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First for night elf butts
Reminder that sub races start at 20. That's easy 50 attempts at Love Rocket daily.
Jaina is MY wife!
Who /Zandalari/ here?
Who else is hyped for when Anduin realises his power level to the fullest extent?
>Orcs are reinterned into camps
>Elves are driven out, just as Garithos wanted
>the Eastern Kingdoms become 100% human, all human kingdoms become one
>Gnomish and Dwarven degeneracy is not tolerated
>Horde scum is vanquished forever
>He would've gotten over his "Draenei females are attractive" phase
What else will full-power Anduin achieve?
>when you wake up and the only thing that brighten your mood was the army of the light rep token world quest
xyz hack anybody? will delete post
>tfw you will never be a night elf
I can't seem to find much information about Kezan, Gallywix and Bilgewater Cartel that wasn't created post-Cata.
i wouldve race changed the second i was able if they could be death knights
into the fucking trash
They didn't let low level people get the Horseman's mount. Why do you think they'll let sub-100s get this one?
nelf master race
>tfw you will never be a bullied void elf
>tfw you will never be a night elf's pet
your average horde town in bfa
I want to eat Alextrasza's scaly shithole.
give me nightborne right the fuck now
I haven't played in a week. I've mostly just been hanging out with friends and stuff, haven't felt motivated to play since Blizzcon. I'm seriously considering quitting this time, I think this is the first expac that hasn't gotten me hyped and I don't have any desire to come back for Antorus or the Mage Tower challenges on my alts.
>belf jokes make fun of the other dirty nigger races of the horde
she ages pretty well
>join random world quest group to kill rare
>lots of adds up
>pop cds, spread dots and start laying down starfalls
>4 hks
>never realized pvp server
I don't even pvp but how the fuck do ppl on those servers do it? That's stupid.
>she gives you this look
what do??
>horde is 40% elves
>their leader is an undead elf who wants to turn them all into undead slaves
loktar ogar!
Resurrect paladin Arthas
she treats her skin with my fresh semen
Tyrande is the cutest!
>make a human character
>start near an abbey and go help defend it against orcs
>make an orc
>start in some shit desert
>go kill some boars
Much more than 40% soon
>doing random world quest for elite ettins
>howling blast hits some dipshit ilvl 810 warrior passing by
>he has a whole group of 810s that start attacking me
>cant outrun them so forced to kill them all to move on
>the warlock even uses his soulstone to try and kill me despite not fighting back and /shoo ing him
can someone recommend me a good belt for my mog?
also pls dont bully and pls be nice ty
is this fan fiction book coming out actually official lorelol?
Honestly I just want all Horde races being wiped out because time after time they have proven to be on the wrong side of history. Their culture and historical archives can be kept to be used as research if one of their big bads act up but otherwise they need to be purged.
>horde ""questing""
>someone whispers me that i have a nice transmog
>respond with thats not a transmog thats an illusion from the coin of many faces toy you dumb shit
>he responds with "??? alright"
>5min later he whispers me again saying "why so angry"
>"because if i said thank you i would not leave an impact on you"
>Is this book published by Blizzard linking the last expac and the next one official lore
Jesus you frogposters are dumb as bricks
100% elf faction coming soon!
Well, this horseman PSA is from this year and Love is in The Air had low level access for 2 years now and no announcement. I guess no one pestered them enough to clarify.
Be honest, what were the worst, stupidest noob mistakes you made when you were new to WoW?
could someone explain the lore behind this image please.
why the fuck are they not cross faction
I'm sure if you had friends IRL they'd just love you user.
Low leveled people could que for the Horseman but were specifically given a different lootbag than high level people. Only the high level one contained the mount.
top qt
rolling a sub rogue
Someone did a thing in SFM
* blocks you're path *
galian beast sfm
Anduin is a sub
>someone whispers me that i have a nice transmog
>respond with thats not a transmog thats an illusion from the coin of many faces toy you dumb shit
>he responds with "??? alright"
>5min later he whispers me again saying "why so angry"
>"because if i said thank you i would not leave an impact on you"
>100% elf faction with tribal themes
Good job blizzo
I was tricked by impersonation in chat with fake new line trick, whatever you call it.
[Guild] Bob:
Guild Master: suck my nuts
>I said would you go out on a date with me
Orc or Human DK? I'm conflicted. I play only Druid and DK so im excited for tall Orcs and Zandalari. But my friend who always plays the game with me mains Paladin and is disappointed that Alliance once again gets all the options. The only thing I really like on Alliance is Worgen so it would be a fine Druid, but aren't all Alliance DK shitty?
tribal elves are best elves
>playing horde
>tribal elves are best elves
Geez grandpa you need to go on a diet
>gotta make 95k gold by saturday or the yakuza will cut both my legs
Is their model size the same as regular Draenei? This seems different.
Decided to sub and give wow a try.
Should I go on a high population server or a low population one?
Which ones have the best raiding and economy?
Horde or allianc, does it make any difference or is it basicly the same content?
Which would be more fun?
ran from theramore to darkshore at level 27 because I had no idea there was a boat to darkshore
Craft legendaries. I make 100k a week on average - aim for high pop ones
How can one man be so based?
Right now it's the same content, but next expac Alliance and Horde will have different levelling zones, and Blizz say they may implement faction specific raids
is this good?
Things you can do as a horde player
1. Suck Alliance cock
2. Live in mudshacks without toilets
3. Starve
Whoa.... What a great faction blizzard....
if you don't have any better
Varian's dirty little secret
Reminder that all horde players are either: >weak af nerdy beta boys who live out their fantasy of being actually strong and powerful by playing orc
>the kinda guy who is ultra elitist and snobby and plays m belf
>or the kinda guy who jerks off to his characters and roleplays being female who plays as f belf.
what set is that?
>Horde gets crack addicts and a bunch of moose that were overshadowed in thier own zone
>Alliance gets the Chadforged: A group of Warriors fighting a 1000 Year War against Pure Evil itself who has access to an infinite armada of Star Ships
>Also the Dark Irons those guys are pretty ballin as well.
How can the Horde even compete?
Goblin master race
>Ignoring the Zandalari just for the sake of your argument
>You'll just call them a bunch of tribal thugs or something anyway
you forgot
>chill autists who play undead
Mythic Antorous Tier for Paladin
haha yeah
Of all the things that never happened this never happened the most.
>tfw no nelf gf
to be fair if one of those moose ends up being the second coming of Huln Highmountain, then this war will be over pretty fucking quick.
human racial buffs when?
do you know how tribal stories work user.
Yeah because we have never killed smaller factions of the other races before.
Tell me about Worgen DK, /wowg/.
I know his story was a bit overblown by Ebonhorn but still, he was basically a one Tauren Wreckingball
Well I'm fucked, didn't mean to post that Jaina
I didn't know how to repair my armor as a night elf in darkshore and someone made me take the boat to wetlands and run all the way to ironforge.
I want to Hug Jaina and try to make her feel okay
W-what happend /wowg/? (me on the right)
>all these thicc MILFs
Thank you Blizzard