Cute and perfect edition
Cute and perfect edition
I want to make Evelynn a mommy!
Guess the champion
I agree
xth for delete Kalista
How do I play this depressed, handsome man? I've never played him before but with the new runes and whatnot, I figure I should try new lanes and new champions I've never played before.
What should I build on him? what runes? how do you effectively play him?
Glacial augment is beyond broken on any melee bruiser, to bad the rest of the runes in that branch aren't as impactful for bruisers
Flat champions are a mistake.
Relentless Sexual Aggression Tier: Evelynn, Ahri, Vi, Nidalee, Leona Illaoi,Magma,Fire,Kayle
Teasing and Control Freak Tier: LeBlanc,
Definitely Dominant But Not Quite As Sexual Tier:, Sejuani, Zyra
High Tier: Cassiopeia, Karma, Katarina, Vayne, Diana, Fiora,Miss Fortune
Mid Tier: Jinx, Caitlyn, Riven,Quinn, Sivir Air
Low Tier: Lux (some Elementalist forms are much higher), Ashe,Water,Nature,Akali
Submissive: Sona Soraka Janna
Still da best.
I'd say Aatrox, but if you were smart you'd be running Ravenous Hunter on him, just like on Raast.
Is inspiration to go for Batman Ornn? Can literally change anything anywhere anytime.
xth for my wife Syndra
>im a rebel
>killing stuff is so much fun haha i hate everything
>stop calling me edgy silly boys XD
>omg shoes
>rawr >:3
>ywn be a gingerbread man and have ezreal bite your head off after dipping you in milk
xth for my wife Syndra
It's really anything goes for him. His base damages are obscene so Sterak's is really a given but other than that he's flexible enough to build any bruiser items and succeed.
should I buy elementalist Lux and then demand mid every game?
I want syndra to give me a footjob!
Xth for gassing waifufags. Especially delusional Ahrifags and Syndrafags since the Lulufaggotry has gone down to a tolerable level.
zeds wife btw
so, how tanks with low damages have been fucked by the new runes?
what about junglers? does they survive without runes?
All I need now is 'Oriental' Riven for collection's sake (I'll learn her one day)
Nah play her support
well, this was a little more fun, as you can see I carried the game
yii is broken ;_ ;
>support lux
I wish I could give this to an ally
That would be broken and it's correct we can't.
but still
lulufags moved on to /lgbt/ lmao
I need something new and op to play right now give me your secrets lolg
Fuck off
Implying a bunch of butthurt idiots who copy my post for le ebin memes are waifufags
>tanks fucked by new runes
Cause 3k HP by 15 minutes and 6k by late game is totally fucked out of their favor. It's still tank meta boys. No point coming here to cry about losing as a tank just cause you suck.
Maybe love interest, but she is raped by void cocks frequently
I want to cum on syndras feet.
>give me your secrets
No, you'll just get it nerfed!
totally makes sense now
>no tabis
>no zhonya
please learn how to play this fucking game
Just means more gas for the other waifufags then.
Doesn't make you any less of a faggot worth throwing into a gas chamber for being such a delusional waste of space. Your little imitators as you call them are free to join you in there.
Are you a retard? Please enlighten me how a tank is to get 6K. Is he just supposed to watch 600 minions get killed while having Celestial Body and Cinderhulk with all HP items? This is even more delusional than the usual ADC fare.
Is this what fun looks like?
None of that, neither Zed nor Void.
Same for you friend.
list the strongest three champion/rune combinations in the game right now
i'm not asuming anything, just asking
>hating on waifus
You should move on to Dota 2. Waifus are literally the only reason to play League.
Is anyone here a cute trap and want to play League of Legends with me?
AP Koggles Mid.
>play dota 1
>can give items to ur allies
>play lol
>cant give items to allies
Mommydom champ when
Which waifufags deserve to be gas the most though?
6k, 5k no real difference at that point. Insanely obnoxious either way. Especially with Gargoyle in the game. By late game it's more than possible with the new tank runes with or without Gargoyle's active.
>inb4 welder user goes full autism
Mommydom is too patrician for lego legends.
Why is morgana support ok but lux support isn't?
>Conversion of IP to BE isn't worth what we got out of it.
>BE shop is a bait and switch trap for those dumb enough to actually wast over hundred thousand of BE on shit no one really cares about.
>Leveling up system is hot garbage for the time spent getting the levels vs rewards.
>Can't even re-roll champ shard for new champs so you're fucking stuck with what you get since disenchanting them would be a complete waste for your efforts.
>New Runes are imbalanced making certain champs busted while leaving others in meme build territory and will probably take 2 months before we figure shit out to make staple meta all around builds.
>New ratios on AD AP Armor and MR are now like trying to get used to fucking gravity itself with how different damage is dealt and received.
I'm calling it now this season is gonna be shit.
I wanna have a nice tea party with Lulu!
High mana costs for Lux i think
What is a trap? If you mean a gay dude that pretends to be a girl? nah. If you mean a guy that looks like a girl (but is still a guy through and through) the yeah.
I'm on EUW though
That and Lux's ultimate.
Black Shield has slightly more utility in that it makes your adc immune to cc. Morgana ult is more useful as a teamfight tool as well.
How do I build the Leona meme, lolg?
post proof, preferably of your ass and dick
Unlike you Syndrafag I'm not delusional and obsessed with some fictional woman that even if she was real wouldn't give you the time of day because you're such a pathetic excuse of a human being.
I hate waifufags because a lot of them actually think if their waifus were real they'd actually like them. These are all women that are either sluts or have aspirations that are much bigger than their pathetic lives are and won't give some mouth breathing neet the time of day to so much as talk to them.
>mommydom when
We have Leona already but personally she's pretty ehh. We need something like this
A trap is a dude who looks like a girl but still is male and thinks of themselves as male
Lulu buffs when??????????
>I'm from Reddit: The post
Lulu being deleted would be a buff to the game as a whole
How do you get more Rune Pages?
I only have 4.
girly boy support champ WHEN
Does vladfag get the gas too? it's only fair
You buy them in the accessories tab in the shop.
>don't even have a reddit account
I actually just have a bad habit of spacing stuff like this by default since all my Steamfags and Discordfags do it
the last TWO champions
elise a shit :3
What Chibi icons can I get from Mystery Icon?
>Does vladfag get the gas too?
Vladfag is getting the dutch oven when I meet her.
i clicked expecting the other one, and now my day is worse
wow some shit amine poster hates other shit game related amine posters
that is some crazy shit
Vladfag tends to fly under my radar a lot. It's mostly shit like Shyv/Zyrafags, Syndrafags and Lisscuck that bug me. That and Vladfag self depreciates sometimes. I'll take that over the others any day.
Anyone got a good rune set up for Aurelion Sol?
>pick sona
>no mana regen
>no health
>no armor
>cast 2 spells
>die from a breeze
what did riot mean by this?
Should I do it?
Vladfag is a much bigger faggot than all of them though
kleptomancy is straight broken
shes a girl and thats it, dont be a retard
It isn't, getting 5K HP is a serous investment that leaves you with fuck all armor and MR. Getting 3K HP early (15 min) on a normal income is also nigh impossible unless your name is Nunu, and Nunu is one of the worst champs in the game right now.
So you are talking out of your ass, these levels of HP (at the points you pin them on) have been impossible ever since Courage of the Colossus was put in the game instead of the extra HP mastery.
And if you are seriously whining that a full build tank has 5K HP when he has all his items and and Elixir, then you need to reconsider your life choices (not to mention, tanks get shitstomped by ADCs from like 3rd or 4th item depending on how early you want to build your Dominik's and if you took Cut Down)
Lulu is the cutest! THE CUTEST!
How does one play Elise, user?
is this who i think it is desu? do ur signature nigger emote if it is
what other one
Means you need to make a better runepage faggot.
You ARE playing Camille right, user?
It's shit.
>anime posters
Man they don't even post anime. They just keep swooning over their shitter waifus acting like as if they'd be the best thing to step into a fictional woman's life. Shit's pathetic. The waifus themselves? Could care less. The pathetic basement dwelling virgins posting about them? Give em the gas.
>me and a friend played a bunch of blinds yesterday to get used to the new system
>in at least 5 of the games yesterday 1 or 2 of our teammates in champ select would suddenly go "wtf did riot do to my runes and masteries???!!?" in the last 10 seconds
I sometimes forget how completely retarded the average gamer is now.
Also anyone else like some champs are just fucking gimped without being able to boost their base stats at all? I tried Jax and his autoattacks feel fucking awful now. Meanwhile Yasuo can literally hit someone like garen or sion 3 times in the time it takes for them to finish one attack.
>New Runes are imbalanced making certain champs busted while leaving others in meme build territory and will probably take 2 months before we figure shit out to make staple meta all around builds.
How about you do pic related and chug down some pesticide?
How do I git gud as Camille?