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I love Junko!
I'm in a bit of financial trouble. If only someone could help me out~
Damn, you're fast.
Good morning sleepy bread
Say something nice about my husbando, Ryoma Hoshi
he's a good boy!
Hah, I beat you. How's it going buddy? Hope you're not still having headaches.
He deserved more, his depression and just giving up was lamer than Mondo "blackout lol" and I not even a fan.
S-So this is the power of Oumafags...
>you will never go through the unbugged hope restoration program
>you will never become friends with mikan and slowly work on her self-esteem issues
>you will never notice how bit by bit, she gets over the remnants of her physical and mental abuse
>she will never get a haircut from mahiru to make it more even
>she will never get fashion advice from sonia
>she will never get motivational talks from nidai
>she will never stand up for herself and end teruteru's harassment and hiyoko's bullying
>she will never learn to stop overanalyzing people's expressions
>she will never take off her bandages cause her wounds from when she got bullied are healed
>she will never make new friends on her own once you give her some confidence and even become good friends with ibuki and hiyoko
>you will never teach her to swim
>you will never hug her and feel how she's actually at ease instead of all tense
>she will never get over constantly apologizing to people, crying and tripping on purpose to get attention
>she will never get over her past of abuse and stop talking about it so casually
>you will never compliment her on her new haircut, outfit, confidence and some tan she got so she doesn't look pale, and watch as she isn't shocked cause people actually say nice things to her frequently
>she will never be happy
>she will always be used as fanservice
>she will always be cheated from redeeming herself cause she got her memories back
Do you think Hajime ever feels depressed about Chiaki?
Do you think he uses the Neo World Program in secret to shag her from time to time?
I'm tired. No headaches anymore though. How about you?
Angie and her beloved Ouma! My poor wallet!
He's not as fast as Chiakiposter yet!
I saw that post the other day and tried to ignore it so I could erase it from my mind. Where did the orphan stuff come from?
Also, why did they change the title from "Good character" or "Likeable person"?
Mikan deserves better, goddammit!
Same as always, glad you're feeling better. It's 4 am though, I think rest is in order for me at least. Have a good one buddy.
I saw those a few minutes ago too and I am going to spam the refresh button to get that Ouma when it comes out. So cute!
I'm not going to watch that. Give me the rundown on what it is.
Posting best girl!
he's excellent and he deserved so much more
I guess it's cheating to say that some write-ups have made me like him even more, although he was already tied for my second or third best V3 boy
Hajime feels depressed because all he needed to, was shag a damn girl, either her or Natsumi and he didn't even got payback on Juzo, perhaps he does fucks her, perhaps no.
>>you will never go through the unbugged hope restoration program
Isn't this Island mode?
Post wallpapers
>why Ouma is a good character who doesn't deserve this
Dropped. Ouma deserved everything he got in the game. Which is why I love him so much.
It's a movie maker made video explaining Ouma's character into the babyish way possible and then called him an abused orphan. It's the same guy who commented "Ouma's motive video would be panta" on the fansub.
>Have a dream about UDG 2
>Trailer reveal
>Genocider appears on screen with her scissors
>Haiji with a bazooka shows up next
>A gnome-sized version of Max Stirner shows up and climbs on Geno's shoulder
>Those are the 3 playable characters
>fixing Mikan's hair
you sick fuck
the next coming of the YNALC author
Good use of Mahiru's hair right there. She does look better that way. Not sure about the ponytail, I think a bun would fit her better.
>Isn't this Island mode?
Yeah except the island mode is the real game and the junko AI bug never happens.
I mean, I don't think he deserved the death he got. His treatment from the cast was entirely justified and earned though.
I love Kaito!
oh wow that's just great thanks i guess
Man, I'm not usually into fanmade stuff but those are really good.
>Max Stirner
Togami already exists, user.
All traces of her being a bully victim have to dissapear. Her uneven hair is the result of abuse. It's not shown ingame but I think it's fair to assume her hair is really messed up.
Mugi and Gonta!
Is Gonta technically a red-eyed black-haired god?
meant for
I'm gonna buy Angie and Ouma, considering of buying Saihara and Kaito too.
The orphan stuff are just his fans' headcanons as always. Bonus mode interactions (Kaito/Kokichi interaction is one that the video claimed to get orphan stuff from) weren't written by Kodaka so it really can't be trust.
The main problem is that contents of Kokichi's backstory was left ambiguous with no confirmations, so even anyone and fans could just put their headcanons on Kokichi and claim that it's canon to his character.
>Chihiro is not a desperate virgin
All my favorite girls are on the bottom
>I-it's not like I want to take pictures of you, baka!
Obviously not me, but I bet you think yourself a natural born comedian don't you
>ywn have her teach you how to properly focus a shot
>ywn take pictures of everyone's smiling faces with her
To be honest, whenever I hope for a DICE spinoff, I don't think it's the Oumafag side of me talking and more so my desire to get a confirmation of what his life is like pre-killing game so guys like these can pipe down about how fucked up their baby boy's past is.
I don't think we can say he really gave up as it's left somewhat ambiguous, the real tragedy is that Kirumi cut him off before he had a chance to find his own answer
mm, on the one hand I'd have loved to see him resolve his arc and live to the end but on the other I think the big fiction reveal might break him
NEKOMARU NIDAI is my husbando. I'm not gay though.
>teruteru not a desperate virgin
>sonia, mahiru, akane, hijame not in pure cinnamon roll
>imposter not in desperate virgin
>proof you haven't even done maizono's FTEs
Most of it is still accurate. Some dangans require seperate sections though, ohsami is basically unfuckable and mikan was abused.
>ohsami is basically unfuckable
Well, she had a BF and probably did stuff with him.
>thinking it's not going to be fucked
It's like you don't know how to appeal to the fujo market.
Celes is a desperate virgin considering she claims Ishimaru tried to rape her.
>ywn take pictures of her smiling face
What's worse? Fujo 12 year olds whining over a past that doesn't exist or Fujo 12 year olds whining over a past that does exist?
>Lies to manipulate Hifumi
>Desperate virgin
all he had to do was play vidya and bang her
but no
see, you get me. there's some interesting theories floating out there and all, but god do the worst ones go on and on about his past and how it fucked him up horribly and how it minimizes his actions
he didn't have to do everything he did during the killing game, but he did regardless, and basically everything that happened to him short of specifically dying via hydraulic press was deserved
Yeah unfortunately, I don't know how well he would have coped with fiction but it would have been interesting to see regardless
either way, I wanted him to get more screentime and come to SOME resolution with his arc, even if he dies mid-game. like killing to protect the others would be one, but I also wouldn't know how to reconcile that with the trial unless he admitted it and someone else also tried to take the fall for him
Is Hajime a confirmed busta?
he's genuinely one of, if not my overall favourite character out of V3
Fujo 12 year olds who play DR in the first place.
>capable of manipulating desperate hideous otaku
All you had to do was bang Chiaki, HJ
What is this expression supposed to convey?
>tried to rape her
She said they actually did it. She'd either have to be a non-virgin or a non-desperate virgin to lie about it so casually.
You're the one who claimed that claim somehow made her a desperate virgin
Byakuya would have bitched begging for his dick, but he refuses because he's too damn rich for filthy peasants, he only puts out for the rich hoes
Also gundum should be in Autismus maximus, he's a nerd who pretends to have superpowers
>not turboslut
I ponder why she did the hand thing with one hand but not the other, kinda half assed.
user, that's impossible to fix.
I want Ouma to have a fucked up past, but I also want the narrative to emphasize that it justifies none of the harmful shit he does in game nor the terrible habits he has for interacting with people. Give me some moral grey areas and show that bad past =/= insta-forgiveness for harmful thought patterns and behaviors.
damn, i read that as handjob...
>short haired girls
>zero personality
Fucking disgusting, no wonder she ever wins any popularity contests.
Best giri.
>implying yasuhiro is a virgin
You actually pay attention to that?
Characters who always win popularity contests are overrated.
>muh dark edgelord Ouma
No, he's just a kid dreaming of being a super villain, deal with it.
Yep. I mean, if your favorite character has a fucked up backstory, that's fine. However, it's just dumb to use it to justify a character's future self. Take that user from threads ago saying Gonta was innocent because the trauma of the remembering light changed his views and sent him to unstable levels.
What makes it worse is that Ouma's past isn't even clarified or confirmed. At best, it's implied a traumatic event happened to give him paranoia. Who goes around justifying a character through a backstory we essentially know nothing about.
Bad past doesn't have to equal dark edgelord either. There's a scale of badness and having a bad past doesn't automatically make a character a depressed mope or Edgy.
I don't want an edgy past either but how do you just dream up trust issues?
Why is /drg/ so hung up on Dangans' virginities this week?
we're planning to go to the amusement park
my beliefs is that they envision a character as their partner and they don't want milleage
>Who goes around justifying a character through a backstory we essentially know nothing about.
12 year olds, I guess
I would prefer that my waifu isn't pure tbqh
Did we get any Tenko/Hoshi interactions?
That's actually a good explanation.
Why's that?
All his thoughts and backstory are fiction.
Wait, you couldn't be implying that he's actually a fictional character, right?
Same. People who care so much about purity probably don't have experience with first time sex (on either partner's side). Virgin sex is awkward and lack of sexual experience/confidence is not exactly something I would idolize in my fantasies about fictional characters.
There's internal logic to it, though. Maki acts the way she does and has the issues she does because of events in her in-game backstory, same with Hoshi, Saihara and Tenko. Even if they're fictional backstories, their character traits have logical explanations behind them in those backstories.
Tsumugi didn't just implant character traits with no logical or backstory-based basis in them. Characters were born from the backstories. They're not disconnected.
>don't want mileage
>probably jerked off to thousands of 2d girls themselves
How many layers of HICKSHON are you on right now?
I want Kaito foot fetish art
>masturbating is now equivalent to having sex
wtf i'm a chad now
Get out of here and don't forget to fuck a landmine.
Kaitofucker no
I like to think he was a normal smart kid who liked fun stuff, then something relatively dramatic but nothing super edgy (probably somehow tied to trust and lying) happened and he just went "Screw being boring, I want to have fun with my life." and formed his little organization.
i think it's good that you're open about it
But he's not saying he wants amputee Kaito in a maid dress getting cannibalized come on man
Kirigiri deserves royalty, such as myself
Best girl coming through, don't cum in your pants from the mere sight of her!