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>exploding upward
2hrs ago*
it went up like $3 if you think thats exploding then you'll shit your skivvies when the real action starts
6-7% increase
this is like calling a 100 satoshi rise for mooning, stop using those stupid terms
Exploding is like a 50-75% increase in an instant
moon, mooning, moon ride or whatever people say, is atleast 500-1000% increase
because OP soon the who's who of earth will be announced
This is your LAST CHANCE to board this moon shuttle.
What's going to happen?
a fucking frenzie
it was exploding, whales were buying hundreds of thousands worth at a time, it wasn't a gradual increase
we've been telling you about this the past 2 weeks, don't try to act surprised
or dip...
Scry the bones!
here we go
has the ship already sailed for investing into ETH?
why is it about to moon?
looks like the whales are teasing it with big bulk buys spaced out as to not raise the price too much, which has been happening daily over the past week. they will probably try to keep it low for at least a couple of days.
CONVERGANCe!! just like what happened over the last month!
i havent been following Eth too closely but what is converging?
Also why did ETH see a huge bump between January and March of this year? It went from 10 to 40
see how its going to go to the average
the highs and lows average out and show the future, this is a pic of the last few hours, but this looks the same as the last month for eth
see how over the last month it has done the same as the last few hours, this means it will moon soon or it could dip
thanks man
what software/site are you using to track the price?
this is looking at the coinbase price but u can change it to look at whatever site u want, i have 232 eth in cuckbase so that why i look at it
thanks. i have to hope for a dip before i jump in
From what I hear in a few days is when it's supposed to go nuts, around the 14th and after.
There's very little dip opportunity between now and then and you'll wish after that you had even entered at the highest levels around now to be on the wild ride.
last chance its about to go up right now
Jesus fuck, you guys are idiots
why is it meant to go nuts in a few days?
i dont know how to invest in cryptos so i need to learn the ropes
why user
Remember what happened to XRP when one fucking bank announced support? They're a fucking bug compared to the who's who of planet earth being announced for ETH
but who is announcing in the next few days?
stop dodging filters you fucking neet frogposting faggot
wow its fucking nothing
lol ur funny user
it's whale controlled, it's not gonna drop
When you have the answer to that it will already be too late. XRP saw something like a 700% increase on the bank of tokyo news, this is going to be bigger than that, we could easily see ETH breach $500 when it hits
Do you know where I can learn about investing in crypto?
I was banned from pol for posting about rh negative blood.
Fucking jews don-t want us to find something out.
|inb4 i get banned here too
What do you want to know? It sits in the degenerate gutter right next to selecting racehorses. Research coins of interest, pick whichever you think has most potential and place your bet.
i think ethereum and xrp are the only believable altcoins atm.
Trendlines are literally useless now.
nigger it followed my trendline i drew an hour ago perfectly r u retarded? its still following it up when they converged
no u r
if it can break above that upper line right now it will be take off
we knew it was gonna happen.
if you wanna get in pumps before they happen, here's the door in. we dont need your money. we do research and practice trading techniques. if you want to collaborate, feel free to join.
O negative masterrace here
Coiners will inherit the earth
how do I join? the link goes dead
ETH will dip and stay dipped for eternity.
I said it. It won't go past $1 a ETH after dipping. Whoever invest in this shitcoin, will lose money 100%.
nice try
Can't tell if retarded or trolling. I literally earned $30K when it went from $25/eth to $53/eth. Then bought in again when it was down at $35/eth.
100% agree with you, I hold both as well as BTC, but if you're going to shit yourself on the price movements you will have a tough time
N I C E T R Y S H I L L.
It's obvious that you'll lose everything after the MASSIVE DIP.
did you short?
Nice try? I made a lot of money and will continue to do so. You reply that way either because
1) you made a bad buy/sell
2) never invested in anything
I hope you invest in some suicide pills after the MASSIVE DIP.
I've been riding ETH since $15, no cashouts, so yeah if there was a massive dip I would lose all that, thing is though I ain't scared of shit.
Let's make a bet. I say ETH will be 4-6x its current value by 2018. Once big corporations see the technology, it'll go crazy: web3.0.
You're FUD is weak, faggot. We probably won't dip till above 50 when ETH opens in China.
Guys, I literally know all about DIPS. I got a PhD in DIPS. I know what I'm saying.
There will be a MASSIVE DIP. I hope for your sake, and your sanity, that you cash out before the MASSIVE DIP™.
M4ss1v3 D1P™.
Will ETH really spike after this "announcement" on the 14th?
Is there any guarantee on this?
And if so, why doesn't everyone buy a shitload of ETH before the announcement if this is true??
After the MASSIVE DIP™, you won't be able to walk back again after the asshurt you will feel after the MASSIVE DIP™.
Probably the most important question
how much eth does it cost to run a contract?
Mate that could happen as early as this month, and with the level of support at that point it could easily continue out of control, missing the moon entirely and heading for deep space.
Haven't you been listening? It will MASSIVELY DIP™, and won't ever come back up again
There is no guarantee, if there was you would have missed the rocket
Because this IS the dip
The announcement is that it will MASSIVELY DIP™.
I know that I look like I'm trolling you all, but my dad works at ETH. And he said that it will MASSIVELY DIP™™™™.
It will, no kidding.
kys, nobody is falling for your jew trickery
he's obviously joking. ignore him
>My dad works at nintendo and he said your dad's a bitch. MASSIVE BITCH(tm)
Currently own 110 ETH.
Wish I was in a position to buy more.
Am I going to be okay?
As of right now theres two events that will happen in the 14th and the 24th, based on the February announcement, would these two new ones reflect in the same manner, or would the price actually dip instead? (Serious question, not trying to feed the troll)
Oh no, you'd better sell those to me real quick before you lose your shirt on this upcoming crash.
Seriously, IT WILL dip. All these retards looking at charts and 'hurr, bill gate's balls got into this tooXD' will lose a lot of money.
>tfw 39 ETH purchased in the low $40 range
Feels good to be retiring young
Bought 2 more, bring my total to 30 eth with an average around 32ish/coin.
being poor makes getting rich hard.
There is potential to make money quickly in ETH, but if you are playing the long game then you are gonna have a bad time.
The whole Proof of Stake model is fundamentally flawed and I have yet to hear a truly viable dapp idea that isn't highly dependent on data outside the blockchain.
Enterprises will chase the buzzword and talk about it in conferences, then when they find out it is a dud idea it will go the wayside.
This guy knows what he's talking about.
All these retards not believing in the MASSIVE DIP™™, will want to kill themselves after the disappointment that will happen on Friday, and the other one the 24th.
this is what the ethcucks are celebrating
when will ethcucks learn?
That's a whale buying in. That isn't worth celebrating over.
Who's celebrating? It isn't time for the rush yet
Fundamentally flawed? Are you a crypto expert?
Also why wuld it be a problem if information comes outisde the bloockhain? I dont get it..Every dapp has users that input information.
Augur, for example, relies on users making bets and offering bets..
What are you even trying to say?