League of Legends General - /lolg/

Soraka is the most fun support in League. Thresh is for insecure betas.

Old Thread: >Patch 7.22 notes:

>Useful sites

Other urls found in this thread:


Say something nice about Sona, she is feeling insecure

So pants got cucked for saying NIGGER? And he made whole video about it

I hate character specific pages

xth for my wife Syndra

xth for breast metal waifu

>Pink Lady Mage
I see you are a man of taste. Does she do commissions?

Janny is here, everyone put on your cool face and hide the lewds.

>tfw no qt petite gf

>tfw Press the Attack doesn't give AD
>tfw Deadman's still hasn't been reworked into a bruiser item that gives AD

How to climb: pastebin.com/Q3bM5R0P

If I'm trying to learn how to play against players what mode should I be doing? I've tried draft a few times with friends and it just felt like everybody was fucking miles above my skill level.

>im a retard that cant pick 5 runes on my own

But new runes were made the way that for every champion you will run a slightly different page.


yes, now post some runes

The game already gave you 5 generic rune pages holy fuck

>tfw Leona will never protect you

>not just git gud

She is a beautiful woman and an amazing musician

Thresh may be disgusting with that hookbox still broken, but you're just trying too hard to insult them. Come on, lad. Soraka would not approve.

>tfw no threesome with Eve and Xayah


needs work

Beautiful, powerful and effective even more with these new runes if they're used right.

>melee in s8

>tfw family is going to Mexico
>tfw I am happy I get time to myself since they only stress me out
>tfw I am a bit bummed out because I won't see my remaining living grandparent since the others already passed away due to illness
>tfw I miss my maternal abuelita who passed away 4 years ago every day
>tfw I look at the cat mug she got me when I was a wee-lad every morning and evening
>tfw I just want to spend the winter holidays with someone to keep me nice and warm
>tfw this someone I want to spend it with is Shyvfag

Kill me, /lolg/.

>can change runes in champ select
>runes are personal preference
>can see what would and wouldnt be helpful against your lane opponent

I don't know what I'm doing here.

Poppy support.

Am I the only one who noticed this refference?


Yasuo's great what are you talking about

yes, now post some runes


You have to go back

You wouldn't do lewd things to a yordle would you?

Singed is even better than he was before, why are you crying

>want to play her
>she's only good as a jungler
>can't stand jungling

yes but no because it's not actually a reference


Reminder that Riot Games™ officially endorses Zoe lewds.

I was born in burgerland, senpai. As far as I know, I might change my major to politics so I can have them build that weapon that will surpass Metal Gear.

Singed is reverse melee.

>3 tanks on enemy team
>deal literally no damage to any of them
Fun game lolbabs

>lethal tempo


Relentless Sexual Aggression Tier: Evelynn, Ahri, Vi, Nidalee, Leona Illaoi,Magma,Fire,Kayle

Teasing and Control Freak Tier: LeBlanc,

Definitely Dominant But Not Quite As Sexual Tier:, Sejuani, Zyra

High Tier: Cassiopeia, Karma, Katarina, Vayne, Diana, Fiora,Miss Fortune

Mid Tier: Jinx, Caitlyn, Riven,Quinn, Sivir Air

Low Tier: Lux (some Elementalist forms are much higher), Ashe,Water,Nature,Akali

Submissive: Sona Soraka Janna



she works top and supp

Jax is one of the few champions who really wants new Grasp. At least if you're doing the Korean Titanic Hydra bruiser build and not the bronze Gunblade BotRK build.

>the luluthread was late

bad feel

Yall better stop worrying about fucking ahri and answer me

>grasp Jax
post rune page


I don't like anything about this new system

Jhin is even worse now

>Lethal tempo Onhit Xin Zhao

Holy fuck this is fun.


Jesus fuck Gangplank is turbocancer.

Walks up to you with Klepto and wins the fucking lane for merely existing. If you fight him he wins every single trade because he actively benefits from Qing you in your bitch face, if you don't fight him he zones you and you lose lane because he has an even larger gold and EXP advantage. Despite having near equal CS he backed into over 1000 more gold worth of items than me on the first back, and the lane was over instantly.

don't worry they know what they're doing everything's fine

Reminder that Zoe will be gutted because faggots will complain that having a nuke with 10 sec cd is not healthy. Riot will reduce the damage of the Q and it will become just a glorified veigars q. After that the people that really want to play Zoe will go off tank AP support Zoe and max e. But retards will probably complain that the stun is too much. Riot will listen to them and gutt her E. and she will remain a troll pick until they decide to rework her abilities.

The only hope we have is that Yassuo will main her and maybe Riot will be more soft with the nerf because of him.

In her current state Zoe is almost balanced, somwewhat overtuned (would add a couple of second the her E's cd) but other than that she is good enough to be a viable healthy burst mage.

But lets not see at veigar or annie which can literally 100 to 0 you and your team if they hit you with a stun



But he has weak early game haha! amirite reddit?

I haven't played League for a long time. Could I have some good Yordles like Poppy and Tristana?

A Nidalee is fine too

she's a decent top

Can someone recommend me a good jungle/top champion combination for me and my friend?

i hope that happens because her voice lines are annoying and i don't want to hear that shit in my games

>build tank
>get attack speed from lethal tempo
>if you stay in the fight for over 3 seconds kill everything anyways


DShield -> Titanic -> Triforce -> tank items with health

Considering it's preseason and ranked is over, high elo players are most likely hovering around normals so either you have to suck it up or go play flex/solo queue

morde jg
yoric top

Lux/Ez, Darius/Draven, Garen/Jarvan

>want to play adc
>every time i do this happens
am i cursed? does rito want me to flame people?

How's this for gem man

>5 minutes in
>enemy top lane is shoved up to our turret
>enemy mid lane is shoved up to our turret
>our jungler tries to towerdive their bot lane
>feeds them 3 kills
are junglers fucking robots or something?

I'm doing perfectly finethough.

New grasp gives you max health, and you should have proc'd it like 10-20 times by the time laning phase is over if you keep going for trades. It's also WAY better for said trades in lane.

Korean Jax isn't about auto attacking (though he can still do that well), it's about being a tanky front liner who can cuck ADCs.

What runes do I take on Lulu to make her OP?

Why is Darius completely worthless? Even with the new runes, he is genuinely unplayable.

nice panties

I prefer aftershock and celestial body on him, personally

galio j4

Are Neace's coach videos still any relevant despite the rune changes?

Keep playing in games where everyone is better than you. You don't learn by winning.

because loljuggernauts

Get cookies instead of Boots so you will not run out of mana after few spells. Rest is perfectly fine.

Wait why would you pick the keystone that incentivizes being aggressive and a rune that literally handicaps your damage at the same time

>new runes give him a way to have over 50% tenacity
have you tried not being shit?

I don't really feel like I'm learning anything when I go like 1/8 even playing super safe camping under tower.

ayo fellow janglers whats the cookie cutter jungle route for kindred

>riot releases random champ shards
>smart people buy a shit ton to stock up for the future
>riot disables them after realizing their error
>now you can only buy random champ rolls
Wew, hope you guys bought some.

Because Bruisers in 2k17 lul

>not knowing they took away the reroll option for champion shards anyways

But people still manage to get Diamond by playing him. Hmmm...

>people still think aftershock is about the damage
can you guys not fucking read or something?

Support? Same runes every support is running with Aery because it's busted.

Solo? New runes reward champions who have good scaling. Riot gutted Lulu's AP scaling because they don't want her to be a solo laner. That said, if you want to be a cheesy faggot, do what Dyrus was doing and run on hit Lulu with this page



holy shit stop saying it like this

Stay in fountain. That's your best bet.

because they're good at the game, user being silver shitter will still be a silver shitter no matter the champ, only his perception may change a bit

Tristana is my wife

What do adcs buy now when they have to go back before they can buy a bf sword? is double dorans blade still a thing?