/svg/ - Shadowverse General

Dead game dead general Edition

Rotations, formats, new class:

>14M Download event details

October nerfs - PDK, CoCK and NEET

Starforged Legends is out.

>What events are up?

Leader poll results
Official Website:

Deckbuilder and card database

Useful Links: pastebin.com/SZNKYEMi


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>that OP
>avatarfags everywhere
I wonder why.

Why Haven is considered bad when StormHaven can beat without many troubles Rune, Blood and Forest?


First your rank. Nexto, shitters only know to pick the best atm aggro netdecks.

To be kinda honest with the familia this desu reee. Post vampy

I can't win on turn 4 in dragon quest because of some annoying card called Miko or Siby whatever. I don't understand nerf this fucking broken piece of shit card.


Truly the burning question that I doubt anybody can answer to why our general is dead.

Memes aside, dragon's obviously going to be turbo-broken in the first 3 months of rotation format. If they don't pre-emptively nerf them, we're going to have yet another dragon t0 format

Not only is it going to be slowed down, but they have almost all of their important tools since standard/DE was almost all trash. Sibyl in particular is going to enable some disgusting control degeneracy

You don't know what cards they will give each classes in the new expansion by the time rotation comes. Still too soon to say anything.

I guess so. PDK nerf didn't do anything to dragon. Ramp is the strongest deck still. After rotation, Dragon will also be the best deck, I mean they literally will lose nothing.

Ff portalcraft is the new combo deck then the game is dead in both formats since it will be pushed and d-shift will reign in unlimited. We will need some thinking man's aggro chemo there.

I've told anons before, sibyl will evantually get nerfed even if she escapes nerfs this time. She has too much value for the cost of her card, and that's a sign it needs a nerf. Cygames can be as stubborn about it as they want but evantually they will have to realise sibyl is overtuned, just like they did with eachtar.

Eachtar was chemo though. Kill yourself.

Fucking this. The meta in DQR is aggro because of Dshift (It's called D-Rift) and Dragon.

I'll buy her getting nerfed if ramp gets more support to the point that A) it becomes OP and B) Sibyl isn't singlehandedly holding it up.

It rapes DShift and Blood regardles of rank
Thats good enough for make the class tier 1 in this meta

>tier 0 cancer

Belphegor needs a buff.

How to nerf Sibyl?
>She gives 1 empty PP
>-1 attack
>She heals you 3
>-3 defense
Balanced Sibyl 3/2 - 5/4
Thank you.

>still complaining about Sibyl
never change /svg/

I still don't get it why they nerfed Slacker and Council instead of Sibyl.

Chemo for Dragon. Just like Blood is chemo for Rune right now. I can't take it anymore, these Rowen/Isabelle metas.

>still refusing to admit she has too much value for the cost of her card

I miss Neutral Spawn chemo. Literally the best meta so far.

Storm Sword needed a kick in the pants, NEET took a hit because she was just a better royal banner and council got hit because there was just too much value there. To compare: Albert - 3/5 Storm for 5, CoCK - 3/6 Storm/Bane/Ward for 5 spread out over 3 followers meaning that while the storm damage is lower, the ward protects both the bane and the storm.

>has carried shadow on his back since he was printed
>wears a badass coat and rides a flaming horse that strikes fear into the hearts of his enemies
>family man who would do anything for his daughter
>ceres waifu
why is he so perfect bros

But that was fine, Sibyl is not.

pre-nerf Eachtar was ACTUALLY called a chemo during the July format's neutral spawn blood, in this very /svg/. That didn't change neutral blood's tier 0 status though and midshadow still lost more than they win by a long mile.


>Ramp is the strongest deck still.
I'd say midshadow but it and storm ramp are like 1a, 1b.


Well seeing as how the best classes are shadow and dragon that's not super impressive.

Post decks your having fun with /svg/.

thank you

So you are admitting Haven it's good as it counters most of the top classes

I use this for rune dailies in ranked.

My wife is perfect as is. She needs neither buffs nor nerfs.

My wife Sibyl is perfect as is. She needs neither buffs nor nerfs.

>having a wife with horns

Well I'm not sure you're right about the matchups since I haven't played them much. Just saying beating a bunch of middle tier classes doesn't make you tier 1.

>not liking cute handlebars

horns are amazing, you can use them as handlers for when you pound her from behind with your pulsing cock


Im glad i picked Cara over Baha in T2. She carried me to 5-0.

>having a wife with long hair

m-my horns are sensitive, user
please, be gentle!

>line art
I am in dire need of information to study this handlebar theory.

>not liking cute single handlebars

Why did they aggressively redesign her to have DFC

long hairs are amazing, you can use them as handlers for when you pound her from behind with your pulsing cock


i take it tails and shoulders are amazing for the very same reason?

>digital art
I am in dire need of information to study this handlebar theory.

unlike the first one this one is easy to find on iqdb, it's gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=3211864

i take it tails and shoulders are amazing for the very same reason?



2 damage if your hp is higher...

>open jap stream
>SJW-tale bgm
>close jap stream

Undertale is not that bad. Just because tumblrpigs likes them doesn't mean streamers that enjoy them are bad.

>dshift running more card draw like looking into glass and trail of light
What variation is this?

Probably Greedshift trying to pop as early as possible with nearly 0 removal.

Needs more Snek

He cut 1 wind blast and 1 merlin to accomodate that 2 looking glass. I agree i guess for the wind blast cut, but merlin is too good to pass

>in SFL
Lmao, most decks cut her because she's too slow and competes for the evo with the almighty Owl.

You're gonna get flame & glassed.

>no dshift tutor
Enjoy your top 20 card without dshift.

>literally 4.7% chance of happening assuming hard-mull
I'm not paranoid enough to tech for that.

I've been playing since closed beta and have spent hundreds without a complaint but that's ended now. The value is way too far off.


>copying stuff right from r/hearthstone
>>/hsg/ is that way

>mfw i see another dshit player

>succ won't be legal in rotation
This alone is enough of a reason to exclusively play unlimited


What's more dead, this game or Louis CK's career?

Whats her name /svg/?

this thread

Pleb don't copy me if you can't even iqdb.

>giant chimera
which one will get nerfed first?



>nerf sub 50% WR
Dragon was 50% WR with high usage in last month of WLD but cygames didnt do anything about it

Daily Reminder: Always bm dshift player when you have lethal and only kill them when the turn is going to end.

It just werks bro.

I've had someone do this to me while I was playing dshift but he forget evolve animation time and didn't attack before the turn ended. He concede in shame the next turn when I wasn't even close to shifting and gave me a free win.


You're welcome

Should I craft 3 Sybil just to do Dragon dailies?

>have twelve 2 drops in my deck
>don't draw any for the first 3 turns

I have never seen a burger disconnect from a game. Only the nips so far.

They do that on all games, asians are toxic af on online games, koreans are even worse

Who wants to come fight my super ultra trash golem deck for fun? Literally no followers except golems.


I noticed the same thing. Maybe they're unhooking the cable to hang themselves because they brought shame to their family by losing in an online card game. If not this why would they do this? I still win the game and now they have to go through the trouble of waiting a bit to log back in and start another game.

Who the fuck is (You) to talk, discord?

>everyone who posts here that you don't like is from the discord

i wonder why this general is dead?


That sounds fun, but I'd need to reinstall the game first, which might take a while.