I was diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder (psychopathy) 2 years ago. ask away
Ask a diagnosed psychopath anything
Anything personnel?
>It's an autistic guy roleplaying something he thinks is cool after reading articles about it
I don't understand your question.
Just tell him "Nothing personnel, kid". That's all he wants.
"Nothing personnel, kid."
Are you allowed outside?
How competent and comfortable do you feel in social situations?
They can only keep me in an institution if i am suicidal or homicidal (i am not either openly) so i get to do whatever
What's it like
Why is a psychopath on Taiwanese cartoon image board?
Do you like sonic?
It's hard to explain. It's like im not there at all. i fake most of my emotions. no one knows of my condition other than my family and psychiatrists. i just say the right words in the right tone of voice with the right movements to get what i want. I never actually want to convey what i think, just do what i need to do to get what i want. sorry if thats confusing.
I like speed in general.
Nice get.
I'm not sure what it would be like for other people, i can remember a time that i wasn't like this. i don't know if that time was better or not. i certainly don't feel as many emotions, which may be good or bad. To me though, it's just normal.
When some newfag pretends to be you
How did you actually get diagnosed? From what I understand psychiatrists are very reluctant to actually diagnose people with this shit these days and only do it when an adolescent is constantly in and out of juvie for violent offenses.
That is a really long story. In summary, i got caught doing a lot of bad things, and they sent me to a special psychologist. There, i scored almost perfect on the Antisocial Personality Disorder (Psychopathy) criteria and they came to a decision that i had the disorder.
You have a fundamentally flawed understanding of psychopathy, fuck off.
>From what I understand psychiatrists are very reluctant to actually diagnose people with this shit these days
That's because there are no clinical diagnoses for Psychopathy. It's not Hannibal Lecter or "hurr durr I like hurting things", it's "Huh, my brain structure is different but I'm a perfectly normal adult". As much as it's used as a shit post, Psychopathy is outright a spook. It really doesn't exist as people understand it.
>only do it when an adolescent is constantly in and out of juvie for violent offenses.
Not even then, Psychopathy has very little to do with actual violence. The closest you get to this is *neurologists* getting called in to testify that a violent, serial, murder is mentally unstable. Even that isn't "psychopathy", it's a multitude of issues, one of which *may* be Psychopathy.
If ANY psychiatrist tells you, or anyone else, is a psychopath, 360 walk out. They have no idea what they're talking about by any means.
antisocial personality disorder. 1% of the population. look it up bud ;)
i dont like hurting things, as you would have known if you would have read the fucking thread. what i have, is a mind that works differently in the fact that it lacks empathy and is unusually manipulative. Thats what a psychopath is. Now, i dont know what kind of unreasonable criteria you have for a person with APD, but it's wrong. do research.
Did you experience any violence during your childhood?
Thanks Tom Cruise
he would have to moonwalk if he did a 360
>antisocial personality disorder
ASPD isn't Psychopathy mate, at best it's sociopathy. Try harder.
I didn't say you did, it was a general misconception. The Hannibal Lecter thing was a reference to your dumb ass.
>is a mind that works differently in the fact that it lacks empathy and is unusually manipulative.
Psychopaths have empathy nigger, it's just a different form and understanding of it than the usual person. The "unusually manipulative" thing is true enough, but shows a flawed understanding of how Psychopaths behave.
That's the joke mate.
>Now, i dont know what kind of unreasonable criteria you have for a person with APD, but it's wrong. do research.
Again, ASPD is not, I repeat, IS NOT the same thing at all as Psychopathy. Which you would know if you were actually diagnosed as either.
>Thanks Tom Cruise
I don't get this reference, but seriously, go ask any proper doctor and they'll give the same approximate answer.
>psychopathy doesn't exist and isn't a diagnosis
>as you'd know if you'd been diagnosed with it
>no clinical diagnoses
Learn to read. The parameters for each and case of Psychopathy differs, what OP is talking about is at best disputed.
Straight from the APA:
"Psychopathy scholars continue to debate a variety of important issues, including (but not limited to) optimal factor structures (e.g., Cooke et al., 2006; Hare & Neumann, 2008), whether antisocial/criminal behavior should be part of the construct (e.g., Skeem & Cooke, 2010; Hare & Neumann, 2010), and the role of fearless-dominance/boldness in psychopathy (e.g., Lilienfeld et al., 2012; Miller & Lynam, 2012). Moreover, scholars also continue to ponder which elements need to be present to constitute psychopathy (or “primary” psychopathy), including whether affective-interpersonal traits (e.g., callousness, deceitfulness, social potency) are sufficient in isolation (Lilienfeld, 1994; Poythress & Hall, 2011) in light of that not all individuals high on psychopathy are impulsive (cf. Hicks et al., 2004; Poythress & Hall, 2011)."
You can get diagnosed, but there is no clinical, established criteria to do so.
OP is talking the common perception of what a Psychopath is and shitposting for attention. Just the damned Hannibal Lecter picture was proof enough of that.
>I don't get this reference
Not that guy but Tom Cruise is a scientologist and they don't believe in mental illness and have opposed psychiatry and psychology.
Not him but that I get from that is certain diagnostic criteria are up for debate and how much they should be weighted, not there isn't any diagnostic criteria at all.
Let me put it this way. The DSM V does not have any condition, disorder, et al, entitled Psychopathy. It would be something a doctor elects to do, and that doctor would never do so because it causes more problems than not. *Because* there is no common criteria, having any diagnosis would be extremely problematic for any kind of outside/secondary doctor to deal with, let alone a complete change in doctors.
If a doctor says someone is a psychopath, it is an informal diagnosis, not a clinical one.
OP said he was "diagnosed" a psychopath, and then started talking about ASPD. Assuming he's not a complete troll, then in all likely hood his doctor just talked to him about "possible psychopathic traits" and ASPD, and OP is just going "lol, I'm a psychopath! This is funny, let me post about this on Veeky Forums!".
Wish I lacked empathy as it is hard sometimes to pretend I care about most people. People can easily find out that I'm disgusted by them when they see me apparently. I can see why so-called psychos tend to succeed in life.
I've been acting like this since my first moment of counciousness... but they say I'm borderline, not a psycho.
did you ever kill someone?
Well, I've got the ideology for YOU! My friend.
Have you ever heard of, the spooks?
I want to know how you see things.Your philosophy.Your view.How you'd react to something etc.
Are you a liberal?
Are you intelligent, nihilistic and have a wicked sense of humour?
did you kill anyone?
If you could see things the way i do, you would have to be me. i see things in a weird way i think. the best way i can describe it is like a chess game (or at least thats what my therapist says). everything is just a move. make the right moves, and you get what you want. There's no point in doing something if it isn't going to benefit YOU and there is no point in not doing something (that some might consider rash) if it benefits you
i dont really have a political opinion
Intelligent- I think to myself that i am very intelligent. I scored some of the highest grades in my class in school and am able to manipulate people in a way that most people can't. Of course, if you met me in real life you wouldn;t know that. I keep a lot of my intelligence to myself, have to seem weak to others so i can make friends with them. It's like a big game of pretend. my whole life is really.
Nihilistic- Im not religious at all. religion seems ridiculous to me. I'm certainly not afraid of death (though im not suicidal), but it's not like life has no meaning. I dont know, i dont think of it often. The biological meaning of life is to reproduce, but if we're going to get into emotions, thats not really my area.
wicked sense of humor- to myself. no. to others, yes. but its pretend. i simply know what is funny to other people and say it. It's all pretend. it's like a mask. no one knows the real me. no one can.
>It's all pretend. it's like a mask. no one knows the real me. no one can.
And here I thought your other posts were cringey and obvious bullshit.