League of Legends general /lolg/

Bad parenting edition

eyosongive.us is where the links at

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You guys have enough of these for at least the next year of champions, right?

I want to make out with Kled!

Xth for gassing Ahrifags, Syndrafags and Lisscuck.

My ADC just took fucking summoner spell book

It's already been clarified that you can't use those for unreleased champions.

Is worlds over? What do I do with my tokens?

I have a kayn shard, should I learn how to play this guy?

Game's in the shit now, It's either stomp or be stomped

How does it feel being fucking retarded?

>here have 1350 champion and pay for it 4k

you'll be able to use them for unreleased champions if you bought them before they were disabled for a while

I want Nami to smother me with her fishpussy!

wasn't too worried about ad assassins but apparently they are good looking at the end of the last thread, now i have to vs one and hope they don't know how to build properly

Who are the best adcs ATM?

Tried miss fortune and I annihilated kids but then I tried Ashe and she seems even worse than before

Tristana and xayah

ardent censer is still pretty good.


Zoe is going to make this game AWFUL


I love Camille

Vlad probably does well with comet, since his Q resets so fucking fast.

Don't play adcs, they are in worst state right now, even supports are more important than them while tank top with assassin mid decide the game

>Yet another meta where ADC babies complain non-stop

Literally 90% of metas these crybabies won't shut up

Nah, CertainlyT's mordekaiser rework most certainly will destroy the game

She doesn't have a pussy, user.

I like playing tanky juggernaut/fighter types of top lanes, such as (late game) Nasus, Tentacle Waifu, hulkGnar, Yorick, etc.

People who can both dish out and take damage, who make the enemy squishy run away when they see me coming.

Who are some other champs I can add to my roster?

Starting to get a little bored of the people I already mentioned.

I have every champ so I'll be paying 4k for every new champ for the next year.

Take that back

I'm sure a character nobody will pick a week after release will just destroy the game.


wait is that for the vgu

We just got out of a Protect the ADC meta and they still cried during the whole thing.
I hope we get a full season where ADCarries are actually completely useless soon.

and Camille.

>people complaining about the state of ADC
Guess they are finally balanced again.

>people actually building this meme shit
dont fall for noobtraps friends

MF jhin and varus

trist xayah and jinx can work too, but you'll be probably dead before you hit your powerspike

>Aery turned out to be the thunderlord's of season 8
A-At least aftershock is good too

ezreal with klepto, lethal tempo kog, quinn with pta

Yeah Zoe is gonna be another Riven, Zed, Yasuo, etc. They'll set records for feeding on your team and 1v9 on the enemy team.

Lucian is insane on Press the Attack and Kleptomancy.

Attention adc. When Leona goes balls deep into the enemy adc you need to slide your dick inside of them too. She has endurance but lacks the technique required to finish the job alone

>Riot removes Ardent Crutch
>gives way more damage to everyone
>while fixing none of the problems that ADCs had been facing since ashe/varus/jhin meta
I guess we're back to pick range and try to not die whlie you hope your midlaner carries?

>don't play an entire class

xth for Cute Ashe

Don't burn the house Edition

Have a good day lolg!

What do you take on jhin? Aerie? Sorcery? Fleet Footwork? Glacial Augment for the guaranteed snare?

I want Xayah to dominate me and make me her human pet!

Xayah is nothing but a war criminal and should be punished accordingly.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=65758443

Problem is the power was put into supports not the ADCs themselves. That;s a support meta not an ADC meta.

>the inherently incorrect ramblings of an inbred bruiser/assassin main

I never thought I'd say this but I feel bad for ADCs

the shit I'm seeing down in bot lane...

Now there's just so much shit that I want to test that I don't even know what I want to play. This meta is fun.

kill yourself dumbass adc main hope adcs are bottom of the barrel for the entire season for making us go through the last half of season 7 :)

>inbred bruiser main

Apart from Vayne and Twitch there's nothing wrong with ADCs. Supports were the problem.

merely paying for their sins

I don't mind, it's good to have an adcocksleeve again as a support.

>this thread full of actual retards

What am I suppose to play in bot now then?

Go blame healsluts and ardent instead, they were the problem.

>lucian is good again
I hope, but I'm also doubtful because his range is still so low. Haven't tried him out yet, will try later.

Low damage, high sustain based ADC that relies on winning dragged out fights over skirmishes when?

how is zed broken with these new runes?


I want this skin so bad hhnnng


Why do I always get pushed in as cait do I just need to spam my q more?

what the fuck is up with teams in preseason?
did they disable mmr?
did everyone just decide to be retarded?
picked a tank top and bullied my laner to the point i was 3/0/1 and up in cs
press tab and my team is literally
this is beyond regular levels of stupidity even for a plat game

>the softness of the thigh

Why play anything or learn the game when you can just play riven

>as well as ADC apologists and heal slut false flaggers

I want her to wrap them around my head so tight the only thing I'll be seeing for the rest of my life is her feathery cunt

>pick zed

Is transcendence worth it for support Brand just for the 10% cdr? With Eye of the watchers/rylai/liandrys I won't be hitting 40+ cdr in a long while. Should I go for the absolute focus or celerity instead?

FeelsfuckingGreatMan my boy ZED IS BACK BABY

jokes on you, you suck at zed


Relentless Sexual Aggression Tier: Evelynn, Ahri, Vi, Nidalee, Leona, Illaoi, Magma, Fire, Kayle, Shyvana

Teasing and Control Freak Tier: LeBlanc, Syndra, Orianna, Lissandra, Camille, Xayah, Morgana, Storm, Dark, Nami, Elise

Definitely Dominant But Not Quite As Sexual Tier: Sejuani, Zyra

High Tier: Cassiopeia, Karma, Katarina, Vayne, Diana, Fiora, Miss Fortune

Mid Tier: Jinx, Caitlyn, Riven, Quinn, Sivir, Air

Low Tier: Lux (some Elementalist forms are much higher), Ashe, Water, Nature, Akali

Submissive: Sona, Soraka, Janna



what elo because i beat a zed comfortably in silver, although i beat him by destroying a mid turret when he chose to leave lane.

support brand is not good. don't play it

she looks eager

So who are some interesting picks for top/mid now?

Glacial is shit forget about it.
Its either fleet foot if you want to survive as long as possible or summon aery with utility like biscuit.
I would go for foot due to supports being absolute retarded now that they give even less fuck about the adc. You'll be popped hard if you can't kite, and foot helps you last longer, also biscuits and free wards are good too.

I tried aery too, its good but while the damage is good, foot still wins due to that you need early xp, and level up as fast as possible, and you don't need to recall. It also depends on what support and jungle the enemy has.

Aery for burst, foot for survival.

yorick is the best champion in the game right now

post runes

xth for my wife Syndra

You don't need runes, his Q works on towers now.

My Rune pages disappeared. What's going on?

>get ivern in aram
>feel completely useless
either this champ fucking sucks or i have no idea how to play him. likely both. feel like I need a reliable team to play him and I definitely didn't have a reliable team

Who/which support benefited the most from the rune update and why is it Tahm.
> Guardian and the Haste you get from it procs on W
> Approach Velocity + Exhaust + Q Slow/Stun makes you sticky as fuck for your adc's
> Tank rune set are just solid in general.
> Free boots + 10 ms.

Only ardent supports I see around are Janna, Soraka and maybe Sona, so I'm assuming the runes didn't help them out too much.

Well idk maybe it's because of the whole new runes shit and people are experimenting a lot and still unsure about everything, um? Do you think that could be it? Maybe?

Based sperglord

can aeyr be sent to allies when you have no spells that target them?

Phase rush on Tahm is fucking absurd.

You can eat the enemy and just run them right into your backline, or a tower.

Summoner heal only

how exactly are new runes justification for people hard feeding?


Still, the punishment might be too high

Just had a smite 0/10 taliyah support. And yet the jinx never complained or spammed surrenders, while the Gnar top who got ganked ONCE started having an autistic spergfit the rest of the game at the jungler and afk'd

Ive seen a malz with klepto support. TF on hit support. Annie who's runes "bugged" and wouldnt save and had grasp. A syndra without any runes

that lane is a fucking goddamn mess


clarity works as well

Buy locket, stuff like that

>Tfw last game my Vayne blamed runes because enemy Jhin used flash q 4th shot on her because she had 15%hp

Anyone else getting crazy packet loss since the patch?

Every other game fine.

For Nocturne, should I go Sorcery as my secondary, so I can get that rune that lowers the cd on your ult?
Pic related is my current generic assassin rune page.

Based titcow.

Does second wind (in resolve tree) have a cooldown? Or is it right back up after the 10s of healing? Doesn't say anywhere.

press the attack bard


ADC main here.
I want the adc power spikes in late game nerfed so I can play the game knowing I'm not gonna lose game 100% if I die. Like, the whole problem with adc is that they are too strong while also being too squishy. If they were less oneshotable but less damaging the game would be better (also removes 1v9 bullshit).