/fhg/ - For Honor General

Degeneracy Edition

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>Seasson 4 Hero Trailers:

>Season 4 Info

For Honor v1.15 Patch Notes

>New players:

>Multiple hero video guides


>Character values

>Gear modifier values

>Gear appearances

>Friends list sign up Doc:

>For those that have signed up:

>War of Factions:

>PVP Stat Tracker:

>Story mode collectibles:

Other urls found in this thread:


Skirmish is the best game mode

>That edit
Plz don't do that to Valk, she doesn't deserve it

Now this OP is what I call a pic related

Moveset leaked I hear

Reminder that Gladiator & Berserker have the same sprint speed as Lawbringer for no good reason.

Another reminder that Kensei and Highlander are slower than Lawbringer for some reason.

Reminder Lawbringer's feats are busted.

Which stream?!

>feints 6 times before trying to get a hit
>gets parried

Not a leak, they are allowed to share it.




I wish more people would chill out in casual duels and throw an emote during the match or something. I too like my K/D high but trying to keep it at all cost and disconnecting if it's about to go down is just perplexing to me.

Shame his actual kit sucks

Hmm aramusha looks kinda technical

Could be good

>inb4 phoneposter

>Busted feats
As in they don't work properly or they are OP?



>shaman can heal on every strike while opponent is bleeding

>get shaman down to low health
>pops revenge and starts windmilling you
>revenge ends and she has full health again

am i on the right track here



If she gets bleeding in, or someone else does like a Nobushi. If she lands enough hits I guess.

I see aramusha is gonna be to harder character to play



Any details on how much bleed her bleed attacks inflict?


Not much I don't think.

Finished, took these from a discord, so you know as much as I do about it.

Highlander's moveset looked technical. The he did no damage and doesn't get heavies off GBs.

webm of the moves/combo never right

Probably the same for Aramusha. Guess Roachi players will stay where they are.


Saturday same as tourney. I believe the embargo is lifted after Roman and friends play around with them. Expect
“Epic 1v1 gameplay!” By spliced come tomoorw

>tfw no season pass

>Aramusha's only unblockables are off his fullblock parry-lite
>Only soft feint is heavies into lights
>So half assed his sprint attack is literally just called Sprint Attack

Meanwhile, Shamans moveset reads like a fucking encyclopedia. Thanks a fucking lot, Ubi.

oh fuck i forgot about the gameplay tomorrow

>he didn’t get the Uplay store deal for 24 bucks last season
>In a specific region too


Thank you for sharing friend.

>virgin heroes
>chad Assassins
I for one welcome are new goddess on Xb1. Pk is a crusty bitch now, Vikings are the true master race

That zone attack thing kinda pisses me off. Like it might be garbage but I'm a believer that zone attacks should never be a good choice in a 1v1. and the fact it has special cancel moves makes me think they're gonna use it in a 1v1 even more. IMO all zones should be unsafe on block or at least be unfientable like Shinobi's (where you will get parried pretty much)

>steam+uplay or playing on console

>he paid twice the amount for the game on steam.


Lawbringer's feats are way busted. I'm totally garbage with him but just by taking all the bomb feats I can beat people who are way better at the game than me.

>Aramusha is Japanese Warden and Zerk
>literal napkin moveset
>is a crazy and uncivilized lady
>but her moveset is the King James Bible edition of movesets
Absolute state of Ronin fags

but user some characters weren't designed for 1v1 in mind like most non assassins therefore should have shit zones only good for lane clearing

I remember the time when Lawbringer was at the bottom of the food chain yet I still play him cause i have a thing for the underdogs
Now people complain about how he's too good

He’s not too good in duel. But he’s a nigger in 4v4 (the only mode that matters in this mess of a game). Fuck your bombs is all I’m saying you nugget humper

its more the feats and ganking potential, 1v1 against non shitters is still an uphill battle

So if anyone has two neurons to put together any sort of aggressive centurion play can be absolutely shut down. I can only soft feint into GB enough times before it just becomes stupid and anytime I go for a kick or a punch I’m asking to be fucked up. High level play is literally just turtle central, except I’m shit at defending against the hordes of PKs and Glads so I end up being a very dead turtle very fast. Any tips from cents who have managed to be slightly offensive and have success?

>Dominion on Sentinel
>Knight Soldiers: Stick together, hold the line, remember your training!
>Samurai Soldiers: We strike like wind and fight like thunder!

Fffucking savages

Yea hes still not very good in duels but he's flawed in just the right way its satifying to win with him
Oh and bombs are fun

>still no way to skip it or patching it so the whole scene happens in the background while the players begin the match
Ubi is the true savages.

Nobushi and Shaman new 2v2 meta.

My pleasure. Downloading a few files and posting them is no trouble.

Shame about Ara kinda sucking, but what did we expect? A new assassin that wasn't going to be OP and a new heavy hybrid that wouldn't suck? We knew what would happen in our hearts.

>both have bleed hits
>both have sharpen blades
>way of the shark
>heal on hit

It's going to be a whirlwind of suck. Watch everyone play thick blood Warden. I wish more heroes got that feat or debuff resistant gear could drop bleed damage to near zero.

r8 emblem

>Law in Dominion
I still remember one Dominion game were I partnered up with a raider bro who had saved my life by tackling the guy over the edge
We ended up roaming the map together with me pancaking people and him just spamming top heavies on their downed bodies. Don't know why but I found this hysterical

Kensei's zone isn't even good for that. I agree with user, just imagine if PK's had to commit to their zone attacks when they used them.

>Not vikangz
Come on man

Not a chance. The only thing people bitch about are turtle Cents because offensive Cents are about as useless as every Warden.

Offence doesn’t exist for him on both console or PC. He’s just to reactable and doublely so on 60fps. He’s just a shitter killer

Looks good user. I like it.

>red/black/green instead of pure gold
>Imperial Fists w/ Dark Angel border
>Not a single Space Wolf or Raven Guard in sight

Heresy/10 prepare for Exterminatus

Knowing whats going to happen and it happening are two different things. I know my dogs gonna die, because that's what you sign up for when you get a dog, but i'm not sad about it now.

I knew Ara was gonna be shit and Huntress was going to be aids. Still, seeing it actually happen sucks dick.


Bombringer is so busted in Dominion, he can control at least two points by himself if you're playing right.

New main confirmed 100%

Do PC Kensei use their superior block on dodge often? Seems like it's an amazing tool and I never see it on the Xbone.

oh look another fucking maniac who should be put in prison.

I ah I see another man of great taste as well.

I see a sex pest who is possibly a danger to children and small animals.

Thank god there are still non-subhuman scum on this fucking general

>teammates left and right interrupting wallsplats because of light attacks
i wanna blame it on free weekend but its all rep 10+ people

Why is that not in the description to Shaman. Hide all the fucking dogs away from her.

Don’t be so uptight

I havent seen any new players on ps4

But of course when you get ganked it's a professional brazzers team who either has you in permanent hitstun or scatter when you pop revenge.

I understand you want to fucking jerk off to anime girl feet but scroll back up and see the fucking dirty ass feet on the Shaman. I know you're just trying to be a funny man and pretend you like that to keep your feet meme up but seriously, that shit is fucking nasty.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand feint mindgames.

We are never getting Valks execute are we....

See, a good player would just fucking guardbreak some mashing feints in front of them

No fanservice, user.

They've practically confirmed that they made a female Aramusha and we're not getting her because they want the game to fail.

The Ken did try to GB, at the same time the HL went for a light instead. High level mindgames.

>scavenger crate event

they will change it to make the grab on her shoulders then never address the old version

Fighting a Glad as Warden makes me feel like a disabled person.

See, a good player would just preemptively light attack you once they read that you'll go for a GB.


anyone got actual gameplay of the new characters?

That's why you use your braincells and don't try to GB after 10 consecutive feints, it's obvious they'd do something after so many, if you see 2 in a row just GB unless you've read them doing lights to catch parries like Kensei tend to do with side lights

rushing wind sort of sound like celtic curse to me.

Super armor on the initial lunge but the you can attack to either side.

He gets quite a few options off blocking while in the stance. I was wanting that sort of thing for law instead of some shitty shove mixup.


Try fighting a Shinobi as Warden if you want to spontaneously gain depression.

at least 2k people still play this game

Post femGlad customisation

>Been playing on and off since release
>Still at rep 0 because I keep switching characters all the time

So you’re one of those duel only players right?

holy fuck that shaman hero specific list.