xth for Syndra edition
OT: eyosongive.us
xth for Syndra edition
OT: eyosongive.us
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>Except I'm right
AW YES you are
With Lulu/Karma/Janna/Nami/SONA all getting buffed by the new runes
AND YET Leona(Please stop kiting and ccing me) is WAAAAAAY better
Post OP.GG Retard
actual xth for my wife Syndra
Jesus fucking christ damage creep is real. This is unbelievably cancerous.
imls has a vod where he theorycrafts a bunch of runes if you're interested in his opinions
I can't take it anymore. I NEED to nut on SG JInx's midriff otherwise I'm going to die
This patch was made for brainlets like me. I enjoy the game much more now that everyone is a glass cannon. Running at people and pressing ALL the buttons was always what I did before but now its actually the proper way to play.
>not wanting to nut INSIDE SG Jinx
You havn't played against a Leona with Press the Attack yet. Go play the game, stop theorycrafting. Engage supports and unbelievably dominant right now because of the amount of damage they do.
>Everyone spergs and tries all the cool new damage masteries
>Tanks are stronger than ever but everyone needs to play muh assassinbab
Yeah dmg creep is going to seem like a thing, then damage will get nerfed because of reddits and silvers and everyone realizes holy shit we can't kill tanks tank meta fuck youuuu riottttt
I've been seeing a consistent decrease across both teams' creep score ever since pre-season hit. What's up with that?
xth for breast metal waifu
you faggots got me thinking this was gonna be any good. I honestly fucking thought new runes would make the game more fun and champs would be more versatile instead im seeing megacancer vs megacancer
What a fun time these runes are.
Not me, just some fellow I bumped into a few months ago. He just killed everybody and ate all the minions.
Still lost, though. Me killing his bot lane ten times was apparently more significant than him killing my minion of a top laner twelve times. :^)
>Level 16 AP Kog'Maw
>Enemy team starts Baron
>"forgive me master, but i'm going to have to use That Technique... Just this time..."
This hero is pretty fun desu.
>play top laner
>our jungler is a complete ape who builds full ap when he should be going tank
>play jungler
>our mid laner feeds 11 kills to their jungler 20 minutes in the game while im ganking other lanes
>play support
>the entire team is pants on head retarded
I can't do it. I can't stomach it anymore.
you probably think dark harvest shaco is op and the new meta too
>have 100 mr
>swain drops his Q at my feet with rylais
>does over 2,400 damage and kills me before i can get out of range
what the fuck did they do to him?
but that's fun, do you want to go back to the cancerous protect the adc with 4k hp worth a shields and ardent censer meta?
Holy shit you're retarded
I want Nami to smother me with her fishpussy!
good runes for her?
Stop theorycrafting. Play the game.
>cant kill tanks
More like everyone can kill tanks because they made percentage damage broken
past two games ive had a jungler just run up and tower dive enemy top for no fucking reason when im recalling then i get told to go fuck myself and im stuck dealing with a top laner with double buff and a enemy jungler camping me
>When the Jungler who camped your lane tries to 1v1 you 40 minutes later
>Kleptomancy+FREE BOOTS+stop watch on Fiora
>cheat out like 1k gold by mid game and overtake the game
>Take presence of Mind on Kass
>Every level up spam the fuck out of R
>the retarded state of Teemo in lane now with no more early MR runes
>Full AP teemo is now unironically viable over Tanky-on hit
>Rengar with Predator
>Katarina with Ultimore and 45% CDR
no but this shit isnt a fix. weve had many seasons with good metas like how the fuck hard is it just to go back to them instead of constantly reinventing shit?
I got like 4 shitty champs from leveling up but the BE you get for them is so terrible, I'd get 90 for disenchanting singed's shard
How to be bronze cry baby on /lolg/lol
Deny anything people have said and make up own statistics without proof
Keep saying the same thing and not posting proof or Rank out of fear of being called out
Pretend to be bait posting and claim yourself to be Ebik Trollerdog
Post OP.GG you pussy
>Assassins are strong from the changes
>This makes peel supports weak somehow
dumbest shit ive read all day
Just played against Kha.
I think I have PTSD now.
Play the game. Shieldsluts are getting their shit pushed in because the damage output goes through their shields like a hot knife through butter. Getting jumped on by Leona/Thresh/Braum and locked down is a death sentence against adcs running Lethal Tempo.
You would know this if you played the game and didn't just shitpost on lolg all day
>I will never cum inside SG Soraka until I'm completely empty
So which gamemode gives out more exp ?
>adcs running lethal tempo
who does this
press the attack is the ONLY keystone I've seen on adcs that aren't mf
that would be nice too, but goddam the though of nutting on that perfectly tight midriff makes me wild
>Assassins are strong from the changes
>glasscannon full damage adcs now pop like glasscannons thanks to no more 12% free damage reduction from Armor and MR
based patch
I want to PROPOSE to Evelynn!
Seeing the enemy support pick some squishy healslut champ while I pick some aggressive engage support makes my dick diamonds.
>not the thought of nutting inside that perfectly tight pussy
I feel what you're saying, but when you know you have a superior option why go for anything less
>STILL Won't post OP.GG
bronze 5 confirmed
Get our of here loser go cry on reddit
Relentless Sexual Aggression Tier: Evelynn, Ahri, Vi, Nidalee, Leona Illaoi,Magma,Fire,Kayle
Teasing and Control Freak Tier: LeBlanc,
Definitely Dominant But Not Quite As Sexual Tier:, Sejuani, Zyra
High Tier: Cassiopeia, Karma, Katarina, Vayne, Diana, Fiora,Miss Fortune
Mid Tier: Jinx, Caitlyn, Riven,Quinn, Sivir Air
Low Tier: Lux (some Elementalist forms are much higher), Ashe,Water,Nature,Akali
Submissive: Sona Soraka Janna
>He's in an elo where adcs are picking an objectively inferior keystone
Really makes you think
>Could have gotten a decent epic skin
>get this nigger trash instead
Fuck Riot. I'd rather get nothing
Can you please fix the formatting on this shit jesus h christ
the only thing I have seen is that ADC's are broken now
why does a list of literal whos change the fact that press the attack is superior
I wanna CUM on Lulu's feet.
>played against like 7 Vaynes and Ezreals today
>half of the Ezreals were Ezreal support
someone redpill me on this please.
>Can actually play Zyra mid now because people dont have MR
>press the attack is superior
Lethal Tempo gives objectively better dps. By a fairly wide margin too...
I'm not the same person who you keep asking to share their op.gg just wanted to share my love of engage supports vs healslut supports. No need to be so rude. But I can share my op.gg if you'd like.
someone put dan in charge of riot games
I still can't tell if glacial augment is actually any good at all on Taliyah. Feels a lot more underwhelming than I imagined, though maybe I'm just forgetting to use GLP too often.
glacial augment is trash on any actual damage dealer... you miss out on so much by not picking a real damage keystone.
why not both?
Which league girl would it feel the best to cum inside of?
Here you go friend.
Have you folks been using domination or sorcery for keystones for Ahri?
where can i look up what runes people are actually using and winning with
You die WAAAAY too much
Play safer or smarter
>silver bronze silver
THESE are the people giving you advice here
>Zyra's in mid without any mr
If you're going to cum twice, why not cum inside her twice?
It's the same logic no matter how many times you cum
seems like she'd be a good electrocute champion. It's still easy to proc on her combo.
>"Entering the dragonpussy was a little uncomfortable as the opening lips are very rigid and stiff, but once inside things softened up. The dragonpussy is very tight and hugs you nicely, like once you’re in it, it doesn’t want you to leave."
I dunno, people ran stormraider's on Taliyah before. I guess I'll just take electrocute now, at least I can activate it off EW combos. Feel like Arcane Comet is just too hard to hit if you don't have a slow on your harass, and W shoves them out of it.
>tfw these things are always too loose
When are they going to make an onahole to fit the average anime watcher
>enemy jarvan camps bot lane lvl 2 kills both me and adc
>tell jungler to take jarvans blue
>he camped so long he gets harrassed out of his jungle becoming useless
ahh feels good
Im going to make a bold prediction and say that graves will be meta
he has good synergy with many of the runes in both electrocute, that stacking one, and the adc runes arent bad on him either
I want to fuck Poppy in the vagina.
These new runes are a lot of fun
Only after marriage of course!
i just now discovered that there are more consentacles doujins than i thought
also, runes are broken and fun, preseason's alright i guess
>doesn't have the actual muscular motions of a real dragonpussy
just why bother
They are made for average dicks which is like 7 inches. I mean, even girls are walking around with at least 5 inch dicks nowadays.
ahri! but i mean, don't just take my word for it. help yourself~
How do I play Rengar this season? what are the best runes on him and how do I build him to be useful again?
Please help a not very smart user in trouble
>60% wr panth supp
What if I don't think it's good enough?
And some fag in another thread had the nerve to say I'm abnormal.
>They are made for average dicks which is like 7 inches.
>7 is average now
how do you deal with a veigar who has visage, frozen heart, rod and void staff as an adc
what the freakin heck 150k for urfdog?
then you walk away without taking an ounce of responsibility.
Inside your loved waifu of course. Otherwise, it would feel great inside Ahri
But you'd be a fucking liar
Don't tell me you have a smaller dick than a girl, user.
Lethality MF with meteor ;)
Almost literally my fetish
>tfw you just want to play blue kayn but enemy team comp requires red kayn
I used to consider anything over 5 kills as me playing like shit but just ended up dropping that mindset for some unknown reason late into season 7. Maybe I just played too many normal games.
I haven't been giving any advice unless it's on Veigar cause I have a good amount of experience with him(200k mastery points) and talk to other Veigar mains who are much higher ranks then me like plat/diamond even tho most of my experience with him is as a support. Well I know at least 1 that I talk to is diamond.
It's my go to pick whenever I just want to win.
I do. I'm a microdick desu. about 5 inches rock hard. But I was lucky enough to lose my virginity in Jr. High when it didnt matter much. That was over 11 years ago and havent touched a girl since.