... we lost another one
all this dumb furniture moving has kept me preoccupied today
why are you moving furniture
because i'm retarded basically
tomorrow i'll move it all back
the same reason anyone here does anything
pushin' my new ferrari
i miss dots toon boy
*dota ~_~
only way you would miss that tooner is if you ARE that tooner
we all miss tosog
and planetdesrow...
quick post your mmr
my only buddy...
just got here, boys
what are we looking forward to today
im kind of excited for that guy to come back later
ah yes..
dead at 30....wtf..
pizza gate pedo illuminati btfo once again
guessing od
i'd rather listen to snibbs yell at his tv honestly
hes still out there...
anyone remember when iu was pure
every girl in show business has been defiled
anyway... back to work...
*every girl
later was right!
i did say bbl but i returned a couple times already before this return...
how are people getting paid to write dumb articles on gay websites that you can't even post comments about
when someone like tinny is shitting out the same quantity and quality 24/7 for free... and you can yell at tinny all you want and tell him hes an animal
its frigging weird man
we haven't seen tin in a while
he was here a couple days ago
or maybe it was a week... gets hard to tell
its sad that he stopped sica posting on other boards
omg i just watched this live, she spent 5 hours to get to this point and now is at the beginning again
yeah I saw that on afreeca the other day
it's like a legit gook/chink only game if you look under the twitch category for it
all those fucking donations
women are worshipped in korea even more than the west
those korean streams in general are nonstop donations. its crazy how generous the viewers are
i bet its that game where the guy is in the pot
i go on twitch maybe twice a week and even i saw the big booby g*ok i follow playing it
it is
if you go to like 7 hours 7 minutes that was when i turned the stream on
i thought she was fake crying but then theres a big puddle on her desk... and she never shows her face so the whole thing really confused me
gook night everyone
gn :3~
the party's just getting started
maybe it was at first but everyone is playing that game now
don't steal my big booby twitch gf btw
hocked up a booger
post about avilo here you tard
myself... don't wanna be... all by myself...
hmm does nioh run on low end pcs? i might dl it, really liked it but never played the dlcs
ah... thats the game with the blonde haired blue eyed samurai
I never understood why /v/ always shit on "esports" and loves nip games
never understood the alt right but now i know its low iq white boys
gook morning
just lost people really
they want what "colored people" + jews have, an identity based around their race that they can talk to people about
dumb nazis make me wanna PUNCH
imagine how disgusted people like hitler would be if he knew that people would compare him to alt-right fags and trump etc
hitler was a front. a ruse man.
i think this guy is threatening... someone should do something...
the 2nd führer
Sup dudesters, miss me?
and the allegations that I am brazillian need to be put to rest. I am not brown.
ye we were talking about you earlier , where have you been?
I made a post here talking about alcohol, not only was it deleted within a couple minutes but I got a 2 day ban from Veeky Forums because of it. Guess that is where the straight edge J draws the line
>want to get hype for blizzcon announcements
>know it will take 6 months to a year to see the changes they said
every fucking year.
I can't wait for f2p starcraft tho, going to collect some free wins on my smurf account. I probably made all the league babies hate dota after we got our update and I trashed them with my meepo micro skills
I hope you were talking about sobering up
neeb lost 1-3 to guru
dont worry though hes still the best foreigner ever
overslept a bit, thankfully i didnt miss much home story cup!
I hope they archive the contents of my youtube channel after I'm dead
vincent van gogh innit
They say the revolution wont be televised but that is just wrong
it will be televised
so they can control it
hes dying
ye boi
2017 and no one talks about how the hitler youth is the most popular haircut and has been for like 2 years
willie banks dropped like a billion videos today
he is popping off
toon boy
you cant watch him too often
the repetitiveness of it all makes you retarded and the schizophrenia rubs off on you