/swgg/ Star Wars Games General feels like old times thread

/swgg/ is not your personal tech/customer support forum. Google search before posting.

>For General SWTOR info and finding people to play with:

Referral system is broken, ask politely in thread if you need a link.

>How do I setup Battlefront II?

>/swgg/ Guilds
Legio XVI Coruscantia - Tomb of Freedon Nadd (Imperial)

- Ebon Hawk (Imperial/RP/Memes)

- Harbinger (Imperial)


>KOTET Trailer

>'Traitor Among The Chiss' Teaser

Old bread

My lfie for yours

Just adding what user put in last thread for a free armor set

>tfw her voice actress is a fucking hottie even at like 45 years old

She has us at a disadvantage as she can sense things...like a disturbance in my pants

Lets also include this "roll a toon"

I am really happy at how crowded things are right now. PvP was a lot of fun and I remember having to beg people in fleet to queue up.

Don't know how long this will last but I am loving it!

DJ Snowball in the houuuuuuuuuuuse


What is a class for first timers to start with ?

why is the empire written so better than the jedi order?

On Pub side - I would go smuggler.

Imp side - I would go Agent

Because people enjoyed writing good stories about doing bad things. Pub side you are "don't drink, don't smoke, what do you do?"

Do the admins for SWGemu actually check for multiple accounts?

Probably, since only 5 people play it.

CSRs now have the tools in place to check accounts and users even when people are offline. They bust a lot of people trying this.

I’ve been doing it for 3 months, they must be pretty fucking lazy.

>not updating the guild section
>not mentioning United Forces at all

good op

>customer service reps
>for an unofficial server they are not allowed to charge for
Top lel.

- Darth Malgus - Rep side

Please add to the next op

empire is all about passion and emotion, republic is a bunch of boring goodie goodies

post some screens

why do screenshots look alright when i view them on computer, but like shit when i upload?

I like that pic. She looks pretty angry. The kind of anger you get when you step on a lego in your bare feet.

This is what I wear when I went to Hoth.

Yes I am that edgy

it looks even better on my pc though, it's weird

>all lightness in the galaxy
So she'll kill all the non-fat ones? Rude.

she's a bit edgy

Goodnight /swgg/

Hope to see you tomorrow morning!


s p e s s

The final frontier

I bet your nipples could cut glass


I am tacticool




I just love playing Agent.


So appropriate. Seriously, what were they thinking?

>light side Jaesa

You done goofed.



>agent can't use pistol
defend this

You're special to me...

>Uses pistol in cutscenes
>Their stun is tossing a knife and not some Ana sleep dart shit
>Fully automatic bolt action sniper rifle but needs to use a knife to stun

yeah i'm hittin that too!

>Lord of the Sith
>One of the most powerful sith
>Tells a slave you love her


Notice the lack of collar. She's my equal.

beautiful isn't it? the power of love?

>112 characters on star forge after the merge

i just want to give a big "fuck you" to anyone selling character slots on the gtn


You are my hero. I have 48 characters on star forge and 34 on Waffen SS

I thought I was an alt-a-holic. You are awesome!

I just finished KOTOR, holy shit it was a ride.
What cool SW games do you have to recommend next?

Don't mind me, THORN, just having a break.

Get the fuck out of here you fucking beta cucks.

You remind me of Titus Pullo from that awesome TV series ROME. Upon his return to Rome after the Battle of Thapsus, Pullo falls in love with a slave girl, Eirene, whom he rescued from Pompeian soldiers when he and Vorenus found the stolen treasury gold. He frees her and plans to marry her, only to discover that she already has a fiancé so he ends up killing him.

She only had sex with him because he was her master and she was afraid to say no. Once freed she no longer had any obligation to have sex.

That is YOU. You make DUMB decisions. You are a Lord of the Sith. Slaves are meant to be used. Not to fall in love with.

I was looking for swgg a few weeks ago and missed it.

But now I forgot what I was going to ask.

god grinding rifleman in SWGEMU is boring

I miss group grinding

I forgot about that show! That was awesome. I am going to make a sith warrior named Titus Pullo! HA. He kicked ass

There is this thing called macros. Go find a place with some animals to kill. Set it up and go eat some food while you kill everything and gain XP while you sleep. Do it in a remote area so no narcs will turn you in.

>decided to install conversion pack on bf2
>made sure patch.lvl and patch2.lvl were in SIDE
>doesn't work

I do macro grinding at night when I'm asleep. I'm obviously not asleep now, so I'm spinning lairs.

I just wish SWGEMU Basilisk had group XP bonuses enabled.

>I am going to make a sith warrior named Titus Pullo!
make sure you have him marry vette

i'd say roughly 100 of them are level 1 alts i made in the past week, but i couldn't resist the opportunity. one character slot is 600 jew bucks or around 10 mil on the gtn. i feel like i saved a fortune is potential currency.

What's the easiest healer in swtor? I feel like I'm shit in flashpoints.

Take anything but operative.

Nevermind, I read where I can do manual install, got it

I am going to make a Sith called Lucius Vorenus who is going to call him a "Drunk and a Disgrace"

EA really has mastered the jew class on squeezing every last shekel out of people.

Oh HELL NO! She is keeping that slave collar on now for that comment. Dark Jaesa and I are going to have fun with her.

It pisses me off that the beta cucks bitched and they took out of the game us breaking Vette.

You are NO Sith. I will find you and end you.


I'd love if concealment operative had a cutscene attack like Ash's bladestorm, going in and out of stealth as they twirl and stab through groups of enemies.

just finished the agent story
is Hutt Cartel worth playing through? if not what do you recommend doing now?

It's mindnumblingly dull. Nothing but running from one side of the map to another and you are under attack CONSTANTLY.

I never felt you missed much by skipping Makeb and Ilum.

>is Hutt Cartel worth playing through?
Agent: "I don't have a lot of time, so let's skip the denials and go straight to brutality." *punches woman* "Your company mined the isotope-5 for the Hutts. I want to know everything about it."
Solida Hesk: "I've never heard of isotope-5"
Agent: "I said we skip the denials." *punches woman again*
Gay planet, too.

>Best stories are with the original.
>I would make another agent and play it different this time around. For example if you wanted to be a real pile of shit you can join SIS for real. There is a path to do that which you will have to look up because it makes me sick even thinking about doing that - but that is an option for you.

Or you can do what I do. Make another alt and play the original class story again and have fun.

I hate how Operatives use blaster rifles and not just a pistol. Especially if you choose Concealment

I hate how Operatives who use blaster rifles in gameplay always use a pistol in cutscenes (except ONE of the latest missions where it's a "sniper rifle") even at times where it would make more sense than using a pistol.

I wish that scene had a different cutscene depending on you AC. If you picked Sniper you're watching the whole scene from the vantage point while if you picked Operative you're sneaking about, listening to the conversation
Seriously, it's really dumb how Operatives have a rifle. It's just so cumbersome. Even in the animations

I've got four agents, so I plan to make one of them SIS. The first I went full LS but stayed loyal to the Empire. I gave that box to no one, though. Not Kothe, not the Keeper and not the Council. That just leaves free agent, Jadus and if I remember right, some kind of asshole ending with the Sith?

is there any way to slow down xp gain? progression is way out of whack and you're always downscaled at every planet

In the supplies area? near the tier gear vendors, I believe there is an NPC that allows you to buy an item to turn off the double xp or something.

Operative is never using his stealth in cutscenes either, makes him hiding behind the crates while listening to the Eagle look so stupid.

Sounds like a plan!

I actually made one of my agents SIS and they have some cool cut scenes on Makeb and at the end of the entire Revan story. So it is one of the cool things they have going. Not sure if the same thing exists in the Outlander thing.

Then again I had so much fun with my Inquisitor it will be hard to make anything else.

It actually was quite fun. on the pub side you can force that bitch and her family into slavery. GOOD TIMES! FUCK YOU BITCH! YOU ARE NOW A SLAVE! You can also send that homo sith to hellfire with a volcano death! Good times!

> - Darth Malgus - Rep side
from that last bit, I'm guessing Bounty Hunter is right out? I've only got a single character so far.

I was wondering where this set went...


That's a name I haven't heard in a long time

Goddamnit that little bitchass Theron FUCKING CUNT IMMA KILL HIM SO HARD

What class has the best story and why is it Bounty Hunter?

Ah. I see you found out that fucboii bitch is a traitor

Mako is worst girl

Knowing that while playing Umbara a second time on a stealth class is even more aggravating. Whether intentional or a bug, that he doesn't go invisible and aggros everything make me want to stab him repeatedly with the blunt end of an electrostaff.

>you will never have dancing girls in bounty hunter prisons dancing for you

why live?

I have one prison I placed against a wall over a low-hanging Iokath lava forge. It's now a torture chamber.

that's edgy brah

The entire FP is bugged
Why do you think everyone actively avoids playing through it

Is the Revanite questline on Dromund Kaas from the expansion? It's purple, but I've got my ship as a bounty hunter already. Should I abandon the quest until I'm done with the main line?

>why live?
swtor is the reason

I like that!