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Castanic album: imgur.com/a/JJwCl

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First for I need a guild on CH that isn't dump cause they kicked me ;-;


Is that you tek? are you still going to be playing tera?


I'm going to mate with all the bunnies!

any CH fap sluts want to drop by CH lumbertown ch3 to let me get in a good fap while we cant chat to anyone in game

>one of the first people I opened up to to run dungeons with
dang I always thought you were an instance veteran by then already, or at least you seemed pretty knowledgeable. I thought I was kinda dragging us down too but we were having fun so whatever

the last thing I remember us doing together was the aquatic dungeon thing where I got absolutely destroyed. nabutso (ok I remember names) was friendly but that was still discouraging

also I have no idea what I could've said in the mail I sent but it's a relief I said something at least

What are you looking for?

Nabutso too yeah! Nabutso is another person I really miss, he was basically the person who helped me see dungeons that I would have literally never gone to by myself, he opened me up to dungeons but not RG so I had to find that out myself, luckily I met you to do RG with. Bathysmal Rise (the water dungeon) back then was super scary but thanks to Nabutso and some possibly unfortunate nerfs to the dungeon I went on to show it to my new guild members on CH, though now they've far surpassed me and they teach me new dungeons.

Nabutso disappeared on me one day, they went to FFXIV when the expansion (the first one) came out and then I never heard from them for a while until they returned one night, and I got to talk to them but it didn't stick. And then a few times I think they've stopped by the thread. I feel closer to you since we did things, but Nabutso was like my mentor, so that hurt. I wish I could see him more often.

and no, I played at the launch of Tera and I knew some older dungeons but other than things Nabutso showed me I could hardly be called a dungeon veteran. Even now, I've only done a fraction of the runs of dungeons that other people have. Tera has never been my game per se, but I love the people here sooo much.

Speaking of though, if you don't come back to tera we should at least play other things together sometime. What kind of stuff have you been into since then?

nothing in particular just something good to milk my balls to

tfw no longtime friends that remember me fondly

Not worth remembering if that's the case

which is good, it'll let me disappear one day and no one will really care

Don't worry user
I'll be your friend

it's really nice talking to you. I wasn't sure you'd remember me because all in all we didn't spend that much time together in the game. it was the most fun I had in tera for sure though, and I'm glad you're still here. nabutso already seemed kind of burnt out on tera when we met, I guess you've succeeded them as mentor now which is cool because you were good at explaining things

mm I try to keep myself busy doing stuff so I don't play games that much anymore. I played the tree of savior beta with my friend I met here in tera, but that was my last mmo and it's been some years already. then I fell off the radar again because I'm allergic to long term friendships apparently

I play overwatch every now and then but I'm willing to reinstall tera just to hang out, since I'll be super behind even if I transfer beetsu. you can add me to discord though *beep#4112 so we can keep talking

man I wish I took a lot more screenshots

What ever happened to Kry ? (CH)

Left to mt or tr
One of the two

Reasonable, more money there to dig.

If you were kicked for inactivity you can always join back! We do wipes from time to time to make room for new people.

I miss dump....

I do too

Is fapslutting, ERP, or text fucking the degeneracy of choice here?


some do only one or the other and some do both

I fucking hate kyntsune


kyn dindu nuffin, he's a good boy

dump is l i t e r a l l y a br guild

dump is l i t e r a l l y a gay guild

Mahou Shoujo should keep their my name out of their mouths. I will never return to TERA. I will never interact with people of CH. I will NEVER EVER want to be a part of your community, so stop trying to find and harass me.

I've been gone from your communities. I don't even have your people friended. So just leave me alone and stop trying to harass me. Thanks.

cat elins #1 btw

post your cat elin

Any fapsluts online that can help me out?


can you use a filter so i can filter your garbage posts already


I'm going to MURDER Yurohime!

can you post your sliders if its yours?

Fennec elins #1 tho

I barely post, elin gunner soon though

Never saved them.

Don't think you have to worry much, seems to be dying.


who dis, anonymous vagueposting is annoying

Game is dead. You can't talk to peoples. Uninstall the game until they remove the virus

Not me. I'm at least gonna run HH. In a strange way I'm enjoying the memery.

Gonna look at other guilds in the interim, just to get more content under my belt. LFG's tough.

Join Flex
Come be a real G with me c;

#1 spot belongs to squirrels, sorry

Maybe. Almost considering asking Phoenix to join Pixar. Might send Doc to Mercy too.

Also gonna play some STO. Wanna fly shippies in a game that isn't as shit as Elite: Dangerous.


I want to jerk off while someone insults and degrades me over vc..


>Iru thinks any other guild is going to put up with his shit

There's hundreds of guilds to get banned from. I ain't worried.

Also raid just cleared P4 so I'm done with HH. They don't need me.

Which means I'm done with Tera. Guess everyone was right, wasn't cut out for this game. I lost.

You might be getting too old for MMO. Try ASSFAGGOTS.

you're not cut out to be left alone. get some help, you self hating cunt.

Too expensive. Gonna die when I'm 25 anyways so I'm not gonna waste the money.

See it as you grew up and grew out of tera instead.
Don't self-harm yourself physically or mentally, you hear?


I don't feel like I won. All I've got right now is regret.

regret for what exactly? your dismissal from the guild? your attitude is what earned you that. you were warned how many times to stop? did you stop?

No, I just regret that I couldn't beat this game. I deserved to be banned, I had no delusions about that. Hell, I told Kyn to ban me a couple of times before. I just regret that I never beat this game.

Try to distance your feelings from tera is a good start.
Then if you urge for the game, make a new character on a different server or something.

There's no reason for me to play anymore, I've already lost irrevocably


Only thing he's gonna beat is this meat

Become top DPS in your class on the server, so you can tell everyone how flawed the game is and they wouldn't be able to call you shit and would at least have to take you seriously

>I've already lost irrevocably

I don't get it

This is my jam

>the sheer amount of self loathing people coming back to /terag/ for god knows why

I never left.

They never left, only lurking underneath the surface until they were called for and awakened.


you rang?

second best girl.

ive been here for years on and off

More like this general is a shithole where you can't give a name or people will go ape, so everyone pretends to not be there.


Any person with an identity here that stays long enough will end up becoming a meme. Just like you bubblegum closet slut

>closet slut

I guess that's pretty accurate

I'm not a meme and I've been here since 2013.

>either die a nobody or become a living meme
A horrible fate either way, why do people come here

>Become top dps on CH
Real fucking hard lmao

I'm not a meme, I just post cute pics

why not both

I fucking know, which makes it worse that I couldn't do it.

Now you're a meme with having so little presence to not be made a meme.

The lap, the awoo or the bunny?

Git gud lmao

the lap

I figured it was either the awoo or the lap
Now that I think about it, what did they do?



what did who do?

Tried for 2 years, never got anywhere.

Soz I wasn't good enough.

Like, did they stand out in what they do, did or whatever?
Since they are both as the guy said.