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Xth for meowboy posting

Leviathan is the one true god

I'm a new-ish player (level 52) and I just started doing the Manderville quest.

It's soooo fucking boring and it never ends, is it really worth doing it? Am I missing something? It feels like useless filler, I honestly don't even know what I'll get in the end as a reward (didn't bother checking) but I was told I should be doing it...

they give nothing substantial except for "humor" for the type of people who watch anime

Did I just get fucking memed on, then?

Fuck, I feel like it's too late to abandon it now due to my autism.

xth for race chart time

you're supposed to be in it for the story and characters, although the ARR part of the chain does have a few trials that are pretty enjoyable. As a new player though, you shouldn't be doing sidequests and focus more on msq and leveling unless you'd rather see some sidestories. Hildebrand is funny enough to me, and if you finish it you'll have the next set waiting for you at 60.

You unlock a few trials, you get his outfit, and you get a Manderville dance.

But really, its just a silly story for people who like silly stories. He was in 1.0 and brought back by popular demand.


>not liking Manderville

Holy fuck shittiest taste i've seen in a while.

sit on my face

I was told as a new player I should focus on MSQ and on the blue quests because blue quests mostly unlock stuff. I have skipped a few planning to save them for next professions but I was told this was an important quest line to do side by side with MSQ.

Thanks for the heads up, I'll complete it anyway now because it's too late.

Idk man, the character is funny but it feels like such a fucking waste of time and these guys keep talking and talking and I couldn't honestly care less about their shit.

i can smell the grease

mine first

i'd sucker punch whoever told you hildy was important to do next to the msq, but he's definitely worth doing eventually. Just sit down and enjoy it, as a break from leveling or something then.

Post rump

How do we fix DRK?

>modeseven draws scat

tfw Ada will never deepthroat my catboi cock before i pump her

At 60 you also get a spinoff of sorts that's a tad more serious focusing on briarden stuff over hildibrand. The scholasticate coat you get from it, and to a lesser extent, the inspector's glasses are alright cosmetic rewards. (Though the the glasses are the same as the artisan glasses you can just buy from your GC with seals now and aren't even dyeable)


*loud screaming coming from the steppes*
First of all

>serrit posting about christmas cakes

Son you haven't seen 90% of Nitrotitans art have you? Scat is one of the lesser demons he commands.

>don't see anything new

>Christmas cakes posting about bagels one month before Christmas.

You first

>scat isn't even anything he's ever posted on his art tumblr in any fashion save some vague teasing.
Did you go looking for the stuff, user?

Modeseven draws literally everything. Except for true hermaphrodites.



Looking at it on page 1 of e621 after stumbling on a gif on an unrelated search

what would you do if i decided to humor you, user?

You look like an onahole, so I may as well use you like one

Beg for a gallery and logs

It can be pretty funny

when are we getting an update of some of these archetypes

accept this fate...

Looking for midlander gf pst

>Useless filler
>completely optional
if you aren't enjoying them then stop doing them

Remove some of their outdated skills like dark mindand power up dark arts.

I think you're the first person that's ever referred to a highlander as an onahole

I haven't really lewded lately, and i don't really log

Onaholeness is independent of race

give them back their parry activated nut kick

Can I make Simon Belmont in this game yet?
Old school Simon not gay ass new school homosexual boy Simon



I'm really hungry

what the fuck is wrong with you people

Probably, but there's no whip.

ARF is faster, gives more Poetics, and you have a much higher chance of getting someome with bonus. Do ARF.

Already married but do you wanna be my mistress

>he doesnt know that its meria posting about herself
how new

holy fuck leave her alone you autists

It's not.

Anybody playing on Japanese servers? I'm on Kujata and I wouldn't mind meeting up with some English-speaking folks (linkshell or FC).


english speaking JP dc players are mostly all on tonberry

I know, but that wasn't open for transfer when I transferred. I've seen plenty of English-speaking FCs running around but they all look like usual FC shit. I was just hoping some /xivg/ fag was around I could team up with.

I don't mind a Japanese-speaking one either but my Japanese level isn't that good yet (just barely passing for casual conversation)

This is cute as heck. I need to know who this catgirl is for petting purposes.

c@s are pure!

STOP lewding Highlanders.

All cats just want to slurp semen. It's just in their DNA. Especially sunsluts.

stop being futa dykes.

Maybe there would be fewer futa dykes if half the men in this game weren't femboys or baras.

Soft has ____ .

What is the order of materia that a smn should focus on melding?

What happens if someone removes you from their friends list? Do they show up as offline or does their name disappear entirely?

Dear /xivg/,
The beloved user known as Kiss Dissem, or Kistol by some, passed away late last night in his San Francisco home. At his spouse's request, readers are asked to consider donating to the Suicide Prevention Foundation if possible.

We'll miss you, Kiss.

literally nothing happens on the other end

Serrit, the cutest catboy!

No one cares Kiss

I thought he got nuked.

Mistress? Huh

Damn I thought so.

im not sure why its still locked, server is ded af outside of primetime. as it stands though there doesn't seem to be a strong enough english speaking presence on elemental outside of tonberry. that being said, the DF pool is way better than what you get anywhere else, its just really really quiet


there are cuter catboys

post a single one i dare you

But thats just like your opinion man


Show dead body with timestamp or it didn't happen.

Serrit sucked my dick!

Lies and slander

I'd lewd this lander.

I wish I knew more about XI than a handful of characters, crab leveling, and Dragoon memes. That event was kinda neat.


This isn't the first time I've seen this opinion. I still don't understand it.

It's a very childish type of humor with little actually interesting content. The people that enjoy it are probably underage or autistic, to be honest.

People bitch about Hildy quite often though. I enjoyed both ARR and HW ones.

Put on some clothes. This is a non-lewd thread.

Soft has a catboy who does this kind of stuff.

>furniture winners
>it's a fucking cage

Finally! A cage to keep Aphy in!

At last.

Finally we'll get some use for all these useless Mi'qote and Lalashit players.

It's dumb slapstick comedy. It won't appeal to everyone.

XXXth for lalaboy posting!

