/fgoalter/ - Fate/Grand Order NA General

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Check FateGO.USA on facebook for preliminary announcements and Campaign Milestones

>GUDAGUDA Honnoji Event lasts
November 8th - November 24th

>Fate/GUDAGUDA Order translation

>Fate/GUDAGUDA Honnoji Rate Up Campaign
2017-11-08 ~ 11-24 3:59 UTC

5* Cuckbait Saberface
3* Medusa, Mephistopheles, Cu Chulainn

>Craft Essences
5* GUDAGUDA Poster Girl
4* After-Party Order!
3* Fate GUDAGUDA Order

Daily Quests: fate-go.cirnopedia.org/quest_daily_us.php
Drop rates(Click at NA tab): docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Check the schedule and drops before asking in the thread

Master Mission: Complete Mission objectives each week to gain Saint Quartz fragments
Rate ups in JP FGO: i.imgur.com/ufcB3OP.jpg
Upcoming event materials: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1V2iDoN2HjafZ8Ube6Jgi0woIibY-Di3YxLMZdJ6quTA/edit#gid=1447471767

View: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M8_ZNP-WinrDQvwckh6Q7DMK5Z8RSx7ZshXTLCaI4zo
Add yourself: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSctk0n_OdMusCdkzQPQu8AHD-3Drc0kXqHOmKWJDpY-VkHVEg/viewform

Delete this
Okita is for (Me) and (Me) only!!!


The Saint


HAHHA Okitafags BTFO

top bait OP


man, that would have been a fucking great route

OOC fanart. Okita is madly in love with (You)

Illya>Mitsuzuri Ayako > Caster > Rin > Saber > Rider > Shit > Dogshit > Pile of Dogshit > Worms > Sakura

>tfw having FGO related dreams
This is not ok
Fucking Nobu getting in my head

>buy four large quartz packs at the start of the event
>buy two more today because I'm worried that I might have cancer and wanted to forget about my despair for a while
>Liz and Stheno

Maybe death wouldn't be so bad after all.


at least you aren't having liz dreams

>okitafags will defend this

>5* Cuckbait Saberface
>3* Medusa, Mephistopheles, Cu Chulainn

OP is shit


No, seriously, why are people saying that Berserker is better than Saber for landmines? Cirno tells a different story.

Denial isn't good for you user

What would you do if you could get an NP5 charachter ( + all the mats and QP needed for ascension and skills along with the grails needed for max level ) , but as a trade for that you get a disease related to that charachter ( you can still ail it if there is a cure ).
>Okita = Tuberculosis
>Scatchath = Roll for a random gastrointestinal disease
>Drake = Roll a random hepatitis
>Merlin = Lupus
>Astolfo = GRIDS
>Vlad = roll a random Hemoglobin
>Carmilla = same as vlad
>Jalter = roll a random plague
>Waver = Lung cancer
>Orion ( Artemis ) = roll between Herpes or Syphilis
>Medb = Roll between a common cold , Bronchitis and Pneumonia
>Gil = Roll between Gonnorhea , Scabies , Crabs and Chlamydia


I mean, even the cuckposters in /fgog/ already gave up with Okita because of the valentine event

>I gazed upon your eyes and knew you were my nigger

/fgog/, just because Halloween is ending, doesn't mean you get to cuckpost here. Please leave, we're having fun grinding guda.

What about Jack?

There is a solution.

>roll a random Hemoglobin
Hemoglobin is just a part of red blood cells user, not a disease

Someone think of something here.

I miss Halloween

Hemoglobin related disease* fuck me cutting words

I want Nursery Rhyme to kiss me!



What's that in the background?

What does Alice's breath smell like?

Pedophilia isn't a disease. Unless you think you can catch it.

Jeanne get off the goddamn internet right now, or else

shouldn't Medb be immune to diseases because of Golden Rule (Body) A?

I want to pat this book on the head.

Yuri and Gudako is best, doll joints are worst.

You can, trust me.

Fucking stop making early threads

Your motherfucking doom
She does not eat on point of being a fucking book, you disgusting pedonigger her breath literally cannot smell.

Prenatal death of fetus i guess, basically not being able to bear child for your irl waifu

poor choice on a lot of those though.
Carmilla, Vlad could be a thrombositosis or Hemophilia. Waver is brainy so hydrocephalus? Medb should be something related to reproductive organs so Syphilis is more her case, or just plain AIDS. Gil's diseases are too light, nothing a few specific antibiotics (erithromycin etc) can't fix, make his disease some kind of multi-drug resistant bacterial/virus infection and it'll fit his status

Why is Gudako so hot, /alter/?

>keeping the cuck one
I didn't even see what the other was but I bet it was somehow less cancerous



Hey guys check out my favorites servants

It was an "Fuck tripfags" one.

Fluffy Servant

Reminder that once your Waifu leaves Chaldea, the adventures you had with them are just filed away as a page in one book out of millions and the real Heroic Spirit remains entirely apathetic.

It was a tripfag thread

Takeuchi please go.

Well i am not a fucking doctor ok , but yes thanks for your input. Please help more

But my waifu isn't in this game.

I like everything in this picture except the face, I think the author did a poor job on it or he might just be better at drawing bodies than faces.

Nothing you need to concern yourself with.


>why is Gudako so hot
Everyone knows shes one of the hottest masters after Fem Hakuno. other female master ain't good as those two.

I can confirm that her breath smells like ice cream.

I need some advice you guys
I'm saving all for Jack (currently at 171 quartz)
Is it better to do 10 rolls, or multiple 1 rolls?

I got my 2 Kintoki from a Single 10 roll, so should I change this strategy? DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO

Why can't we make nice thread openers?

Rate my first event roll.

I like edgy seiba

>his waifu is a heroic spirit
/fgoalter/ - Thread Wars General

Her breath probably smells like old books.

Always single rolls, the guaranteed 4* CE actually lowers your chance to get a 5* servant

Damn, Sanson's max ascend art is pretty sweet.
>check ascension materials
>3 hearts

>Sudden influx of Saber Lillies with Guda-o's flooding the Saber tab

Just fucking roll however you like you dumb lolicon.

I've anecdotally had better luck from berserkers but it seems like this shouldn't be the case.

How so?

Go humble brag somewhere else, nobody cares and you're way too late.

Not really how it works.

>it's ok if she was cucking me as long as she eventually stops

Holy fuck this is pathetic

Im sorry... didnt have enough quartz...

What did Liz mean by this?

So guys. Berserker or Saber for getting Hiragumos?

Fuck it, i'm bored
>Jack = spontaneous miscarriage
>Okita = tuberculosis
>Scatchath = taeniasis/ hemorrhoids/ colorectal cancer?
>Drake = hepatitis B= chirrosis of liver, severe
>Merlin = Systemic Lupus Erythrematosus
>Astolfo = GRIDS (idk what this is)
>Vlad = Hemophilia
>Carmilla = Thrombocytosis
>Jalter = roll a random plague=black death? if yes yersinia pestis-caused plague
>Waver = your next kid will be born with hydrocephalus, alternatively dwarfism because is FA is shota
>Orion ( Artemis ) = roll between Herpes or Syphilis
>Medb = AIDS
>Gil = Roll between Gonnorhea , Scabies , Crabs and Chlamydia, all of them multi-drug resistant

Is the new 40AP actually worse for Hiragumos than the previous one?

>Gil instead of another Saber

Not if you dick them so hard it burns into their Saint Graph itself.

It doesn't. It guarantees one card that's 4* or above. It doesn't limit one of your cards to 4*.

>Oh shit a gold CE drop-
>It's just Nobbu

You're a small man with small dream

>not giving Porphyria to Vlad or Carmilla

>Jack = spontaneous miscarriage
So I not only get to cum inside my gf guilt free, but I also get NP5 Jack. Sign me up.

>not carmilla
9/10 bait reply

A quick google search reveals that GRID _______is also AIDS_______

We already had a thread get ruined by a Veeky Forums talibanner, do you want your ass kicked as well?

What kind of Servant lineup can I expect to get after a month of play, on average?

>spontaneous miscarriage
How this would work as a male is perhaps the scariest thing.

>guaranteed 4* CE
It's a guaranteed 4* or higher CARD, not necessarily a CE.

>Hear about rainbow effect preceding a CE drop, think it's bullshit.
>Last run of killing Caesar has this exact effect happen and sure enough, there's GUDA-O

Guess I know what to look out for in the future.

>Jack = spontaneous miscarriage
I'm not a girl and I don't imagine I will ever have a girlfriend, so there would literally be no drawback. Come to me Jack!

Considering that the prostate has similar origins to the uterus, your prostate gets ripped out

the op pic is from Drifters Hijikata not Fate Hijikata

She wants the sequel to DDD