Why did Germanics feel the need to glorify the vikings?

Why did Germanics feel the need to glorify the vikings?

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They don't. In my experience Britbongs worship the vikings far more than actual Nordics.

>fins are trolls
It all makes sense


it all makes sense now

Here on Veeky Forums vikings are only mentioned by people who are for whatever reason mad about them.

Becasue after the Swedes got btfod all they had was muh vikings we wuz kangz.

>finnish trolls
how could i have missed this?

>fallen heroes
Is this a reference to the Magyar raids ending in the late 10th century?

>In my experience Britbongs worship the vikings far more than actual Nordics
We Yorkshiremen are the bastard children of their surprise sex escapades
We feel an affinity towards our rapey forefathers

>jorvik ftw


>tfw person with manners

>People with manners
>House of cards
>Sexually repressed freaks

I don't get it.

>third world
more like the other way around

that map is stupid


What was so wrong about them going for the monastries and Churches, really?
It's not like the Catholic Church wouldn't try to force convert any Pagans they may get their hands on no matter if the Pagans had actually been acting hostile to the Catholc Church prior to that.

All the good Viking leaders were christian anyways

>Wild Slavs
>in Germany

here's more kek


KEK who makes this

Noice, more?







>hurr durrr das rite DAS RITE all the way eastward till belarus WUZ german teutonic land IT belongz to US we WUZ and STILL IZ GERMANIC KANGZ MUDDAFUCKA

t. confused historically illiterate /pol/ack

t. triggered pole

He might be a polack or butthurt, but he's right.

Germans don't belong in Eastern Germany. It was Western Slavic land

I'm not triggered nor Polish. You just didn't actually bother to read and find out that science shows 4800 years ago there were r1a intrusions into what is modern day northern germany and Poland. You probably don't know that the r1a indo europeans brought iron and copper ie civilization to the corded ware europeans in the north. So anyways wonder where all that intensive german butthurt and all that lebensraum shit is coming from? Well you guessed it. Ancient Slavs used to live in eastern Germany and today there's still ruins of Slavic ring fort constructions all the way up to Denmark. Guess how infuriated the Germans must of felt when foreigners cucked land right from under their noses which they would of moved into a few centuries later. Then the nazis thought all of eastern europe belonged to them as compensation due to the schooling of the Slavs so many years ago. Also it should be no surprise Slavic ring forts share a distinctive visual connection with Aryan forts.

Deal with it. Historically speaking eastern Germany was never really German. Due to wars and shit it eventually became German but we've all got to give props to people who traveled Eurasia literally everywhere, traded metals with other people, thus bringing them prosperity and civilization, and they also gave birth the Slavs.


Hmmmm.... really fires up those neurons huh?

Because they have no actual achievements.

I like based King Alfred more desu

We nevah forget

The English likes Vikings because the contemporary Scandinavians were considered quaint little hicks

Russians didn't because Sweden was a genuine political threat so the Viking influence was downplayed

>Germans don't belong in eastern Germany
Why not?


Don't answer why Germans don't belong there.

Not the person to whom you're replying to but times change and as of right now Germans do belong in Germany, be it east or west. Having said this Poles belong in Northern Poland and Germans don't belong there anymore. Northern Poland was never legally their land anyways. The Teutons used dirty gangster tactics (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teutonic_takeover_of_Danzig_(Gdańsk)#Massacre_records) to steal that land from poor Polen then expand. Hence like I previously said they were still mega butthurt about Slavs stealing supposedly (((their))) land from them hundreds of years ago. So yeah, their underlying inferiority complex lead to bloodshed and genocide.