Got 20k. Where should I do with it?
I live in Eastern Europe.
Help a pleb invest
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Buy a ticket out of Eastern Europe.
Use 20k on a platform that can make you more later. Be lazy make passive.
Nah, I lead a nice life here.
Any suggestions?
Buy an s2000
Invest in crypto in the red
margin trade before news with a stop-loss
Buy oil before NK nukes USA
Start a niche
Quit LARPing and get job.
Put it all into ETH. You will be richest man in the world by 2018.
>Got 20k. Where should I do with it?
>I live in Eastern Europe.
If you want to be successful, wealthy, and live a long and happy life: leave Eastern Europe.
If you want to buy sweatsuits, squat, and die in your early 40's: stay in Eastern Europe.
Rent a banquet hall. Buy 200 prostitutes for a night and have a giant orgy.
Thinking of crypto.
Thinking of investing in ETH, through I understand very little about crypto. Just need some research i guess. Seems like too much of a gamble.
The place I live in is not as bad.
In fact, I turned down offers to move west.
Life is more flexible here, more opportunities.
>The place I live in is not as bad.
Yeah, you sound really convincing. I'm sure whatever shithole you call home is really supersweet and just as nice as a civilized city.
I do not need or want to convince you of anything.
Considering the standard of living and the cash I'm making, I'm a king in my hometown baby.
But in any case, here's a rundown:
> 23
> Range Rover Evoque 2016
> BMW 1 2012
> 4 Flats, 1 Beachhouse, 1 House
> Leasing 3 properties
> Hotel under construction
> Run a company, investor in 3 others
> Revenue is $$$,$$$
> Travel wherever/whenever I want
> Pussy 18-25 exclusively
Enjoy your civilized society.
/s (whatever this means)
Now, this 20k.. what should I do with it?
suk my dik wit is faglor lmao
What does your company do? Why not invest in your company?
Software Development and Services.
I'd like to expand and educate myself on other topics and trades. I find that the best way to do this is by actually investing and playing the game. Got any suggestions?
ETH and PIVX are on the spotlight right now, so don't.
Buy the forgotten ones and set up 3x sell orders to catch those pumps.
>20k.. what should I do with it?
buy appartement, rent
Already did that.
How about these pump-n-dump communities? Are they legit? It seems like a good idea to be honest.
any "pump-n-dump communities" worth it are out of your reach.
Trust me, these retards here keep buying the top.
Most pump and dump communities are set up so that a few people in the know will make a lot of money at the expense of the rest of the community who will make relatively little or might actually lose money.
>I do not need or want to convince you of anything.
>Considering the standard of living and the cash I'm making, I'm a king in my hometown baby.
My Range and BMW are missing from the pic.
I see. Thanks guys.
Any other strat you might suggest?
Learn about online marketing and sell a bunch of weight loss pills to women east EU. Also which country? Hungary here, 23, earning $4k per mo makes me well off but not as well off as you.
4k a month is respectable in our part of the world.
Lets say, I live south from you.
My country has a bad rep but with the right mindset and wits, you can make a bit more.
Is this pill thing landing you the 4k a month?
I know some people are doing it here, even on TV. Making good cash I assume.
If this is true, which hardly seems to, since you are asking how to invest 20k, when they should be just pocket money for you, get a fucking MBA, like a decent one, not one from your local shithole
Is there any way to invest this amount of money in index funds from this part of the world?
Good place for holidays, but no.
I'm not asking because I'm afraid of risking/losing money. I just want to learn and invest in more areas then what I currently have.
However, I'm not sure how much of a benefit an MBA would bring me down the line. The opportunity cost and time invested in it seems too great.
I'm not sure I follow. Let me read a bit on the topic and get back to you. You could enlighten me about index funds if you wish.
I didn't mean that you were afraid, I assumed that with your level of income you would be up for a bigger amount.
Now, honest answer regarding your question. If you haven't already put your hands in internet marketing, which you most probably have, you could invest some time and money in building authority sites. Everything can be outsourced, and they work.
Bullshit. Anyone who has what you claim would not be asking a scandinavian wood carving board what to do with $20k. Surely you can post some pictures of your cars in your garage in your beach house.
Also, regarding the MBA, I know that this is not the most popular opinion around here, but if you want to manage one or more businesses, you need at least some financial and managerial literacy. MBAs might give you a good foundation... You can just burn that cash in Bled you mofo...
Give me 1k and change my live.
You're right, they probably wouldn't.
I agree with you. However, for now I have been able to learn with experience, but I can see how that would work.
Then again.. this Bled option sounds good too, haha.
I can't give you money but maybe I can give you a small tip?
What worked for a friend of mine is that he wrote this e-book on yoga/healthy lifestyle. It was just some copy-pasta bullshit, but he learned photoshop/illustrator and branded it pretty well.
He spread that in many forums and invested in ads. I think he was selling it 30-50$ a pop.. you know "worldwide doctors approoved" and so on.
Why don't you try selling stuff like that online?
Maybe learn some programming, go to and get a few gigs? It's hard in the beginning but with determination you can scale and get better.
Hopefully I helped.
post pics backing up your story or its bullshit
don't be a cuck and come up with reasons not to post
do it or this thread will die and you can shove that cock sucking money up your ripped gaping asshole
I don't like programming ,tried to learn it but I just don't like it,I'm doing electrical engineering right now, wanted to make some projects but I can't even afford a raspberry pi. Thanks for the tip tho
> authority sites
I have tried internet marketing for sure. Its the way to go.
Are these authority sites you were talking about?
Seems interesting, and pretty fun.
No prob. Not sure where you live but maybe you could look for an easy job that can allow you to make some cash on the side, and be able to study at least a little bit during shifts.
Tried to get hired but failed my interview, it's pretty hard to get hired around here without being someone's relative or 'friend'
Where do you live? Sounds similar to my region.
Western Europe
Balkan does not qualify, haha.
Sorry to hear that man. Keep trying I guess, something will pop.
>My Range and BMW are missing from the pic.
No they're not ... they're in your imagination where they've been the whole time.
Fucking LARPer.
> plis gif proof
> no one can success if i cant
> need it so i can sleep at night
Here: I'm broke. No cash. Poor eastern euro pleb. Dreaming of 20k for immigration.
Does this make you feel better about yourself?
Hope those butterflies in your stomach have settled.
Dont buy penny stocks
Dont buy meme stocks like snapchat or any social media stock
Investing into some kind of IT company is usually always a good bet, like micron, amd or nvidia
If you want high risk, but extremely high reward, invest 50% in ethereum, 30% in pivx and diverse the rest into other altcoins like monero or ripple
Sounds solid. I was thinking of doing something like that.
Missed the BTC train when it was 250. Missed ETH when it was 10. Should've invested but I pussied out.
>Here: I'm broke. No cash. Poor eastern euro pleb. Dreaming of 20k for immigration.
The truth will set you free, faggot.
Now, if you want that $20K to get to a real country, you know what to do: those dirty slav dicks aren't going to suck themselves.