League of Legends general - /lolg/

Pentakill edition


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xth for morde deals damage in a cone

How do people when losing avoid death? Just forfeit everything to try and stay alive? Take no risks? Any time I fall behind I start doing very poorly. I'm just a gold shitter and I'd like to get better, but I don't have any consistency whatsoever and if I'm not doing well I'm going to fuck up.

im so happy lucian is good again

bless these new runes

xth for breast metal waifu

Sometimes I build T. Hydra on him just for this reason

left or right boys

What are some good Riven runes? I feel you have to dip into the Sorcery/Inspiration tree for the CDR, Ultimate Hat, and 5% CDR/MaxCDR, but none of the keystones for those work with her.

I wanna cuddle Jinx and these new runes are making experimenting with her more fun

>tfw people are complaining about fleet footwork being too weak
>gonna get buffed and it's already my favorite/best keystone

what a feeling, maybe if i don't get burned out i can hit high diamond

>Killing annie with tibbers teleporting back as syndra

Is there anything more bm?

I'd want to cuddle Jinx and give her my "injection" if you know what I mean

>tfw no qt petite gf

Don't forget to support your carry


Xth for gassing waifufags. Especially Ahrifags and Syndrafags since Lulufags are barely around.


xth for Zoe is broken


explain this loltards

>ghost of zoe with morde
>her passive and morde

Third option

Stop pairing Saucegay 2.0 with everyone

>level up and get capsule
>4 shards worth 900 total
>friend gets capsule
>1 shard worth 1260
wtf is this rng bullshit riot

I could have gotten:
>Blood Moon

So of course I HAD to get literally the ONLY Akali skin that I hate

tfw Jinx is potentially great with the new runes but I'm a poorfag and can't buy SG Jinx.

Fuck playing any other game mode besides against bots. Nothing but rude unhelpful people holy shit

>please play Ohmwrecker!

Ghosts can't cast spells

the 17/3 freight train of rape deleting the 2/5 adc
gee boss

you mean it's sona? i thought katarina

I love Camille
hope she doesn't get an esport skin and something better though

What about firecracker?

Should I just start with a Machete at a buff now with Kayn, instead of Talisman at Wraiths?

Holy shit the new rune system is absolutely fun
Name me a champion and i´ll make you a runepage

What? "BMW" has always been Sona. It's her Pentakill skin.

I wish

Kat doesn't wear a dress

how the fuck do people play this guy

did i stutter, fuckboy?

What's that weird box?

cute boy

so is the point of BE to make people only play 1 game a day?


>play first game of the day
>mid is pretty much just walking into the enemy and dying
>don't know if they're doing it on purpose or they're just retarded
>don't want to play any more

Maybe tomorrow will be better.

So are AD mid assassins just incredibly strong now or what? You can no longer get armor or health runes to stop them unless you want to drastically gimp your own damage, and most of the new runes just help you burst even harder on top of 100 damage auto attacks at level 3.

why would she get an e-sport skin when she's barely used


That option doesn't have sexy flowing hair.

if jinx's thighs were actually this thick, she would have the absolutely objectively most perfect body type in existence

it wont be

>Imagining this on Ryze


Not even enough for that, I'm an unemployed fuck in the middle of nowhere. And even then SG > Firecracker

I know I didn't; she needs to cast an ability to proc her passive, and Morde ghosts can't do that. Unless you can somehow get her to walk into a bubble, but that seems awfully rare

Fair enough

Promotional Hextech chest new accounts are given at level 5, guaranteed to contain a 975 RP skin for an owned champion, 800 Orange essence and a random ward skin shard.

There's also another that'll have Ashe, Garen then either Sherwood Ashe or Sanguine Garen.

Just a fun little thing if you're ever itching to make a 1-trick account.

It's the super special premium chest you get when you reach level 5. I guarantees you a skin up to 975RP for a champion you own.

I even had to ask support to remove the free Ashe Brand and Garen they gave me so I could be sure too get an Akali skin too...

the removal of these runes, fearless mastery and increased burst makes ad assassins really fucking hard to deal with if you're a squishy

I do not know but I suppose the only team I saw play her was SKT
I don't remember what SSG top laner played even

>Kat doesn't wear a dress

guess ur stuck with base then buddy

kill her after she casts an ability before she autos. infinite passive autos like jhin's 4th shot ghost

you should be very worried

I'd rather not

Star Guardian Vi when?

>Faggots bulling me for my fat fingers.

Don't lie to yourselves. You guys are probably obese manlets that can't even compete with me.

Her hair isn't red in that skin

That sounds tricky to pull off

I just decided to scroll down to the literal who LoL streamers and look who I found. God damn thats sad.

*stands behind tanks*
*presses r on your entire team*

Best guy!
Kat icon is C U T E !

that reminds me when is Slay Belle Jinx getting released

Nice post

>does no damage because she's 0/15/1

MF support became available again

>tfw I have literally every single skin for her
>including the chromas
>tfw literally only play her
>tfw couldn't keep plat and ended season in gold 1 99 LP




d-dont mind my spicness,shen and mantheon coming

What's the most difficult adc to play?

I'm curious now
who's the litteral who


When Riot finally stops being shit, so never

its not hard to kill when you want user. and on top of that
>17 - 140 (based on level) (+ 25% AP) bonus magic damage.
>+25% AP
>all ghosts of morde gain this
>Champion ghosts gain 100% of Mordekaiser's bonus AD as bonus AD and 15% of Mordekaiser's maximum health as bonus health, and while Mordekaiser has a champion enslaved he gains 25% of their bonus health as bonus health and 30% of their AP as bonus AP
>cycle this into her passive
>500ap is easy as shit to pull off
>her autos are chunking 25% of your hp or more each auto
>on top of whatever the fuck else morde is shitting out

Based Spic Bro
Are you on LAN or LAS


this pic makes me want to play sona

Vayne main here..... it's Draven


Why the hate on Nurse, user? I know Blood Moon is her best skin but still, why?

no meme answers thanks

Is there any reason not to use lethal tempo with Jinx? It seems huge for poking with her rockets

I don't have to, I kept getting triple kills in ARAM without knowing wtf was going on.

I don't even main Ryze.


draven kalista

oh jeez

Kalista, Draven, Ezreal

I'd call it worth if Jinx is fun. Jinx is the best but I'm a poorfag that can't buy her skins


She gets so much attack speed already though
I like press the attack more for lane

What exactly is jinx the best at?

is jarvan the best jungle/top right now hes winrate is pretty decent

>not Lethal Tempo
>not smacking the shit out of the enemy at level 2
baka desu senpai

Pretty much what I was thinking

t.jhin main

Being cute.