League of Legends General - /lolg/
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xth for my wife Syndra
Riot is cashing out
It's all downhill from here desu
They removed champion rerolls
xth for lulu is ugly!
I can't decide whether I should try aery or comet on teemo
aery is waaaay better in lane but I don't think it'll be that good late game since if someone steps on a shroom it'll probably take a while for her to get back to you
How do I get good as Camille?
It should be "La baguette"
BEST couple!
>hardstuck D5 0 LP shitter pulling rank in Normals
Why does this keep happening?
>Shen gets Akali as a daughterfu
>Azir is trying to be a father figure to Sivir, much to her dismay
>Varus lost his child and wife to the Noxian invasion
>Kassadin lost his daughter to the Void
>Wukong is now a pseudo-pupil/apprentice/grandson kinda figure to Master Yi
>Ekko's lore implies that both Jayce and Viktor offered an apprentice position for him, and that he'll have to choose between the two eventually
>then fucking Yasuo gets Taliyah as a daughterfu and it feels forced as fuck, should've been a Lone Cub sorta deal with a random Ionian kid or a New Ionian champ that's an actual child
>Now Zed is a father figure to this Kayn kid even though Riot implied that he could still be in his 20's
What's with all of the father-like relationship shit in the lore now?
>Japan gets actual voice actors for their characters
>we get voices by friends of riot employees
it's not fair
>getting FB on an assassin basically wins you the game now lmao
lolbabs hahahahah
best couple is ziggs x rumble tbqh
I want Nami to smother me with her fishpussy!
>Taste of blood+ravenous hunter on brand
>Shen gets Akali as a daughterfu
Aren't they supposed to be about the same age, considering their positions are a generational thing?
>used all the blue essence on champ masteries
>just realized you can't change the default runpages
Whoops, gotta work with 4 customs and the default ones.
>"you can change runes now in champ-select!"
>"...except for the 60% of times where it bugs out"
Virgin Soul was fucking garbage.
I mean, It kinda make sense for taliyah since her W fucks yasuo so hard she could have learned it from him
>Latin America gets actual voice actors too
Feels good
what, you expected something that actually works? check your privilege you cis scum
fuck i guess i'm a teemo main now.
>he unironically thinks runes dumbed down is a good update
you should be culled.
>riven is red saber
wtf i hate riot now
I knew I hated futaba for a reason
dzk was so afraid that his unlikeable champion would be unliked that he tied zhir directly through lore, to the champion that sold the most
pickle poster, the new runes are upon us and Im confused. Could you please guide me in the right direction with some of your high elo insights?
preseason really attracts the biggest retards. every match is a shitshow
>tfw Futaba is the next champ
Nina's voice wasn't the problem though
Try both. This is the time to experiment.
Everyone should be real mad right now, the leveling system is a direct downgrade from the IP system. The new runes are fun, though.
Nah she is much younger which why Shen didn’t allow her to go after Jhin
I'm a fucking 1v9 machine and if Twitch, Yi or Kog are banned i'm picking morde and running down mid, so you better fucking dodge or suffer the consequences. When the game starts i want a smitless red or i will tax your lane til lvl 3 - and in the case that you complain? Midlanes gonna reek of my corpses.
There is no one better then me in league of legends and the ardent nerfs were just a slight thorn pressing against my back, because NOTHING stops the machine when it's began moving. The reality is that you won't be high enough elo to actually get matched against me, but in the rare event that i play a normal with one (of hundreds) my e-girls and you're in it, take this a a warning.
You first faggot
In the Jhin lore Akali is at least 8 years younger than Shen but knowing Riot that's probably not even canon anymore.
*BUUURP* You see user, runes don't really matter. Wubadubdub, just pick what makes sense to you or use runeforge.gg.
>level up
>get ashe,akali,soraka shard
>worth 700be
No one should bother with LoL lore.
why is silver such a bag of dicks?
>Ive come to accept im a silver shitter and that i need to improve
>actively try to learn from mistakes and get better
>everyone else in this god forsaken elo just screams and yells at each other and passively aggresively throws matches because someone made a mistake/did something they didnt like
>literally have autists on the regular who will hold a grudge over someone giving first blood when its like 50 minutes into the fucking match
You know like things wouldnt be this hard if people werent such fucking egotists and just fucking admit that they are in crap elo and everyone here is crap
>Launcher keeps looping an annoying sppoky, windy sound after the game has already started
What did riot mean by this?
It's gonna take new players so fucking long to even get one 6300 champ.
That's another rune page glitch. Sometimes the ambient sound from the pages still plays after you close it and if that happens you got a gusty sound playing your whole current game.
What's the best strategy for someone at level 30 with only 4800+ BE champions to buy for unlocking all champs in the long run? Wait for leveling rewards? Get Hextech Mystery Champions?
it's the worst trying to play jungle with those people as the jungler is always the scapegoat.
Every single lane losing? Well it's clearly the junglers fault for not babysitting every lane at once
its cute if done under the right context
Why is /v/ so butthurt over league?
Everytime I start a thread there it just devolves into blatant shitposting
>Meanwhile Japan gets Goku's voice for Wukong
Fucking awesome
For Xayah.
I tried going Lethal Tempo like all the pros but it hasn't been working out as well.
All change Coup De Grace for Cut Down if the enemy team is tanky.
3 Autos into a E is insane poke.
I get why you'd go Lethal Tempo, just pump out as many feathers as you can in a teamfight, but it's kinda impossible to use that AS if you're also kiting, so PTA is honestly better as it will ruin people in lane.
Ravenous also works really, really well on her, heal to full hp after you ult E in a teamfight.
Overheal only seems to be worth it if you have Sona or Soraka.
I've been using this page as for almost every ADC.
Pros seem to also really like Cheap Shot, specially on Ashe and Xayah, but I personally prefer the extra sustain in lane from Taste for Blood.
pick carry
try to win as fast as possible, before they can drag you down, since they'll fuck up anyway.
Don't care about le """REAL""" voice actors. Twisted Dio is the only interesting voice in there anyway.
(x+1)th for Ahriposting.
how new
Because it's not Dota 2 which is the hardcore MOBA for mature gamers.
ppl hate league because of it's popularity.
I will, I'll probably try the aery thing in the practice tool first, personally I prefer aery because it's so reliable but the cooldown is a bit of a mystery to me when you're dealing damage to someone a long range away
just improve mechanics and getting out of silver is free
bcus u post gay aminu pictures
>son goku
fuck it isnt fair
Pretty sure Sawashiro voices MF, not riven
>weebs in charge of identifying voices
idk... Jhin, Kindred and TK are all fucking gods at their vocie acting.
Which underplayed toplaners are a must try now with the new runes?
>tfw kinda scared to get out of silver because it means my opponents will get tougher and some of my playstyles will become ineffective in higher elos
Tell me lolg are you having fun? I honestly am not, most of the champs that I mained are now useless. The new runes certainly was made with certain champs in mind and it sucks real bad.
Jhin's Japanese voice is garbage compared to his English and Korean voices.
delete kiteness NOW
I'm having fun because it's something new
yeah, I was talking about the original voices
>you can no longer reroll champion shards
My masterplan is foiled.
>Lethal tempo
CDR can't keep up with AS, the time without feathers is increased with tempo, hence why you have to go press the attack.
Ok guys, give me your best ideas for a Zoe skin.
Remember; we ned to pander to lolicons without being too obvious.
New runes are cool.
Also as long as Jhin exists, I'll have fun.
/v/ is butthurt over everything
>Leona is Saber
Damn I just started playing Leona. Where do I get the voice mods?
I hated math, but I understand this one.
is this meant to be ironic
uhm, princess Zoe?
Uhhh Riot?
pool party zoe, but she has a string bikini
>tfw Azir gets Gendo Ikari
Azir's emote better be this fucking pose.
all of them
This is the time to say "fuck the meta" and play retarded shit like PTA Crit Sona Jungle. Experiment. Go crazy. Have fun.
make a Star butterfly reference skin
Why does that skin splash make her look like a drugged JAV actress
what? u cant turn 3 shards into 1 permanent champ anymore?
Magical poro zoe (totally not a mlp knockoff)
I puked as I typed for this is not a shitpost,
but a prophecy
>Tfw Akali is only mentioned once and has literally one line
Holy shit why does even mention her if they aren't going to do shit with her. she feels like such a wasted character
delet this
it should be mabel pines
who do you main?
>people already figured out op shit
>people is already spamming op shit
>you can't play anything because op shit just wrecks you
hehe nice presison
She's getting a Star Guardian skin in 4 months.
Hey PBE fags, how good is Zoe support? Is her stun easy to land?
user I'm overwhelmed with what whacky build to try first!! That's why I asked
>You aren't playing free elo shit
When are they rolling the end of season rewards?
They promised a lore update for her back when Zed released. It still hasn't happened.
Experiment, there is no way every op shit has been discovered.
>> PTA Crit Sona Jungle
is it worth to play atm or is shit just too broken?
dead game
this is the best time to play because no one knows what the fuck they're doing
Her bubble is retarded with how easy it is to land on people, then you have the super free damage from the powered Q.