Heroes of the Storm General - /hotsg/

Boner Bros Edition

For New Players :
>Welcome to Heroes of the Storm!
>HotS: 2017 Year in Review

What's New? :
>Dragons of the Nexus Event!
>Voice chat, Skill-based matchmaking, Laning improvements, Stealth rework, and more!
>November 14th - December 12th

>Blizzcon 2017 Announcements!

>Alexstrasza, the Life-Binder; Now on PTR!
>Hanzo, Master Assassin; Confirmed!

>Hallow's End 2017 Event!
>October 17th - November 14th

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Nth for Imperius!

So now that deathwing is confirmed that means 3 dragons in a row! I'm excited.

>be malf
>2 warriors 1 assassin 1 nova
>both warriors have less dmg and everyone keeps feeding
>y u no heal

Welcome to hots. Where every death is somebody else's fault.

Nth for Mistress

>no heal???

>don't kill

>get ganked

>Lose game
>fucking casual game for babies not even depth in this game because it's so easy i only lose because it's actually so easy i dont even try haha shit game ded DED

when does the season end?
don't they usually announce it 7 days before it actually ends?

It ends in about a month, when hanzo comes out

I'll never play HL in the morning ever again.

>2017 Season 3 End Week of December 12*

>"I'm here to help! :3"
>"Do I know you?"

what happened to her

>feed over and over


>what happened to her

>valla dies to a merc camp solo
>for the third time

So I started playing Junkrat to see how bad he was. After a few games I noticed his damage doesn't pick up until late game only if pick the grenade talent. His displacement is nice and grenade has decent range to keep poking. Down side is his trap is kind of useless unless you concuss or talent it. Riptire is always better then shit rocket. They really should have just made him a specialist then an assassin that tickles people. Despite all that I don't see how people fuck up so hard with him?

I usually find the best time to play HL is 3am-8am EST, outside of that it's usually down hill.

He's a fairly low impact assassin that has skillshots. That's why he's so low winrate.

Impatience and bad positioning.

thank you very much!

She wised up.

Usually people say "WHY THE FUCK AREN'T THEY A SPECIALIST INSTEAD" but Junkrat is the one time I've agreed with these people. His playstyle is so much less aggressive and more demanding of your patience and ability to be reserved more than anything, and that in itself screams more Specialist than Assassin.

But yeah, I typically hate Assassins but I love this guy. Completely agree with his trap, and it's fucking lame because you either talent for more Q damage or 3 traps, which you might not even be able to get if people aren't stupid and actually try not to get trapped, then you have to choose between 15% movement speed OR a fatter and bigger trap, THEN at 13 you either pick Ripper Air which is better than mounting and also an immediate disengage from any and all harm in a teamfight, OR you actually make your Trap worth a damn against competent players. His talents are a little fucked in that regard.

He is great if you pick the spread shot and just keep spamming his launcher. Sadly he fails at taking anyone out individually even with tracer like hp. Still it amazes me people die so much with him despite having safe poking power and an escape. I would go games not even dying once.

I overperform with him all the time. He's fun no doubt, just low impact if you can't Garrosh people with mines or kill people with tire.

If you're not top damage right out of the gate as Junkrat, you're really playing him wrong. You should easily be 10k+ ahead of everyone as soon as enemies show, no joke.

Grenade talents are only way to go 1-7. Place his trap in bushes, or throw it into the middle of a fight, someone will trigger it.

His rocket is almost the same tier as Nova's triple shot. So many people pick it and miss hitting the target. Because of that they lose the objective and kill regardless if you get a speed boost. It doesn't help the enemy can interrupt you before you can use it. Riptire you can just be in a corner and chase people down.

Too bad all just like Overwatch you can have high numbers with him while still feeling like he isn't doing shit.

Yeah, I used to play at those times.
I decided to stay up on till Noon yesterday for whatever reason.

He's not a play maker hero, what do you expect ? You need follow up for his constant poke. I don't get why people are saying poke is bad right now, because it's not.

Chromie does the same shit, but actually gets kills and is a force to be reckoned with. Junkrat is more just annoy poke that might kill you if you are super low. Doesn't help he can't really push structures either.

>Of all the Overwatch heroes we had to get Hanzo.

I can't wait to play the shitty version of Genji.

This is Lana Bachynski a lead animator for Heroes of the Storm!

Say something nice about her!


Why was the HotS panel so empty?

PTR people, is the alarak announcer good? I have to know

Because hots is their least popular game.

It's their least popular game.



Listen for youself

Hanzo is literally the leftovers from Genji's kit. Its such a fucking joke and I bet they will bring in Widowmaker for no reason.

Because this game has been taking the backseat to other MOBAs since its inception and is casual in general. Most people into it aren't the type who'd pay like 400 bucks to see some presentations related to it.

Your keep has been taken... Oh, the irony

>Choose a talent.
>Choose a talent!
s-stop pls no buly

can't fucking wait for mmr based ranking desu lads

>spectating are we? how voyeuristic
Spectator mode confirmed?

>mmr based
it's skill based aka you gotta not suck
most people will be outraged when the system rolls out and they either fall in rank or stay where they are


Is it kind of like Smite? I remember having many games where my team would throw as hard as possible, but I still do decent. Once I did my 10 games I got to plat fairly easily. It would be nice if that were the case. Because I hate getting some afk faggot or feeder who just wants ruins everyone's mmr.

No bully

>blocking out name because you're afraid of getting bullied

lmao retards get carried

i'm more ready for promos that aren't based on win streaks

He isn't a fucking specialist because he doesn't break any design rules or play in an unconventional manner you fucking mongs.

He's a long ranged poke mage with a slightly stronger auto-attack and good waveclear. That is it, in almost any fucking comp you can replace li ming with him and get basically the same result.

Specialists usually have "unusual" / "delayed" damage, or they break design conventions by doing things like attacking buildings outside their range, turning buildings off, summoning a lot of shit or having really strange playstyles.

The jist of how it will work will go like this

Currrenty you gain 200 points or lose 200 points depending on the outcome of your match. If you have a personal adjustment score (climbing/falling) then you will gain or lose those adjustments up to 20 +/-.

In the Skill system, you will still gain or lose 200 points, but the adjustment can go much higher depending on how well you perform relative to average players of that hero. You know those little star tokens that pop up after a match that say "You only died 2 times this match, better than your average of 3"? Those will now boost or lower your adjustment according to values Blizzard will set. This means that when you lose, you will still lose points, just probably not as much as 220-180 if you perform well. We don't know the exact figures yet, but it should keep players who play above the average from falling into ELO hell as fast, and help good players climb higher, faster.

Oh, me?

Sounds like Nazeebo.

>At least your failure is spectacular.
>Are you dead again?

Now all we need is Leoric and Azmodan where he constantly talks about the other team like they are his soldiers and how you'll never beat them and we are golden.

Except about half of nazeebo's shtick is in summoning things, a large portion of his power budget is in farming all game, and mostly having unreliable damage.

I guess that is nice I just wish I stopped getting paired up with people who afk at the start of the game.

No matchmaker can fix that, all you can do is work with what you're dealt with and try not to ruin your own chances at winning by making an already bad situation worse. Just roll with the punches and keep trying. Rightfully good players will climb regardless of goofy troll shit, you've just got to do the time.

paki-tier announcer, must buy

I am not even talking about if someone picked a troll pick like Nova. I am talking about people who literally will go afk at the start due to their own choice or shit computer. This game forces you to work as a team and sometimes I would get several games in a row where its same damn result. Are people just really lucky on avoiding these types of people?

>tanks/bruisers were my go-to previous seasons
>take a break from the game and start ranked late this season
>can't win for shit on warriors
>do well on supports

do I just suck it up and become a heal slut if I want to climb?
or did I just not give it enough games yet

Where is Muradin? Also you don't want to play Bruisers besides Sonya right now. Mathael chews through them in the solo lane.

I prefer mix support like Kharazim who can heal and dps instead hoping your team will be useful.

>sample size
Play more.

Being able to skip right into high Diamond every season is nice.

>how deal with trolls, feeders, disconnects, afks
Focus on yourself, try to avoid tilting then just play more. We all get those games occasionally, can't let them get to you.

I don't care about my mental state I don't even talk to these people. But its silly to try to win a game where one guy makes the game a 5v4 sometimes even more if they picked Cho'gall. I think the only time we turned it around was due to the enemy getting a d/c as well. Still I seem to get these types of games more often then just occasionally.

I think I need to try out different times and see if I get better results because I noticed some games I would get a bunch of foreigners who are probably on dial up.

she animated Dehaka very well!

Giving up mentally loses more games than feeders man. I know the immediate reaction is to say ">feeder doesn't lose my game ya okay bro" but trust me, it's realer than you think.

Silver is the wild west, whacky shit happens. Don't call it because someone makes a bad pick or plays like shit, just try to outplay the enemy and you'll see progress.

Ranked really is a test of character and persistence. A lot of people give up when they don't place above gold and that ruins the experience for everyone.

Why are all of Blizzard's character designs like that? I don't really know how to describe it. It's not anime-esque or anything, but it's generally bad. This ridiculously complex armor that looks like accessories from a toyline.

It's stuff that looked cool to 13-16 year olds 10 years ago.

>generally bad
Subjective. It's high fantasy invented by rocker dads in the 90s, not sure what you expect.

Yeah comebacks do happen but usually you need you full team for that. Unless the enemy is brain dead retarded they can win with numbers alone. Still you can be the most positive person in the world that isn't going make Paco's hamster to start moving. Half the time they will just be connecting and d/cing the whole game so you can't even use the AI. Despite much I know we are going to lose I never give up and play as well as I can.

Aside from Diablo and OW, their style is typically summed up as "cartoon Chinese knockoff Warhammer"

She realized her father was right about everything and she got him killed.

>implying it'll be that nice
They'll just bring over Overwatch's dumb gold/silver/bronze medal system.

A loss still is -200 points but a gold medal would give you +20. Or something like that.

performance based mmr when ?

What can you even do when team wants to try and out feed each other.

Q build Li-Ming is pretty dope tho, why does everyone circle jerk E, when you can do way more with Q

Thrall literally saved the world though.

Why is KT so fucking bad. Do they expect people to just stand in his Q aoe or something like wtf.

Chain stun --> root --> aoe. Stay back and farm until your quest is done.

This troll is fine, I'm mostly talking about the armor and general aesthetics. It doesn't really fit that theme. I guess the plastic look would appeal to kids from 10 years ago.

So when are Leoric and Kel'Thuzad getting redesigned into flesh-covered undead to appease the Chinese Overmind and its slave-powered bear bile factories?

Diablo art style is top tier

She also animated Alexstrasza very well.

When Carbot does his Alex video there will be a gag about Dragon form hiding in a bush.

Kel'Thuzad is all about his combo.

why doesnt Alarak get health from nearby enemy minions or heroes deaths?

Yeah this never works like ever. Always too far away and way too situational.

Because he's not Leoric.

Have you perhaps thought that maybe, you suck dick at the character? If you are that bad that you can't hit his combo, than don't play him.

I barely play Li-Ming.
Don't you only go Q if you go cannoneer to burst some nonmagic tanks?

Q is really good on BoE for Immortal damage.

Ya, basically. I've just been spamming Q build for a couple hours, slowly getting my winrate up with her.

Even if enemy team has Anub, whoever else has magic, I'll still go. Someone in draft got pissed because I picked her into Anub earlier, when there's 4 other people to target.

Oh right.
I completely forgot and I'm master.

I'll probably pick her up, but Greymane carries my games.

she didn't animate alex, matthew parker and mike higgins did

But they used her for animation reference.

Leoric already has flesh skins.

She's actually good against Anub, because Disintegrate destroys web wrap in seconds.

Difficult and susceptible to dive.

He has a bit of a learning curve. Go practice his combo in bots or something to get more of a feel for it.

I'm talking about a permanent skinsuit bitchslapping like Skeleton King and Karthas got

>Boner King makeover
Please don't remind me.
Once the denial of "It's just an event, his boneliness will be back" wore off, his existence was just a bummer that never went away.

Blizzard would just put it in for the Chinese client and leave the other regions the normal version. See: WoW, and Stitches in HotS.