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Snek sisters edition

old thread: >General Guide: READ THIS IF YOU ARE A NEWFAG

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>Legend Kuzan book drop rate


what are the perfect sockets to legend marco

The usual and DR.

The golden 4 and your preference of meme socket

does rcv boost have any efect on his special ?

>pulled legend jinbei
>no legend marco

>Lego Doffy, Marco, and Usopp

Almost makes up for all the kuinas

Aside from shit dupes, silvers, and golds, the only notable pull I got was Marigold.


>just want big headed snek waifu
>don't even have Neko but dem snake titties
>get my fifth fucking Neptune and a bunch of other stinky fish
I did get Sakazuki which is my first >3.0 legend but god damn.

2 Bepo, 7 dupe golds and 1 silver

I feel the pain my friend.
Just gotta live with Coby it seems.

if you dont own this team you will never enjoy this game

Literally no one pulled new Boa.




Both Justin and Toadskii got nothing either.

Whales are upset too.

Haha but guaranteed reds global!!!

that justin guy is a wanna be nigger a huge faggot fucking hawaiian asian thinks hes some sorta thug gangster playing a weebshit mobile game he deserves death

I got three reds fuck the snakes.

Who /JumpingShiptoJP/ here?

See ya, retard

okay I got a legend on my 4th reroll, rerolling fucking sucks btw, it takes forever

is this good enough or do I have to keep trying

Save the code but keep trying. Try to get a TS Luffy or Akainu. A Neptune is super helpful too.

Neptune is god tier and Cavendish is a good legend and very flexible as a captain. Up to you really.

>Save the code

idk what you're talking about

Go to Options/Chance Device and then click the Change Device with ID button. It will give you a passcode you can put it to reclaim that account, in case you don't reroll anything better.
You could reroll better but Cavendish is a great start.

oh my fucking god

i pulled the new secret rr jimbe but he's literally unusable. nobody on my entire friendlist uses any fighter captain save legend jimbe

this is bullshit

So I can do that, and then keep rerolling to see if something better shows up, and if not, I've got that code all ready to go?


Just remember to write down the account ID along with the password.
Good luck on your rolling.

running 2 rerollers, been at it since sugo landed, total number of boas: 0

1 multi and the new units are:
>Int Perona

Really happy with Marg and Sicilian since I own Ace and Croc. Will try another multi tomorrow.

>pull garbage again
>decide to bum through Colo
>see this
this game is pretty bad.

my first pull, should i reroll?


He's no Rayleigh, but he's still good.

I followed a guide and took a Cavendish friend to the Luffy stage with a turn 1 Kraken that boosts orbs/atk by 1.2 and Heracles replaced the damn Kraken. I wish I could see the future to take a better team.

na akainu is OP youll be good. no memes.

sengoku is a fucking joke and if you think he's good for anything released in the last year you're insane

I'm sitting on a fuckton of STR turtles.

Should I level Elizabello, Baby 5, or Heracles, if any?

Or should I spend them on a non-STR lego?

Cavendish gets his best friend Lucy whenever he comes out, and he can also use Lucy's ship

Is stage 2 of Ideo impossible without a Cavendish friend?

damn I feel legit bad for global players.

I hope whoever replaces Donald Trump screws over Bamco with the Neo-TPP that forces all TPP countries to enforce Japan's gambling laws in gacha games.

Fuck off

Does Colo Ideo/Marco have x2 EXP?

It does not.

>globads asked for increased skill-ups
>all they get is 5 day long skill-ups every 2 weeks
>the rates are still utter trash

>globads ask for guaranteed red posters
>they get them half a year after a japan
>the rates for legends and new rare recruits are still trash

When will they learn to stop playing the objectively inferior version of the game? literally laughing so hard right now at their buttmad tears for the shitty pulls.

6* when??

Seems like a lot of Neptunes are being pulled. I really want to do a pull just for him but I'm so close to 450 now. I just know I'm going to need every last gem if they decide to give us a chance at G4.

>No Boa sisters, who were my only reason to pull
>But a new Whitebeard as a 3rd multi pull, while having a STR Lucci and a red skull

Mixed kind of feel. Since I'm gonna use Shirohige as a sub primarily, is it a good idea to give him AH?

I have AH on my WB because he's used as a sub for Blackbeard and Akainu and nothing else. He's pretty shit as a captain nowadays.

Alrighto then, using Whitebeard as a sub for my 6+ Lucci, when he'll come here on global alongside Akainu captain friends

>Lucci didn't get an extra socket for limit break

>1 run of himes to get the completion gem
Feels good

>wake up
>no Pudding

>people falling for the pull meme
>with Christmas and 3rd anni with G4 and VinSanji around the corner

You're right about 3rd anni being around the corner, but Global doesn't get Christmas sugos. Pretty sure we've gotten great Thanksgiving ones for whatever reason though, so that's even closer

Did global celebrate saint patrick this year?

no they dont care anymore all they do now is dilute the rates so that whales spends tons of money before they close the game out

So I winded up doing 6 multis, my guaranteed was my third ts luffy (lol...) and a dupe wb. I hit sandersonia and a few other RR I was missing. I may wind up doing the last 3 multi tomorrow for the last sister. Also hit marguerite. For now i'm comfy farming Ideo. I immediately threw sockets and candy into sandersonia, she's making this too easy.

Kinda sad, it's like they lost their soul.
This little phone game felt quite special

Anyone with a legend Hody ? I have QCK Legend Lucci and I want to spice things up.

631 707 306

On Global.

>Needed big Boa Sister for Lucci Powerhouse team.
>Pulled her on my first try.
>Keep pulling for free legend because I'm a retard.

At least it's my favorite villain but well...

>get Big boa sister first pull
>time for the green one
>very next pull a red
>maybe it's something go-Sengoku
>pull out of anger until I'm out of gems
fucking shit game

>Hear all the horror stories about this sugo being a trap.
>Gauge chances based on single pull.
>Base Story Usopp

No Multipull this sugo.

Simple rule user, keep multi for gold only or when they give a x2 chance for a red but it's less common

Is it worth to farm colo marco for speed meme powerhouse teams without lucci or hody? I've got other strong powerhouse legends but not the sanic ones.

9th multi has a high chance to be Boa
>it is Boa

>big download
oh boy I wonder what's in it

Sandersonia's 4 star art makes me feel things i didnt expect to feel for that character.

>want to do a single
>remember that I can just max Colo Ideo instead with those 5 gems

>Wake up
>Pudding in the game

6 pulls good Sugo, didnt own a single one of them, is Log Luffy still good?

Is the legend guide in the current doc still up to date?
On my first reroll I just got Silvers Rayleigh(pre DK form) and not too sure what to think of him. Gonna save the ID/PW for now and roll some more.

What legends should I be looking for the most?

Akainu/TS Luffy/Nekomamushi are the best 3. Akainu and TS Luffy being the easier of those to build teams for F2P. Any of those + Neptune would be a god tier reroll for global.

TS Luffy

less important but also good
>QCK Law
>PSY Boa

Yeah Log Luffy is fucking excellent since we're still living in 2015



>Highest ATK character is Monster Chopper
Stop fucking memeing Bamco.

You might not like it but this is what peak performance looks like

Any of these worth starting with yet?

Really liking the rates so far, only rerolled twice without a legendary.

>Global Sugos

Which Boa Hancock?
Blue: keep going
Yellow: maybe this one. What are the other characters?

it was the blue one

ok, im done I think, got akainu.

I can do whatever I want now, right?

yes, he is infinitely better than those on your list

since I won't be needing those other guys, I'll just leave the id/pw here. as said though, no idea if they're any good .

None of these are particularly good, man, but thanks for sharing, maybe someone would take those

>do another single
I'm done with this shitfest


>Sandersonia will never crush you with her giant, pillowy snake tits

Got her in another single pull is she worth shit ?

Aren't we supposed to get 50-ish gems from 20th anni islands?

Jesus Christ
>global rates

Got qck boa, she still good?

Kill yourself nigger

Its a legitimate question

And I'm giving you a legitimate answer

Rude desu

rerolling means using an app to reroll instantly, not doing the tutorial over and over again like I guarantee you did

Yes if you have the RR shooter subs even more if you maxed colo Gladius and pulled Marg too

>Japan Sugo
>Everyone is absolutely happy with their pulls, showing off new legends and units

>Global Sugo
>Everyone is on the verge of suicide