/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #2320


>Recent News:
New Wind SSR Trial
Trial SR -Mirin (Preview: i.4cdn.org/vg/1510231101221.jpg)
Sleep and Comatose being changed to turn-based player-only debuffs.
Ougi-prevention debuffs such as fear and paralysis are also planned to be changed into turn-based debuffs.
GW balm buffs removed, It's now up for 2 or 1 hour depending on your Captain/ FO
Shigenki no Kyojin(Attack on Titan) Collab teased
Arcarum News (no date yet, but soon(tm)) (Summons' Call and Aura TL - pastebin.com/PwBd5VSz)

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome.

>Schedule for November:
31/10 - 8/11 - Forgiveness and Gratitude (SR Water Yuel)
9/11 - 16/11 - Guild War (Water)
17/11 - 22/11 - Platinum Sky (Rerun) + Racer MC skin will be added
22/11 - 29/11 - Xeno Cocytus (Staff)
29/11 - ? - New Scenario Event (4th homoknight event?)

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Giga Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild Pastebin

Previous Thread:


>tfw your newbie grid is still so bad, you have no hope of acquiring anything of worth in your first GW

I love Yuel! and Societte!


Prove it

it can't be a dress, every other pose leads to an upskirt

just leech tokens, you don't really need to do anything to clear your boxes

I love Sochie! And Yuel!

>He uses revive pots on nm90

harp or dagger?


I love Ninpress!

im never going to touch anything higher



>do slightly more damage with macula than europa support
wtf kmr

Just onepan EX+, host and pub NM.
You should only care about honors if you are in a crew that actually trying to win something

Is Martial Steel of the Sovereign worth using? The skills seem to be pretty good, but I still dont trust my intuition with this game.

>she still hasnt made a 5* GW

How can you can say you love her if you won't give her more than one child?

I dunno about more damage but you could end up doing the same damage if you are exhausting the elemental multiplier with buffs

>A dress can be any one-piece garment containing a skirt of any length.
It's a dress in my book

updated version when

Dagger if you have problem with DA/TA and want to play other classes.
Harp if you are going to play ely.


>crew just pushed into top 3k
we're gonna do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Layer rise finally cracking 3k?

Who tier b here

How are the new crews doing?

well it's not layer rise because that would imply that there's people playing the game there

Get into top 500 while nips are asleep, and maybe you survive nip rush.

is Metera /gbfg/'s girl?

i feel bad bullying yugu everyday. she's so generous with drops too

Well it has the major issue of having a main hand-only skill, which is awful because it's a katana.
Aside from that, as far as fire unks go it's worse than the axes (xeno and pinya) but better than rose stick and souval punch. So kind of middle of the road and you'll end up replacing it next time Xeno Ifrit rolls around.

That's why I bully Baal instead.

>Rosetta is really fucking hot
>Doesn't have a single good doujin

Why is life so unfair

alright what's the newfag shitter consensus for efficiency
>main focus running EX, pot ap
>wanpan EX+ on natural regen
>main focus wanpan EX+, pot berry
>mvp EX on natural regen
both ex and ex+ gives the same number of tokens for the hp I can take from then, but ex gives more honor because I can kill it all the way

she's in a hot doujin with pig mushrooms

EX+, always EX+, stop wasting time on EX
You want the meat from EX+ to host NM

If you want meat+token then EX+
If you only want token then EX

She's not hot enough to get laid

This GW is retarded
it`s either you have uno and steamroll sethlans or don`t and die to his 75% trigger as magnacuck

At the end of the day it's really hard to compete with the exotic beauty appeal of the dorafs and eruns. The humans that get doujins are the super popular secondary bait ones like Vira and Cog

Please stop posting this


git gud fellow magnacuck I'm having the time of my life



Literally every single fucking time. I'm laughing so hard with my f2p varuna grid that you faggots all told me was worthless.

>everyone in my crew whines about how hard he is
>tfw I'm the only one with both uno and quatre

She's human on the inside you dumb fucking tree

>earth get some random shitty octopus
>fire gets fucking old Joseph with high quality animations

So as an early fire player it's worth keeping around for when I go Samurai or sword master? I'm still pretty low on good weapons and can't decide whether to use it or feed it to upgrade another's skill.

I want to make Yuel a mommy and watch her belly slowly grow while wearing this dress!

Maybe nobody is into necrophilia, have you ever considered that?
Off yourself

She's already pregnant with my child, sorry

But the sexiest erunes barely have any doujins.


sorry gents but I'm afraid her baby is gonna be half black

it’s impossible to live through 75% trigger without gimping your damage and making your runs last 2-3 minutes longer though

Yes, best girl needs more porn.

Explain how you die. All my daggers are 0*

I don't even use anything on the 75% trigger. The 25% trigger is the only one you need something for.

Please do not lewd my daughter

tfw only box 3

i'm going to kill myself before i make it lads

it doesn't hit THAT hard
where's your rq sword

Cygames employee here, sorry we didn't design our boss around unfinished grids. We will take that into consideration in the future and ignore players w/ more advanced grids beyond unfinished grids in the future.

only 37 more boxes

Kou hates ninpress.
I only care for it for it's ougi, Every time ninpress used Hoshin Enegi it facerolled my team almost all the time. If I can replicate that type of facerolling power Every wind foe would be no match for me

Are you 40 boxing?

Beafriends is recruiting!

Maybe this time I won't get banned

>silva hitting for 5m on the first turn
I love my wife!

whats this 40 boxes thing? please help a newbie
its for a 10 daggers grid or something?

Explain to a noob why anyone would force themselves through 40 boxes

Jannubros, where you at?

yes 10 dagger grid is the ultimate grid

no its for your GW character's 5* uncap if you want to save a gold brick

40 boxes is for eternals final uncap

Shut up Song

probably just going to try to 20 box and then 20 next gw
to uncap the eternals to 5* you need a bunch of materials. one of them can only be gotten by reducing gw weapons. you can either do 2 fully completed gw weapons (which uses an extra bar) or 1 fully completed and 10 ele changed weapons

you have yngwie in tough form to attract and tank sethlans multi-hit trigger

>be darkcuck
>try and do boss
>realize boss hits you for full damage since you dont have the elemental reduction from fire => water
>get wrecked
>switch to "superior water" with your best 5* quatre
>cast blizzard
>boss hits you even more because you increased the bosses damage by 100%
>get twrecked
>pop pots
>dont have dispel
>eat blizzard infused along with the boss 50% trigger buff (which increases the bosses damage by 300%)
>get wrecked

It's such a shame that those two are the worst of secondary bait garbage too.
Having them suck up a massive majority of all doujins is a waste.

I'm impressed, user.

oh i see, i just hit 101 so i wont force myself to that

You joke, but it probably is something like this.

are you retarded user

/gbfg/ can't be this retarded you can dispel 50% trigger and it's a fucking free turn

You cant ougi with yngwie on turn 1 and have 92% charge

Not after that steamy night session he doesn't.

>Not all 3 jannu at 1
If I owned a crew called jannubros i would not let you join

>tfw I don't dispel anything and just tank it all to the face with a magna grid
Hence why I was saying the "this boss is so lethal" repeating posts HAVE to be a forced meme

The sorter don't have SR Jannu yet.

>you have to take dispel, clear and 2+ damage cuts for nm90
what the fuck

post yourself facetanking his 25% trigger with buff up with 0 reductions and all 4 characters surviving

lily covers clear and a cut, take yoda or romeo to eat the other trigger

dumb ungas

maybe don't solo it if you're a weakling

>not killing him before the 25% trigger

Is abby the only character you can get from GW? besides the eternals.