>"Make America great again"
>Builds a wall instead of invading Mexico
Are people really this stupid
>"Make America great again"
>Builds a wall instead of invading Mexico
Are people really this stupid
Other urls found in this thread:
>implying there's anything worth invading
Nice try Satan.
>doesn't drink alcohol or do drugs
>doesn't eat pork
>3 wives
>gold toilet
>wants to cut the interest rate down to near-zero
>doesn't like Jews
>doesn't like women and gays
>keeps railing on about the Iraq War
Is this nigga a secret Muslim or what?
delete this
holy shit
>invading Mexico
I had this thought when I was in high school. Now I realize that it would just cost us trillions of dollars and get us almost nothing. Yeah, in 200 years Mexico might be worth something but right now it is definitely not worth the cost
>doesn't like jews
His daughter is jewish
dubs confirm Da'un Al-Trumb is indeed a secret Muslim
>they still don't how and why neo imperialism is cheaper than imperialism
>doesn't drink alcohol
I don't trust people who don't drink. Like, seriously though.
literally taqqiya
he's ruining the kikeshit plans in Syria already and he's not even in office yet
mfw we elected an actual honest-to-god Islamic infiltrator to the presidency this time
>at last i truly see.jpg
not arming rebels is like the opposite of that.
How? Assad being able to mop the floor with the rebels and restore his power restores a second unfriendly, Iranian-aligned regime on its borders
The perfidious Israelite seeks nothing but chaos in Syria. I wouldn't be surprised if it's funding Assad and the rebels--it's what it did during the Iran-Iraq War, playing both sides
Obviously, his abstinence is not because he was once an alcoholic, nor is the reason moral or religious, as is so often the case. Rather, sadly and tragically, Donald Trump does not drink alcohol because he lost his dear brother, and his father's namesake, to alcoholism.
You seem to have misread my response but I guess it was vague. Anyways what you just described in the first sentence is closer to trumps policy on Syria and the latter is what Obama has been doing.
>invading Mexico
Nice try mexican scum, but you won't live in America. A fate of colony is all you deserve.
>doesn't do drugs
nigga he was a billionaire in the 1980s
he was inhaling blow by the pound
I bet you he's just one of those faggots that stops at a glass or two in the privacy of his home but makes pretend to be a tee totaler because muh morality
interesting take!!!!!!
>"Make America Great Again"
>doesn't invade Mexico AND subjugate their people and distribute them amongst Americans as our helots so that all Americans will be Middle Class by default.
Is Tsar Putin going to invade the balkans now?
Time for the glorious Russo-American alliance has come
>>doesn't like Jews
>>doesn't like women and gays
>Da'un Al-Trumb
>invade the Balkans
>cant invade by sea because they got cucked by malta
>cant invade by land because nato is still a thing
>yfw the Balkans get gangbanged by Tsar Putin and his new ally Sultan Erdogan
>NATO is still a thing
Not after Trump gets to it.
It's like we want to end up in another cold war. Except it will be a three way China-Russia-USA Cold War when the USA loses hegemony.
More like we want to end up in another Victorian era.
Having no single country with absolute hegemony really spices up the news.
I don't want spicy news.
This. Id rather it be bland and peaceful
>implying the arms industry would want that
They wouldn't and Trump will probably pussy out. Especially since the NATO high command are giving him all that this morning.
But we can dream.
The point is to get the Mexicans outside of our borders, idiot. We should really give them California back anyways.
>doesn't drink or do drugs
In the public eye. Lol if you think he doesn't do that in private.
>doesn't eat pork
>doesn't like women or gays
Go back to Rebbit. Trump is one of the most pro-gay candidates ever.
>doesn't like Jews
Once again, he's one of the most pro-Israel candidates ever. Actually learn something instead of memorizing epic bitchslap jokes from Reddit.
>Trump confirmed for cuck
>Bows down his head to the black alpha
>Doesnt talk and let Obama do the talking unless he is given the go from him to talk
>He says he respect Obama(Probably sucked his dick)
>Literally says "Thank you very much President Obama"
>Obama probably fucked his wife and then fucked Trump after grabbing him by his boipuccy
1:37 Obama says "Miss President-Elect"
Trump got sissified. So much for le big mouthed campaign persona.