/alg/ - Azur Lane General #39

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So which one do you choose?

none of them

right in a heartbeat


For your honesty, you'll be stepped on by both of them



Why not both

they will end up step on a lego instead

>Those patreon watermarks

Literally cancer

>spaced akashi

I'm kinda glad the event is over and now I can farm at my own pace. Also doesn't hurt that the normal maps are so much nicer than event maps.


Uff, can't wait for Imouto retrofit to happen desu

>bad deviantart garbage

worse than patreon watermarks


>using Prinz's censored swimsuit version on a fucking daki

All from pixiv

This is my wife. You shall respect her.

I need some sort of incentive to do that if you know what I'm saying.

Bad artists can improve, jews are beyond hope.


Threadly reminder that this harlot was responsible for the worst war crime of WW2

50% off diamond sale! Just for you, dear customer! Only if you vote for Akashi-sama!

Akashi is probably the purest bote. She has no need to whore herself out unlike the others.

She was responsible for killing 6 billion jews?

>was going to post this pic

Nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
Wasn't that America?

Maya drop anytime now.

Fake, Akashi would make it 5% at most.

Yeah, she failed to kill your ancestors in the war.


The abomination that was the exterior decoration of the Fascist Party HQ?

But that wasn't a war crime user.

Because you can't call it a war crime if the war is already over.

Dumb jap sympathizers


So Akagi was the one who did the shitty decors huh? No wonder I don't like her.

That and Yanks were not the ones to get occupied. Also Area bombing wasn't explicitly, war crime until 1977. Conveniently after the Vietnam War. Which is why there was great effort for laser guidance shit afterwards.
So this idiot is wrong to begin with.

Did you vote for her?

She's not in CN's bracket

Yes, but did you vote for her sister?


I don't get it. Half the people say Belfast is a meme and the other half say she's great. Which one is it? Can she counter Enterprise?

are you really that desperate for replies

No, she counters Akaga.

Oh I always wondered why they got so obsessed with precision targeting afterwards.

She counters Akaga. Warspite and Hood with Liz buff counter Enterprise. That's why you need very specific ships with the Surface Bong fleet.

Who is this bote and why is she so TRIGGERED by a dropped torpedo?

If she's an USN DD I'd totally understand because BuOrd.

Hamann drinking my milk


Only USN submarines would be triggered as DDs at least still could rely on their guns.


What does a britbong PVP fleet look like? Is it the one on the tier list in the pastebin? I just pulled Warspite to go with my Hood so I'd like to make one.

Fuck, I actually lost mine. Maybe I scrapped her by accident.

We all know Takao and Shoukaku are somewhat close.

When will she unlock NT-D

15k almost 16k

I'm more baffled with why they banned area bombing to begin with. You literally can't win wars without it.

Sure, you can beat the enemy armies, but if the people don't FEEL beaten, they'll just keep resisting. And how do you make people feel beaten? Well, firebombing their cities and starving them to death by the millions is a good fucking start. That's how we beat Japan and Germany. Sure, we'd have beaten their armies anyway, but the war would have lasted years longer and we'd have been fighting rebels for decades.

Instead, now we fight their armies, beat them inside of a month, then spend 15 fucking YEARS fighting insurgents and take literally 100 times the casualties from random roadside bombs than we do in the actual war.

If we'd flattened a city or five, I bet it would have taken a lot of the wind out of the insurgents sails.

after you marry her

Only thing people back then knew about war was from letters and newspapers, look at how televised Vietnam war did to public morale and now we are at the point where war is a youtube channel thanks to GoPro.

Liz, Warspite and Hood for Backline. Belfast in escort is the main thing. You can actually get away with putting Aniki in the Britbong escort if you lack fully leveled Britships with good skills for the other two escort ships.
When Enterprise becomes a FTL spaceship.

That's still fucked up, tho.

Because a still picture tells a different story from a moving one with sound as said. The majority of soft bellied civilians can't understand anymore what's needed.

>Old versions

whats needed is for you to head over to /pol/ with this garbage

It's the only one I had saved for some reason. Thought I had saved the newer version. However the general idea of Hood, Liz and Warspite in backrow plus Belfast in Escort remains the same.

>that hat team with Graf/Tirpitz/Big E
I need it. The Kraut event is after the current one on grorious Nippon, right?

Deutschland when?

Why is Aniki EVERYWHERE?

Why are you so offended by me saying how people don't like IRL violence on their phone screens done by their military to the point where they cripple said military? That's hardly /pol/.

Because this is Veeky Forums - Videogame generals not /pol/ or Veeky Forums.

I dont come here to see autistic meme about war crimes every thread and talk about how we need to bomb a city or five. If we're going to bomb shit then we should start with your house and anyone related to this garbage.

Yeah. Then a Brit mini-event(this is what happens when you blow your load on all the relevant Brit ships early). Apparently a USN event of some sort is coming next month.

Aniki is the strongest frontline unit in the game.

Let's start with your house first since you suggested it. Also blame the guy who always posts that pic of Akagi for starting this shit.
Chinks love Cleveland.


What makes her so strong?

>Also blame the guy who always posts that pic of Akagi for starting this shit.
It takes two people to keep retarded arguments alive so the idiots that reply are as responsible as the shitter trying to force it.

At least she's enjoying it.

Portland is into it as long as the other appreciates Indy just as much.

Portland probably carried her to that bed so she could take pictures of her

But Portland wants to share her Indie world with the whole world.

Yeah, we know that. Now stop you too.

SR Gunboat CL (there's no SSR gunboat CL yet) with best in class stats.

Absurdly high base stats. She's so tough and evasive it's unreal.

Her skills are fairly crap.

Well you certainly aren't helping by replying to me about it, friend. So take your own advice.

>(there's no SSR gunboat CL yet)
Aniki's superior sister when?

Even better than Wichita?

Yes. Wichita does more damage and has a better skill, but she's a CA so she dies way more quickly.

Whicita is CA.

Can't wait for Aniki's sister and the Balitmore class to show her up, causing everyone to abandon her.

what causes a man to turn this bitter

clearly it's that one dude who's been farming aniki for days and still doesn't have her

Aniki came home one night and raped me.

mfw there's some autistic seanigger in my discord who talked excitedly about farming the gold 155mm HE for belfast, then showed us that he had no idea what her first skill even does

She is more man than you

I wish aniki would manhandle me.

what the everloving fuck is that aa gun

Does anyone know what exactly each formation does?

is it something like +30% damage and -5% damage taken or something like that?