So,why Hitler was a fan of islamism?
So,why Hitler was a fan of islamism?
they hated jews as much as he does
He had quite an odd relationship with it
According to Speer, Hitler stated in private, "The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?"
Albert Speer (1 April 1997). Inside the Third Reich: memoirs. Simon and Schuster. pp. 96–. ISBN 978-0-684-82949-4. Retrieved 2010-09-15.
Christianity and Islam are very similar religions lmao
>my wife's son is the prophet of your religion
muh materialism
No, not really.
/pol/diots on suicide watch
Muslims are the original anti-Semites
Actually Medieval Christians were significantly more anti-Semitic than their Muslim contemporaries. Islamic anti-Semitism on the scale it is now is a very recent development.
You will not find another religion on the planet more like Christianity than Islam.
They conquered many cities where Christians were oppressing Jews. Jews are faggots though and never kept their end of the bargain paying jizya or being nice so they got a spanking by Mehkmud.
its a german thing really
>Christianity destroyed for us the whole harvest of ancient civilization, and later it also destroyed for us the whole harvest of Mohammedan civilization. The wonderful culture of the Moors in Spain, which was fundamentally nearer to us and appealed more to our senses and tastes than that of Rome and Greece, was trampled down (—I do not say by what sort of feet—) Why? Because it had to thank noble and manly instincts for its origin—because it said yes to life, even to the rare and refined luxuriousness of Moorish life!… The crusaders later made war on something before which it would have been more fitting for them to have grovelled in the dust—a civilization beside which even that of our nineteenth century seems very poor and very “senile.”—What they wanted, of course, was booty: the orient was rich…. Let us put aside our prejudices! The crusades were a higher form of piracy, nothing more! The German nobility, which is fundamentally a Viking nobility, was in its element there: the church knew only too well how the German nobility was to be won…. The German noble, always the “Swiss guard” of the church, always in the service of every bad instinct of the church—but well paid…. Consider the fact that it is precisely the aid of German swords and German blood and valour that has enabled the church to carry through its war to the death upon everything noble on earth! At this point a host of painful questions suggest themselves. The German nobility stands outside the history of the higher civilization: the reason is obvious…. Christianity, alcohol—the two great means of corruption.
Because Islam and Nazism are both violent, war like religions
t. muhammed
Hi. I'm Muhammad Al-Knoxville and welcome to goatass
I often think of this when I look at /pol/
cause he wasn't to begin with and never was
>inb4 fake ass quote posts
guess you could argue Hitler loved slavs too since he had some in his army
The only thing he would disagree with the prophet about is diddling children. Too Catholic for Der fuhrer.
Just finished reading how Islam made Jung sploosh. What a faggot.
/pol/ and /Islam/ was a match made in heaven. If it weren't for mass Muslim immigration and Islamic terrorism /pol/ would be praising Muslims 24/7.
>Muslims are bro tier!
>They hate Jews too!
>Based Mohammedans!
It's almost sad to see that a series of historic contingencies made these two follow separate paths.
Yeah, it's true
This. Islam was a religion that was spread by the sword.
I don't think that's really that true. My impression is that Muslim rulers treated Jews as polish rulers treated theirs. They gave them protection and public offices, knowing they would be more loyal as any Muslim because they were entirely dependent on the ruler tutu remain alive given the hostility of the population. The parallel with Poland also hold true for modern anti-Semitism. Poland, once known fit it's tolerance (in fact their king's) became rapidly anti-Semitic, or rather the anti-Semitism of the general non ruling population became visible.
Jesus is still a prophet in Islam you dip
>Christianity was born from Judaism
>Christianity was seen by the Nazis as too soft, self-hating, and pacifist
>Hitler liked religions that he perceived were militant, and emphasizing of honor and duty towards one's people. It's why he had such a hard-on for Islam and Japan.
>Thought Protestantism was less unbearable than Catholicism; Protestantism was born in Germany, while Catholicism emphasizes some dirty Italian as being the highest authority on earth.
>Liked the ol' Germanic Paganism, but also recognized trying to resurrect them wasn't realistic, and even if successful would be wildly inaccurate compared to the original.
Hitler was born in a time that Catholicism was closer to Islam than to modern catholicism. As the church ended and became vat1 then vat2 the perception of christ evolved. The intellect of the young are put up against those of the old and their fading memories. And the old in all humility give in.
Our ancestors if born prior to 1929 and depending on the region they are from or rite they follow. Will have a different perception of the bible. For example they were taught that God came through his son, in the flesh because the celts and other tribes from middle earth, especially the heirs to the hebrews, practiced child sacrifices and were even beginning to become cannibals. Several roman emperors themselves were accused of cannibalism. And that prior to that time there was no monotheism. They were all pagans. And the Jews were those selling outside the holy temples. Aiding evil for profit. And that sects like essenes or nazarites weren't 'jewish' but spiritual practices and schools. So Jesus showed them the truth and the way. Anyways. The old conception of Jesus is a lot more different than the Charismatic conception we follow today. The Christian faith being to static for the evolution brought to us via time.
>The catholic zentrim party voted Hitler into power
Modern Jewry an invention of the 19th century. Popularized by both christian and muslims that had doubts in their faiths. And was given political power due to their desire for world peace.
Anyways jesus said. I am that i am. I am fully conscient to who I am and aware of who I am. This wine will replace real human blood and this bread will replace real human flesh. Now eat it. Stop eating your own.
What is "Islamism?"
Or did you mean Islam?
It spread through India without major wars if I recall correctly idk I might have that wrong but yeah for the most part it was spread by way of sword
According to Will Durant they killed 80 million hindu
Judaism is much more like Christianity than Islam is
>Hates Israel
>Believes marriage is a heterosexual union
>Believes women shouldn't have equal rights to men.
>Believes husbands should work and provide while their wives stay at home
>Opposed to other cultures integrating
>Want a return to the Monarchy.
>Against immigration and don't want to help "Syrian" "refugees"
>Believes the West is full of degeneracy and should take on traditional values
These all describe the sane
No it isn't.
He also remarked in the same vein about the victory at the battle of martyrs and (I might be misremembering) that he wished that it went the other way.
get that meme out of here, everyone else did as well (except for the banned parties, obviously)
>"Jesus was a bastard born of adultery." (Yebamoth 49b, p.324).
>"Mary was a whore: Jesus (Balaam) was an evil man." (Sanhedrin 106a &b, p.725).
>3:45 O Mary! Allah giveth thee glad tidings of a Word from Him: his name will be Christ Jesus, the son of Mary, held in honour in this world and the Hereafter and of (the company of) those nearest to Allah.
So was Christianity.
From which book is that?
>islam and nazi germany both have the exact same ideals but one is a shithole full ofretards and one became a world-threatening superpower in a decade
why are arabs so dumb
also the arab ambassadors said nothing but good things to hitler about islam which is how he learnt about it
and your thoughts??
hello pol
Because Mohammed was fucking alpha. He conquered the whole middle east during his life time and had a cute loli as wife
Meanwhile jesus
>dies without anyone giving a fuck (at least not until his religion spread)
Yes, G*rmans love Islam
Wrong. Judaism and Islam are much alike. Christianity is very much unique in the world of religion as it doesn't really fit neatly into neither middle eastern monotheism nor neatly into the category of knowledge religions (like Buddhism)
You have an incredibly shallow view of the nature of religion.
That only really came about after Israel tho
nobody [spoiler]cares[/spoiler]
Because Germans and Muslims are evil
Why is it that Catholics and Muslims have fought for centuries, yet there are many more Catholics who tend to be pro-Islam or at least in favor of cooperating with Muslims on some fronts vs protestants who are much more aggressively against Islam and pro-Israel?
>child wife
When will this meme end?
He was a cuck like all other left wing liberals are.
christcucks btfo
Because they were bros. Read about the church of the east and other catholic literature during the times.
This, it's current state is a reaction to Israel and it's exceptionalism.
Never. Because it's true.
> Paradise is under the shadow of swords
> If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also.
He loves fascism.
Dump of random Muslim Bosniaks from the 13th
Islam = warrior-tier
Christianity = beta cuck-tier
Judaism = Auschwitz-tier
>protestants who are much more aggressively against Islam and pro-Israel
Why is it then that protestant nations like Sweden are the biggest cucks?
Because Christians are thoroughly cucked now just like every other religion
Islam is the last uncucked religion that is fighting desperately to remain relevant in a post-modern neoliberal materialist world
Giving prayer at a prison camp ~'45
They were loyal and hard fighters, I remember reading how Himmler was very impressed with them.
Imblying swedes have any religion other than fedora