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daemonhunter or pirate rogue for rbgs?
Have you guys remembered to praise Moira today?
I can't get this fucking site to load
Has anything changed for destruction since the ToS release?
yourporn is down too
>BRH challenge
>p1 is easy but can still punish you if you fuck up a cc
>3 phase intermission which is easy and boring as fuck
>phase that WILL push you
>phase that WILL wipe you if you failed the previous one
>the boss
>you can realistically only fuck up in the last 3 phases, maybe 1st if you suck or are unlucky
>it takes half a century to get to the actually difficult phases
seriously whoever designed this needs to be shot.
What's the quickest way to get revered with armies of legionfall? Finally got off my lazy ass after playing this expansion off and on casually since launch and grinded through the suramar story, now I'm just missing revered for flying.
Who else is hyped for when Anduin realises his power level to the fullest extent?
>Orcs are reinterned into camps
>Elves are driven out, just as Garithos wanted
>the Eastern Kingdoms become 100% human, all human kingdoms become one
>Gnomish and Dwarven degeneracy is not tolerated
>Horde scum is vanquished forever
>He would've gotten over his "Draenei females are attractive" phase
What else will full-power Anduin achieve?
just do the campaign and the dailies
no other way really, but it should reach revered first
you can also turn in legion supplies
This is some anime shit.
Alright, thanks.
Warcraft dwarfs fucking sucks.
>Friendly reminder if you want playable tuskarr/naga/ethereals youre retarded
Blizzard wont remodel armour to fit non humanlike body types
Alliance leaders and players are a bunch of sissies. Remember the outcry the alliance playerbase had when their fucking leader died in ONE ex pac?
Ethereals are humanoid and so are Tuskarr. With legs and so on.
I don't know what to say.
What kind of special retard want that stupid joke race?
Arent Tuskarr incredibly similar to Male Pandaren in terms of body type?
Walrus eskimo people are much better than panda chinese people.
They're both stupid.
How new are you?
>Horde were fine when Vol'jin died and the cunt took over
How can you people tolerate such a trainwreck? I understand Horde leadership is a travesty (Cairne ded, Thrall is a balding cuck, Garrosh was wasted, Lorthemar ia bland as water) but couldn't the player base they care more?
>remodeling tuskarr to be walrus panda men
>ethereals 'skin' is nothing with cloth wrapped around it
would look like shit as a player character in armour
>would look like shit because i say so
Armor in this game is already a joke. Shoulder armor alone regularly clips because they seem to insist on mimicking warhammer 40k.
>would objectively look like shit without serious model updates
>that effort would make them more than just an "allied race" which is likely all we'll see from here out
i need draenei girls
>implying nightborne aren't getting serious model updates
Can subraces wear any armor or only their herritage sets?
>Death Knight - Vampiric Aura Party and raid member within 40 yards steal life from their targets, increasing Leech by 5%.
>Demon Hunter - Demon Speed Party and raid members within 40 yards are infused with demonic speed, increasing haste by 3%.
>Druid - Mark of the Wild 200 Mana, 40 Yard Range, Instant Infuses a friendly target with the power of the wild, increasing their Versatility by 3% for 1 hour. If target is in your party or raid, all party and raid members will be affected.
>Hunter -Aspect of the Pack Party and raid members with 40 yards take on the aspect of a pack of cheetahs, increasing movement speed by 15%
>Mage - Arcane Intellect 200 Mana, 30 Yard Range, Instant Infuses the target with brilliance, increasing their intellect by 5% for 1 hour. If target is in your party or raid, all party and raid members will be affected.
Monk - Legacy of the Emperor 20 Energy, 40 Yard Range, Instant You extol the words of the last emperor, increasing mastery by 54. If target is in your party or raid, all party and raid member will be affected.
>Paladin - Devotion Aura Party and raid members within 40 yards are bolstered by their devotion, increasing armor by 10%.
>Priest - Power Word: Fortitude Infuses the target with vitality, increasing their Stamina by 10% for 1 hour.
>Rogue - Expose Armor Your [generators] expose weaknesses in the target's armor, increasing Physical damage taken by 5%.
>Warlock - Curse of the Elements Your damage curses the target, increasing magic damage taken by 5% for 1 min.
>Warrior - Battle Shout Increases the Strength or Agility of all raid and party members within 100 yards by 5% for 1 hour.
Been out of the loop and probably old news but kinda glad they're bringing class buffs back regardless of how annoying it could be.
>night elf model already exists
Nothing for shamans?
What's a good item level to be at for the "kill sargeras" raid that's coming up at the end of the month?
>Shaman - Unknown
I'm gonna guess it's a crit buff since that's the only thing missing.
Was Garithos more of a paladin or a warrior?
I need to know what the least degenerate class is for reasons.
Any armor. So get ready for Nightborne in slutmogs and orc-themed armor.
he was a dark knight, so a hybrid
>make a macro on FDK
>pillar of frost+hungering rune weapon, cold heart chains of ice, kil jaedens burning wish and a gunpowder charge
>follow it with sindragosa's fury
>port out to argus and hit someone for 7mil in 2 gcds
>port back up
legions better than i hoped desu
why did you quote me? you little bitch?
Fem Gnomes are Best
>DK buff is basically useless compared to all other buffs
Are you getting ready to worship your creators /wowg/ ?
come pvp with me dumb faggots
rate my transmog
I hope that utility like mass grip and AMZ is also coming back because 5% leech ain't that great.
just killed a rogue through cheat death
didn't even know that was possible
Apologize, toxic vanilla scum.
oh the bitch is gonna wash right the fuck out before even level 10.
go bigger
women have no fucking idea why vanilla was popular
Will we ever get pope hats in WoW?
got the nuke ring from kara and spectre?
>mfw one of my best friends in vanilla was a 30 something woman and I was 13
>ywn rub that tummy
Female gnomes purr when you rub their tummies.
shit, I have a specter I could be using, I'll have to get that ring too, forgot it existed
thanks user!
No worries, I have chest, wrist, KJBW, spectre and the ring myself so will do this after I eat dinner.
Are you potting too?
You're a special guy ain't ya?
>implying the free 40% mount at level 20 won't keep her in the grind at least till then
nah, just popping gunpowder charges for the immediate damage
>People will pay real life dollaroos for a little more bag space
>implying I didn't already pay that for a core hound pup
She'll get her shit pushed in by levelling mobs and if she complains there'll be a lot of "toxic" people telling her to git gud.
>Oh my god you guys, I tried to kill this "Hogger" guy and I died and then some other people came along in a group and killed it so I had to wait for it to respawn, and I died to it again!
How's outlaw?
>Hunter -Aspect of the Pack Party and raid members with 40 yards take on the aspect of a pack of cheetahs, increasing movement speed by 15%
So basically windwalking aura, but better
>tfw you looted your first mob that had SILVER instead of copper
that feel was the shit. can't wait for classic.
people with retail habits will have issues pulling the gnoll camps before hogger and not dying.
5% leech is a shitton of HPS by the end of a raid boss, hopefully it's credited to the DK on a parse
God, can you imagine the bitchfit about humanoids running away and pulling other enemies?
isn't the authenticator free?
>Doing Durumu achievement
>Takes seven minutes with no way to speed it up and the blue and white spots look exactly sthe same minus a slight flash of blue for 1/10 of the second they all spawn
That's pretty awful
Used to be. Now it's 5 american freedom coins
Do you want DK's to get nerfed? Because that's exactly how you get them nerfed.
why can't I get over this fucking game? I quit and not long after I want to play again even though I know I'm going to get sick of it almost immediately. It's a fucking cycle
Warriors will be the spiciest meme.
>Charge into a camp of lvl 16 gnolls in Westfall
>Get btfo in 3s
Lets all fuck a ducc
Literally me my man. I've played and quit many games. Easy. But WoW keeps sucking me right back in. When I quit I give away all my gold hoping I'll lose motivation to build it all back but I eventually come back and make more.
Isnt that Prot War talent only 3%?
Besides, these buffs seem to be class wide, so I doubt anyone will be tailoring their comp for min/maxxing. At most people might feel obligated to bring a monk from what I'm seeing. It doesn't matter how strong or weak they are really since they won't be what nets you a raid spot.
>Start doing the ret paladin mage tower
>doing good, no problems
>suddenly, the fucking runes appear on the grounds 3 times in a row with max. 5 seconds between me stepping on the old ones and the new ones appearing
>die on the third runes because sigryn started channeling the aoe burn
Fuck this fucking shit, what the fuck am I supposed to do with paladin mobility and the fucking runes suddenly having 100% uptime
Fucking RNG piece of shit
>[5. Guild Recruitment] Thaddius: level 60 retribution paladin LFG
I can't fucking wait.
to be fair it's called battle for azeroth, not war
Why did you put war for azeroth
Nice job chucklefuck
*breathes in*
Look at the top of his head!
Trolled lmao
The app is free I am sure, and thats all I needed for the pet.
>i was just pretending
Raids will be tuned to take these into account so it wont even matter and it's just there to make you feel slightly more useful.
My guild has already agreed they will help me get scarab lord on classic
>paladin gets the easiest challenge but also the two hardest
Go fuck yourself, game. Same with the goddamn outlaw one. Also, is it true that they're gonna be scaled?
by the time you can flex with it you'll be like 45
you won't get it though
unless you're in a top autist guild
you do realize you have to hit the gong within hours of the first person hitting it right? you do realize you have to kill >30k elite bugs to even start that chain right?in an area that will be heavily camped
good luck man
good luck loser
My guild has fully commited to helping me. Stay asspained
make sure to tell us when you get it
>complaining about the most braindead one
Nigga keep her penitent when she does that shit, grab crusader and crusade and rape the caster dude.
>in an area that will be heavily camped
To be honest I would be surprised if there was still a significant population left by the time AQ hits.