/cwg/ Classic WoW General

>What is this?
Blizzard announced legacy servers, as we wanted them, at Blizzcon 2017.

>Where can I learn more?
There's not much info out right now, other than development has started - and that it'll stay true to the original experience.

Plausible Tom Chilton conspiracy below:
>After working on World of Warcraft from its alpha in 2004 to the release of Legion, in late 2016 Chilton announced that he would be leaving the team to "[focus] on another project within the company".
note: Blizzard said only one person was working on this until announcement so don't expect quick release

Other urls found in this thread:


updated models are shit

keep classic looking like an ugly 2004 pc game

Most are allright, but you cant be giving blizzard an excuse to keep changing the game.
Its just a matter of time before (((Activision))) adds a cash shop if people star crying for "QoL" changes.


literally why are they not saying anything about it, I NEED INFO NOW

What I miss about Vanilla is:

>slow, deliberate and meaningful progression
When a good weapon drops, I am very happy. This is a rare occurrence, and I won't replace this weapon for maybe several IRL days.
Today, you are rewarded too often, and the rewards lack impact. A good weapon is replaced within 2 hours of play by the next good weapon that drops.
Yes, I advocate being slow and ""grindy"". It feels better.

>community and local celebrities
No cross-realm and anonymous group finder means that people will remember you personally. You will remember the name of that one really good tank, add them to friends, notice them in chat or in the world, group with them again. There is reputation and someone ninjaing loot can mean nobody ever groups with them again.
Basically voluntary honor system, where the community ostracizes garbage humans, and reward decent people. Also the best PvPers are celebrities, well known and liked/hated.

>somewhat functional economy
Everything costs money, you can sell more or less anything you find. A level 5 character can make a buck selling copper he mined outside of Orgrimmar. You need to use the AH to get certain items, you need to befriend people of different professions so they can craft you the gear you want. Crafting that depends on dungeon and raid drops.

>open world
World of Warcraft is about the world of Warcraft, yet 90% of the time right now is spend in capital cities and the few daily dungeons.
People should walk around the world, meet others who will ask them for help, meet enemies to fight in world PvP, randomly stumble on a rare monster, etc. This means no flying, and no teleporting from the auction house to the dungeon. You have to fucking get there. You need to be in the world, and thus be a predator and target for ganking, and be available for other people to recruit for group quests, meet people, etc.

I want THESE things. Visuals, animations, balance, new races or classes, I don't care. They can add them.

Is there anyone that can consistently wreck rogues 1v1

>inb4 t2/t3 warriors
not beating tiered rogues, unless they get the jump on them or the rogues is playing meme combat sword spec.

They said plenty:
>we haven't even started LOL we don't even have the hardware required on us we have to buy it out of the charity we sold it to hahahahah
>early 2019 release OPTIMISTICALLY haha maybe we'll use this legacy meme to fill out the time between the next expansion and the one after

Paladins, warriors and druids.

Boy I cant wait for all realms to have 80/20 alliance/horde distribution..

Better rogues

It'll be released when someone puts up a competing MMO

Imagine how fucking smug those nost guys must feel about this

Imagine all that time being called cucks for selling out over "hopeless" goal of getting official classic servers made when they've probably known about this for months

at level 60? Have you played vanilla?

paladins, warriors, mages, warlocks, priests, druids, hunters
pick your poison

>Is there anyone that can consistently wreck rogues 1v1

At level 60, nobody can consistently wreck rogues in 1v1. Warriors won't lose to them, but they can't kill them either.
Thats fine, since its not a 1v1 game you fucking nigger.

Resto Shamans as well

>your face when alterac valley

oh ye, and resto shamans, keep forgetting they even exist for some reason

They should implement faction queues

How does a resto shaman kill a rogue exactly?

>how does any of the others

poison cleanse totem, frost shock earthbind searing cleanse, repeat until rogue dies


Bait for your allied warrior to erupt inside the rogue in a furious tidal wave of man juice.

hey hey, calm your shit, it was a genuine question.

Shapersons you racist pig


By just outliving and outkiting them. Before diminishing returns were a thing, you could kite Rogues forever. After that Shaman still had tons of tools to deal with them.

Elemental and Enhancement (lucky WF crit procs excepted) didnt stand a chance thouogh

>poison cleanse totem
Didn't that take 5 seconds to activate?
Didn't rogues kill you in 5 seconds?

It's already confirmed that they won't add stuff like that.

>MUH 2019

-Anounce Nov 2017 (why?)
-They're hiring enthusiast
-Just remastering required

I bet on summer 2018

see 90% of people just want a slow MMO, not specifically the old WoW.

poison resistance potion and just melee untill it dies lol
easiest 1v1 aside warrior
lmao 70% damage resistance, try harder mr rogue
spec shadow and don't ever give a fuck
spec disc and roll dorf and don't ever give a fuck
stunreckbomb or normal ret+sword of nostealthforyoubro, holy doesn't even notice rogues
scattertrap oneshot
just kite until it dies, or if you're feral just fucking melee it to death with enraged regen

1. They will release it between expansions, to keep subscription retention up.
2. It won't be ready before the next expansion.
3. From 1 and 2 follows it will be after the next expansion.

*blocks your leveling*

the fuck you gonna do?

But I will start my fucking classes coming spring..
Let's push for 2019 release just so I don't miss anything, r-right guys?

Go make a sandwich and coffee and come back 20 minutes later when he is bored.

but i am undead rogue myself


Call my guild to avenge me.



>release it half a year before BfA
>everyone realises how shit vanilla actually is
>b lizzard kikes release BfA and promotes it as vanilla with no stupid shit of vanilla and actually hard interesting content
>everyone jumps the ship of what would be remembered as best expansion ever
blizz played you like a fiddle, goyim

How are shamans vs druids?

In what term?




druids are ok-ish

shamans with good weapons can shit on anything except rogues with good windfury procs

He calls his guild aswell and it's bigger. You have now doomed your guild to being corpse camped and farmed. Now what?

They'll just hire a couple of Pajeets to copy-paste Battlenet and cash shop, I'm calling summer too

Well, I guess you're talking about non-resto then. It honestly depends on what you prefer as a player.
Druid can basically 1v1 anyone with a deep resto/feral spec. But it takes time and the goal is to out sustain the enemy. You simply won't burst anyone as a druid.

Shaman can brust the living shit out of people, but still falls short against druid if the RNG fails them.
Elemental is the most viable pvp spec for shamans, but it's heavily cooldown based so you're most likely screwed if you get a melee on your ass that is on the same level of gear as you.
Ench can do CRAZY burst, but like I said earlier.. ench is extremely RNG based. If RNG fails you as ench, you're basically useless.

So I guess it depends on you and your playstyle. Most people would pick druid though.

> 2018
fucking optimistic. Even if the game was ready NOW, they will keep the game for between the content droughts that happen during each expansion ,which will be close or during 2019. They will do it so people don't unsub during those periods and resub. If they released during summer, you will have tons of people playing, but it will all die down so fucking fast.

should be made optional

Thanks a lot m8


I don't remember, did it take spell damage and spell crit from talents and items? Did it count as a nature spell for druids/shamans?

Don't they have that in retail now? So you can just switch off new models if you feel like it?
If that's the case then who cares, I can promise you that it will slowly tear down the vanilla experience for players using it though.

Beg for help in Stormwind in exchange for ERP and shittalk that rogue furiously at the forums.

They have a toggle in retail.
There are also new casting animations that look pretty dope too, except one that makes you clap your hand like a retard. Cant thosse them off either.

Cant toggle*

They do, and they are optional.

However, legion's new animations aren't an option, and because they're designed for the new models they break the original models and make them look weird.

If new models/animations are included as an option in classic, then the original animations need to be an option as well.

All the pseudo Chads you sucked off have been killed by the true Chad rogue and his Tyrone buddies. You also get banned on the forums because he's a GM. Your entire faction is now being farmed by the superior manly rogue.
What now?

Call him a rude dude over roblox dms.

Fuck that might actually do it. Thanks man.

What models do the animations break? I tried playing with old models on my troll mage a couple of days ago and it seemed fine. I also play pretty zoomed out so maybe I just couldnt notice anything.

>retailcucks think wow classic is for them

roll dwarf rogue and shit in him repeatedly, but really i wouldn't do that, i'm a fuckboi and enjoy all attention i can get, killing him would make him mad and he will probably never punish me again for rolling a tranny faction, if only he knew how badly i want to suck his dick every time he eviscerates me
like dude

Old models only give you the old textures. You still have to use the new animations.

>90% of people just want a slow MMO, not specifically the old WoW.
Forum idea guys have no idea what they want, players of blizzlike private servers are the only ones with a handle on what vanilla is actually as opposed to over a decade old memories as well as the proof that they care about the game enough to not quit in STV

I kinda want them to add the like 100+ ping lag like it was back then. I had a lot of fun abusing it.

>pvp server
why the fuck would i do that?

>players of blizzlike private servers
They're arguably worse than retail babies. They've played a nerfed vanilla experience and just spend time one shotting all the bosses with little gear. At least on retail you have to be competent to get ahead of the curves, usually.

best clips from the alex/asmon classic wow 'talk'


>Forum idea guys have no idea what they want, players of blizzlike private servers are the only ones with a handle on what vanilla is actually as opposed to over a decade old memories as well as the proof that they care about the game enough to not quit in STV
Why do you think these are different people? Why do you think people advocating change can't have actual experience? Do you actually think vanilla is perfect?

> alex

into the trash. Asmon is oficially our boy, so might be fun.

See this imagine and thank god you're not a gen z cancer child that spends his time following ecelebs and making clips of them.

>at least on retail you have to be competent to get ahead of the curves, usually
So who's more competent, someone who played 1.12 vanilla for years of someone who never even saw it and only heard about it?

just watched the first one. i thought the highlight was when he acted like a 10 year old girl talking about how 'like cool that like must have like been' but no he interrupted asmongold not once, but twice, asked him what he was talking about like a retard multiple times. then asmongold after two long pauses is sick of it and leaves. im surprised he came back. alex is a rude piece of shit.

> someone who played 1.12 vanilla for years of someone who never even saw it and only heard about it?
My argument is they're both terrible players to be talking about actual vanilla.

>gay anime
because you want it and want it rough, fuckslut

Just because I want it, doesn't mean Im asking for it

old bloodthirst was better for farming

>literally slam builds with OP BRE
>lacking 10% crit for cuckmages is anywhere near nonnormalised non ap nerfed rogues

Any idea when we will find out a release date?

24-9 = 15 monts

jesus what a sperg


Haven't played on Elysium for like 2 months or something and everything is just gone.

What the fuck did they do this time?

Not really since you can spam a low rank frostbolt and get like 12%+ crit while the tank is building agro and then start wrecking with frostbolt. Regardless just passive it's like 8% crit at all times more than older vanilla.
And terrible for raids.

Vanilla is deeply flawed and the flaws make the game what it is. As far as modern design goes it's not just an "MMO, except slower", the numerous times when it throws a wet rag in the player's face that remind him he's not in a theme park of design and polish but a world with rules such as "stop being so indecisive about your build or pay 50g" or "yeah you don't get your main nuke until lvl40, try to work around it". The other point is ALLOWING players to experience the game as it is - the first KT kill of classic should count as a real KT kill, not one in a nerfed version with hybrid memespecs and a huge pile of "convenience" changes like 60 minute blessings, mage tables and soulwells that add up to make the game easier.

your character is now on Light's Hope
go play there

I wonder if they'll add something to block texture/model hacks, we could just add the newer models ourselves like we already do on private servers

>raids are all that matters
get a load of this retail private server nu-vanilla babby

PvP servers have too shitty players, mostly children.

One of the main repeating points that is being made is that vanilla WoW rading was easy. This is largely from playing on private servers playing a nerfed version of the game.

>>b lizzard kikes release BfA and promotes it as vanilla with no stupid shit of vanilla
unless they give back talent trees, and actual flexible class builds instead of the forced spec shit, fuck no.

>60 minute blessings, mage tables and soulwells that add up to make the game easier.
The challenge of a game should not be how much does it challenge the players' fucking patience with literally endless buffing and healthstone making and farming extra trash packs for shards and making mage food to fuel all of this fucking around you had to do in order to just make an attempt on a boss. I don't care about people's rose tinted glasses for vanilla, I want a world of warcraft that isn't garbage like retail and all of the expansions. I hope they can improve it without killing it, this time.

I played on retail, played like shit, didn't optimize my build or rotation, and I still cleared raids.
It was possible for a solid core to carry the funny noobs. I was only brought on raids because I was an all around cool dude and for no other reason.
You could do 40 man raids with 30-35 people.

Ya when the raid is on farm...

>60 minute blessings, mage tables and soulwells that add up to make the game easier.
how the fuck does reducing fiddly prep time shit like mages/warlocks conjuring dozens of stacks of water/cookies for 15 mins make bosses easier to kill?