BTC is getting fucking smashed, this is because the Chinese know ETH will soon be available and they're getting ready to whale on it leading up to this months milestones.
when do chinese start buying eth?
The smart ones likely already have been, carefully so as not to push the price up on themselves
how do i know when to pull out???????????
I've got exactly 10 ETH. As of writing this, one is 44.83 €.
It'll go up to 100€. Pull out?
Or do I just hold for years to come?
Take out 50%?
I'm getting anxious
eth - korean won is one of the biggest eth pairings
it's thought that chinese are a lot of that, as the exchanges is the best for volume for their time zone
Worth noting that many will just be offloading the risk with the intention of moving back into BTC as the price will potentially plummet with the availability of ETH
pull it when you need the money. This is going to the next galaxy eventually
BTC price would go up right before eth arrives... you need btc to buy eth, so people are PREPARING to buy eth, right?
years to come, only thing to do now is load up more to a level you're happy with, if I was to set a date it would be 2030 to dump, but in reality it will never happen because ETH will be used day to day
you can't just slam it straight into eth, you would have to sell low on one side and buy high on the other
retard alert
I was merely pretending. Watch for more of these dumps and follow a steady ETH increase over the next week or so, good luck with your investments gentlemen.
now would be a good idea to swap all your eth for btc guys. serious.
Ethereum is going to roundhouse kick bitcoin in the face like jean claud van damme would to a frail old woman
you btc fags are completely delusional. nice work scaling your network btw.
lol what
btc bounces back quick as fuck after dips. sell all your eth for btc. wait for it to bounce back. buy eth which is on an upward so moves up slower
A week ago this whole board was talking about how ETH's time was over. You lot are actually retarded.
Hold ETH. That's all.
A question I always had was, would developments in the quantum computer world just make this whole blockchain thing completely useless? Cryptographywise and use case wise.
Japan is getting ready to trade ETH too:
I feel like the nips are an untapped crypto market
I have been all in on ETH since I bought it at about 50 a few weeks ago.
>you need btc to buy Eth
>what is coinbase
And gemini
Hold for how long tho. Surely if the price goes to 100, could it go to 150? 200? 300?
i'm guessing 70 dollars
Quantum computers are fast at factoring integers but we already know how to create encryption algorithms not based on it.
And Kraken
Takes like 3 weeks to deposit fiat into kraken. I know I tried, and while I was waiting the shit tripled
you see!
Gemini is pretty underrated in my opinion. You get $500 pre-credditted a day
Gemini great for buying and usually cheaper than coinbase at any given moment. Pre-credit deposited, minimal fees, and usually clears in 3-5 days to move your coins out. Just don't use Gemini to trade as it's not a great exchange in volume and available order data.
pull out? Why would you ever pull out?
Look at the parties leveraging the ethereum blockchain to create efficiencies in payments.
Even if ether only winds up being the preferred payment method for 1% of total world transactions, you're still talking about a cryptocurrency that's worth thousands of dollars per coin.
Granted, that's the long view (like probably 5 years or more), but still.
Disclosure: I'm long eth. Purchasing as much as I can afford.
Guys im holding etc instead of eth
Will it rise as much? Or just slightly?
Is this what people were saying 5 years ago when they were buying BTC?
Ok I'm in boys. Buying 100 ETH today, all I can afford right now. We're going to the moon, r-right?
Is Etoro any good or should I buy somewhere else?
The best BTC ever could have hoped to be was another alternative to existing fiat currencies. It streamlined the process of auditing the paper trail, but did nothing in terms of automating payments or enabling businesses to leverage the platform to support their own internal accounting.
That being said, there's no telling what the future holds. Maybe at some point in the near future Ethereum will encounter unforeseen circumstances bringing rise to a new platform, but right now ether is your best bet at getting rich in the long term on the crypto wave.
>seriously how to do I buy a shitton of ETH
it'll be okay little frogposter :3
keep verifying
In a few days or weeks, ETH will be going down, BTC will be going up and then it will be the buttcoiners going "herpaderp btc gonna be worth a million, holding btc was best after all!". Rinse and repeat.
You're all short sighted retards with the memory of a goldfish.
BTC, ETH and other cryptocurrencies are the future. The internet is almost its own nation, so why shouldn't it have its own currency? As more and more people start to get deeper into the internet, and things like VR become more widespread, people live more and more on the internet. Each internet colony or niche could have its own currency. Imagine second life, in VR, on the trading floor with your avatar waving around numbers and trading coins. Hell, I bet some of the kids posting here are like 15 or 16 trying to make a little extra cash off crypto from their lunch money. In the future, BTC will be the gold standard, ethereum the second. Get ready.
Lies, SEPA transfert takes less than 1 business day
>Quantum computers are fast at factoring integers but we already know how to create encryption algorithms not based on it.
We can but they are all based on the discrete log problem (as far as my limited knowledge on the matter).
Elliptical curve I think is not in danger from quantum computers. I wonder how hard it is to make a coin off it. Someone probably has.