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buff when?
i am lamenting and i wasn't even doing good
for some reason our two blasters with wrecker (combo'd with the fact that our bk also had demolition) somehow weren't laying into the fernando and ruckus 24/7 and instead just let them run around in our backline uncontested
i outdamaged the bomb bitch by 20k!!!!! :(
Stop putting tyra and maeve as op
We need a loli champ naow!
The best!
>loli champ that uses toys as weapons
>ult is summons a giant teddy bear that she rides and runs around slashing at everyone
>movement is a jack in the box that pushes her up like a leap
Hirez make it happen
dang i wanna kms
>pick Talus for once
>use his teleport
>it doesn't teleport or heal me
>this happens multiple times
So how does this go unnoticed for almost a month after his release?
>Unfortunately -- Dead Zone was a change necessitated by our diminishing returns system, the ability was not compatible with how it functioned so it had to be changed. That change hardly had an effect on Willo's performance.
Vivian can be a loli champion
>deadzone can be almost completely countered
>hardly had an effect on Willo's performance
Will her pick rate and win rate drop? Also was she ever picked during tourneys?
We are one of soul, and our sacred bond is unbreakable.
My love for her truly goes beyond what words can describe.
They're going down already. She was picked a whooping 2 times during the PPL
looking at her datamined cards, that's gonna be a very emotional damaged loli
She used to be picked a lot (at one point after drogoz and BK were nerfed she was in at least one third of all pro matches) but she started to drop off after they started buffing flanks, and recently hasn't been picked at all. The nerfs won't really make a difference at this point.
You are below 40% of HP and you hear this:
What to do?
I never had that happen. I have a ton of blanks though.
Wonder what Jaco's doing in my game.
Her eyes are too far apart, and her veil doesn't look right sitting on her face like that.
are you sure you know how his teleport works
>max reduced healing on overcharge (literally F R E E cauterize)
>max movement speed while rune of travel is up (ensures that when your burst phase is up, you're actually getting frags)
max chronos immediately. Then that's it. Everything else is extra. Enjoy 10s cd rune of travel and 5s cd overcharge/blitz upper.
what about lifesteal?
lifesteal is one of those things that looks better than it really is. You can get it after but it's not a priority. If your rune of travel is up, you should be winning every duel without any lifesteal.
To add to this, Talus doesn't have the health and uptime to make the best use of lifesteal. It isn't bad, just not high value.
>pick damba on teams with a good composition
>despite playing my ass out we lose
>wow, looks like ill take another break from the game
>pick grover on a 4 flank team
>stomped on the first round, i gave up before match started
>we hold 3-1
>cap next round and deliver the cart
>we manage to win without much effort on the last round
>now grover is probably my highest wr
I really wanted to lose so my flanks could learn something, too bad we memed too hard
I know that feel but at the same time, it may have been a case of all those flank players being decent players but tired of playing low impact champs for the sake of team comp with retards. I had a similar game,
>Go terminus
>team goes triple flank and a sniper
>let's see how this goes
>not one of them was a weak link and we destroy them
>tfw they all say you rock when I get top play
So now I'm happy to play with un-optimal team comps if I have a nice team. Not that you can reliably get that
>use iceblock
grover buff when
>shitter stop playing barik because no more auto aim
>his wr goes up
I don't want a Grover buff, I want a Genos and Mal'Damba healing nerf. I hate how strong healing is because it makes frontlines indestructible with a healer but I don't want to see more frontline nerfs.
Nerf their healing and buff their damage? You got it!
holy fuck, people cant stop the SUCC, nerf plz
Thanks, Martini. Can't wait till everyone is damage.
But really if I were to nerf Snake, I'd just nerf the cooldown on his Mending spirits to 6 seconds or so, make it's cooldown be 1.5 seconds if you miss as part of his base kit, and give him a card that gives damage reduction to targets with mending spirits on them to replace Eerie Presence card.
>play ranked
>my team bans willo
>lets lower both the skill ceiling and the skill floor of one of the best-designed champions on the game
Jenos is a shit healer already
the issue is her face is squashed.
>tfw win 4/0 and apologizing to your 4 damages for not believing in them
less than 10k people playing. game dead?
Where can I find the pictures for the new portraits?
Wiki doesn't have them
>dead hour
>why is this game dead
I'm use to this hour being in the 20k range
In summer maybe
Terminus really put Ash and Fernando to shame with his new range.
Catboy support incoming
>Hello all! Hotfix is rolling out shortly. Just a quick fix for one specific issue. Fixed an issue where players could not purchase Legenday Keys
oh, nice, priorities and shit
Ash ded, but nando with his shield, ult and caut does work against terminator
>asked for incitement to reduce 0.5/1/1.5/2s and lower roll cd to 4
>they only half ass it
Terminus damage reduce to 600 when?
I like that Hi Rez is ready to talk t the players. But i don't like that they don't want large variance in a champions winrate between high and low levels.
Is Mal's gourd still glitched or have they fixed it yet?
It only took them 5 days!
>SEA kid in silver rank complaining on the forums that he can't climb out of silver
good start for today
Should I open enchanted chests after completing non-legendary cards?
>wasting crystal
No unless you want to go through all the fucking sprays to get cosmetics and legendary cards.
What's the best way to spend drybears on alt acc? Stack up chests and buy the booster?
R8 me /palg/
Also, post yours
when is champ reveal
>sniper main
The more crystals you spend the better
we need a gay champ
As long as it's
1. Not male
2. Not a dyke
As long it's
1. Male
2. Dyke
we already have one
Pray the gay away
this is your gay champ
Eh so how do you see your recently played champions?
Guru, casual/ranked, scroll down
but Sha Lin has a thing for Ying
is this /ss/
Why did they had to fuck up ruckus so badly, he looks like shit now and the rockets are useless, they should have given him a defensive ability instead, he might as well be a damage champion now
>tfw they are still trying kill him but he just keeps ending up in S tier
>he looks like shit now
And he was never a tank.
are you excited for holt's lore tomorrow?
>held out hope we'd eventually get a movement buff support
>just heard the news about them deleting mobility form the game
Why are you still playing this game knowing that you'll never SuCC enemy shield?
I'm excited for the loli
How does suck shield work anyway. Never play him before the rework because I hate that tickle beam.
what if there isn't a loli?
when someone has a shield active, he absorbs their shield health, raising his own shield while draining the enemy's
We really don't. Sexuality ads nothing to the character. Only faggots want it because it's "inclusive" or some other unimportant bullshit.
Social justice is a massive mistake
Zhin loves his bunny!
Bunny Jenos skin WHEN Hi-rez?
*vertical mobility
And bunch of supports already have movement speed buffs in their cards.
what if vivian is that spoppy image
ye, skye, ying, and seris should be removed from the game
I rather have vertical mobility Champions than chicken shit heel bullshit like Jenos "wh00ps gotta flee fast" or Talus "I'm out, fags".
I really hate it whenever Jenos hides behinds a corner or Talus just teleports away the moment it looks bad for them. Not fun.
>they're banning your dudes
>you should ban their dudes
God Evie announcer pack is well worth the crystals
Nice shitpost, but Seris is as Anti-gay as they come
>Religious zealot
dressed like a stupid slut which is playing on sexuality so she should be removed from the game
i want a maeve announcer pack
why? she is literally sonic oc tier
Feels funny to be a Ruckus main. Even with all the fucking nerfs its still possible to carry and use aero ass. Shame that aero ass is so fuckinng unresponsive on higher pings though after that. Hope they'll force it to have clientside priority first later on.
Also, user, new Ruckus doesnt look that bad, when they changed him at first, I didnt like it much either but now I find him adorable. As for Bolt, while he looks kinda cool, ill never betray my old beta bolt, or hawk version personally.
>aero ass