Lewd Riven edition
OT: eyosongive.us
Lewd Riven edition
OT: eyosongive.us
Convince me to play your favorite champ in less than 5 sentences.
xth for breast metal waifu
>that Teemo's face
Jesus christ
Waifus for people with good taste
Waifus for people with bad taste
Ms Fortune
Rammus' taunt is immobalizing right?
thoughts on Death's Dance?
>Hecarim with Relentless Hunter, Ghost, Righteous Glory, Swifties and maxed out E
Ayyy who wants a fucking fapfic?
Leave your request.
Sion is just fucking disgusting with W stacking + HP stacking from runes.
>playing vs ornn
>fucker has like a 4 second cd on everything
>does ass loads of damage
what an annoying match up
Shrooms. Poison. Tilt. Blinds. Fun
Rumble getting sat on by Gragas
>bothering with all of that shit when there's a harsh soft cap on MS
>not taking ingenious hunter so you can have those up more often
Giant fucking laser
Also huge death combo to kill squishies
Shyv/Zyra getting MATING PRESS'd.
Pentakill Kayle being "broken in" by at least two of her bandmates
gragas getting sat on by rumble
Why is Xayah such a cancer champ? Her ult is fucking broken, REEEE. Name me any other ADC which gains invulnerability and can move on top of that, oh wait.
She can use her ult even when snared, fuck this shit.
And on top of that she gets Twitches ult as passive, AS steroid, CC with extra damage, long range poke... come on.
Its Urgot.
I've been using this rune page for the Bane Boy. Hitting Q is a given now, so having a lot of up-front power helps me keep pressure. Thoughts?
Star Guardian Lux getting some "mana"
Evelynn tries to seduce Azir and fails because his imperial phallus is too much for her as he fucks her.
>Waifus for people with good taste
>Name me any other ADC which gains invulnerability and can move on top of that, oh wait.
A good vayne post 6.
How are these runes on Taliyah
Glacial Augment, Biscuit Delivery, Futures Market, Cosmic Insight
Ultimate Hat, Celerity
Fat, old summoners taking advantage of Zoe's innocence.
Do you really still need to buy rune pages? Isn’t that bullshit because everything is so specialized for certain champs and roles?
how do I into evelynn
What's a good rune page for Rammus?
Invisibility =/= invunerability. You can still blow Vayne up, even when she's invisible. It's skill.
What Xayah does is
>"lelelel I press 1 button and fuck you"
if you're not running predator you're doing it wrong
>Someone tries the "Fast Nasus" that Riot advertised
>Gank top twice because my enemy mid is Vlad and he's shit
>Shuffle Nasus twice and suddenly he's irrelevant.
Not nearly as intimidating as they made him look.
play morde jungle. its easy
If hitting Q is easy for you, why not arcane comet? It's gonna land most of the time with the slow.
>Pentakill Kayle's skin isn't called Hexakill Kayle
Is Urgot's W just a self slow or is it a fixed altered movement speed state? Because couldn't you use phase rush to make W's self slow insignificant and more easily maneuver around people?
Also no press the attack? And Urgot ironically doesn't get a lot out of Coup De Grace because ult auto-kills people above the threshold.
I'd go for:
>Press the Attack
>last stand
domination secondary:
>sudden impact
>ravenous hunter (does W count as ability damage? how does it interact with ult?)
according to my friend everyones getting one shoot with the new runes, red pill me lolg
you can edit rune pages in-game, can't you? you don't even really need more than one
>Gain a burst of Lethality and Magic Penetration after using a dash, leap, blink, teleport or when leaving stealth
>or when leaving stealth
>Evelynn tries to seduce Azir
>he fucks her
if you made him fuck you it doesn't look as a failure to seduce him desu
Fails to seduce him meaning control him so she can kill him
Dragonzyra and Shyvana milking an user relentlessly
Coming right up
Shyvana or Ahri facesitting Wukong
Are Riot completely retarded or what? Why would they make Press the Attack a Fervor replacement then completely change it to be Thunderlords Lite at the 11th hour from release? Give me my fucking Fervor back. Press the Attack is garbage now.
SG Ahri and Syndra double-teaming Lux who they called to come to Ahri's room for some "training" to an unknowing Lux.
Everyone is excited to see if they can 1v9 with some kind of assassin with the new runes so everyone is playing a squishy damage champion instead of a beefy tank.
They act surprised when a team of 5 squishy damage champs vs. another team of 5 squishy champs have really fast teamfights where someone gets a fat triple kill. In their surprise they declare it an assassin meta.
Tanks may or may not be strong but no one really knows because no one is bothering to try.
A Zoe main would want consensual handholding while gently taking her first time.
>Azir top with Comet
I don't...I don't get it.
I mean he's winning against Akali but...I don't get it. Like three other keystones are much better.
They wanted the runes to be "influential" and make it so meme builds can work literally on everyone.
Great idea, possibly the dumbest execution though.
>sorry we were unable to start your game
what the hell happened it was seconds before the match begins
league players are so vanilla
Yeah this happens pretty much every preseason
Yeah and?
Is this better then?
>buff scorch
>merge celerity and water walking together
>slightly tone down Aerie, move it to celerity's old spot downgraded from keystone
>add a new sorcery keystone that's like Press The Attack, but you have to alternate auto attacks and ability damage for spellblade users
Hey /lolg/ would anybody be interested in buying a fresh level 30 NA account for next season? I was leveling for smurfing but gave up. I'll take skins for payment.
Why are all these people crying about dodges on PBE?
What's even the point of playing if I'm not going to play as Zoe? the new runes are on live servers and I have all the champs. Why would I play 30 mins of a game without meaning just so some faggot can play Zoe instead of me.
fact, his soldiers proc it. one per soldier. its broken as all fuck please do not do it
So the only time Minion Dematerializer or whatever the fuck it's called will ever be useful will be some one odd shitter game somewhere out there where someone uses it to cheese a shitter thinking of diving him by instantly murdering a minion tanking the turret right before he goes in right?
Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.
>could have had the old AD and %damage amp Press the Attack for Yorick and Illaoi
>now it's just thunderlord's lite
Fuck this.
What's a good secondary runes for ADCs such as Jinx
>one per soldier
You had my curiosity. Now you have my attention.
How much blue shit do you get at 31?
>tfw no qt petite gf
because if everyone was willing to play a couple games as something other than zoe then everyone would eventually get a turn to play her instead of everyone on the PBE being stuck in queue purgatory and no one getting to play her or anything else.
Is this a good Nunu support page?
It also provides extra damage to minions, so it's good on champs with waveclear that's ALMOST good but gated by long cooldowns.
Did you miss the part where it permanently increases the damage you do to all minions? It's actually really important for a lot of champs who specifically have their damage tuned to not one shot waves.
Is adaptive stuff shit on hybrid champs?
Am I still supposed to help the jungle leash shit? I have no idea how jungle works since I haven't played in so long
try it
wouldn't it be better to get the FREE spell from sorcery instead?
>MFW I bought an account with 96k IP, 14 champs (a lot of them over 4800 price), uncle ryze, Dark Candy Fidd, and Judgment Kayle, for 20 bucks.
>MFW bought it for a friend of mine that I thought wanted to start playing again (He is in LAN so we can't play in NA together).
>MFW he doesn't want it and told me that he is done with league.
Sad part is that I can't sell it because I verified the e-mail and no one is going to take the risk.
Will I get yelled at for playing Annie support or is it still fine?
Xth for Lethal Tempo is balanced
Yeah. It only works for the highest stat
I'll try that out.
Its an altered movement speed [base movepseed reduced by 125], not like blitz's.
His W counts as AA's, albeit they are all have reduced effectiveness. Hit E would get
the best healing as the grab portion is single-target. He might heal from the minions along the way, idk.
I've been toying around with the idea of Glacial Augment and Approach Velocity, too.
>hashinshin tower dives
>gets 2-3 shoots by the tower
>"yeah this build doesnt work"
>eyeball collection doesn't give penetration when you complete the collection anymore
>just gives a tiny little extra bump of AD
18 AD for 10 takedowns isn't worth it Rito.
The majority of hybrid champs are really just AP champs who can justify building gunblade or rageblade. They're only "screwed" if they for instance get the AP from an adaptive rune when AD would have been more efficient given their ratios.
right now annie support will be the 5th dumbest thing you'll see in the average pick/ban phase.
Star Guardian Ahri going on a solo mission on taking out the void monsters when it all goes wrong and it becomes the worst day of her life.
it's ahri after all
o-ohayou /lolg/!
I'm new to LoL and am downloading the game right now. the only moba I've played was smite which I still play occasionally and have been placed diamond multiple times so I'm not a total noob.
I'm making the switch now since it seems like smite has no strong future with how hirez keeps pushing for other projects and the general here died some time ago...
what am I in for?
>is the community on LoL as "toxic" as people say?
>is it okay to play zoomed in? I loved smite for how the camera worked but when I watch LoL stuff it seems like things are really hard to follow and everyone plays super zoomed out
>what's the noob friendly role for me to play?
>is there a site you guys use for builds? what about what pros build?
>is it okay to copy the same builds for 'most' of the games? I know on smite you really shouldn't unless but adc and mage usually do the same unless they need defence
>using aery when you don't even have any shielding spells
>not using mana flow band since combined with your passive it gives you two (2) free spells every minute
Reminder not to open your level chests, they're going to patch them to increase the amount you get
It'll probably get nerfed first. Its just way too strong.
Are there any truly hybrid champion in this game?
im trying to find the specifics but its solething with his soldiers and a shit load of comets
Ez lane.
People will dodge as soon as I pick her anyway, what's even the point.
The minions along the way means E won't be considered single target.
That's a shame, neither phase rush or ravenous are good on him it seems.
being an annoying cunt
Are xp rewards for each game tied to honor level? I see people getting 200 xp per game whether win or lose buti m getting 100 xp fo a loss and 150 for a win.
found it
this is why azir is a pain in the ass with comet
You wint get to use it. Nunu anything is a dodge
How can I see the total of skins i own ?