Chicken edition


>Detailed map of Erangel with loot highlighted

>Flight path calculator

>Player and weapon stats

>More stats

>PUBG Wiki

Latest news & Xbox release date:
>PC version hits 1.0 in December

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Are there any tricks to maximize BP gain? I've been farming AFKs/bots but there aren't as many as there used to be, is it better to get several matches done quick or go for longer matches with a higher rank?

>2 kills
>solo vs squad

this is supposed to be the ultimate chad mode where you get like 20+. what are you doing kid

just drop at school/mili or any hotzone where you see lots of players dropping... or win alot of games being aggro. games take around 35ish minutes for 800bp and 40 ish per kill. so if you chad drop into school and get 5 kills its already 200bp for 5 mins of "work".

>play duo forever
>cant win shit
>keep dying before top30
>literally 1% winrate

>go solo because friends are constantly offline
>3 top10 finishes in a row with 1 win
either all the pros play duos or my mates are heavily dragging me down

post it.


wasn't this supposed to go retail by august?

The best way to crouch jump is to use the thumb to press space then c. Attempting to do the same thing with two fingers rarely, if ever works, and pressing both 'at the same time' only works if space comes first.

>second last circle
>you and a chink on AS hiding behind a tree on both sides
>circle lands on his side
>you're forced to push
>you dance around the tree, he kills you with superior ping

why play on asia tho?

idk I slam them at the same time with a 87% success rate

Cause they're trash
>had 9 kills before placing second to lag

and lost to the one decent chink. why tho?

When clearing out interior :
UMP or Shootygun ?

Shotgun because CQB is just RNG with the netcode anyway.


more like pubegrounds.


who /remove grass with ini edits/ here?
>mfw butthole corp STILL hasn't patched all of them

yah, you have an edge with retards but at the end you are at a huge disadvantage if the last couple of guys know their shit.

>can't win against trash

I love how ridiculously loud the 'upstairs' sound is that sometimes you can hear it in a building 10 meters away as if they're directly above so you waste your only flashbang and give away your position and now you're fucking trapped with a shotgun and literally nothing against a much better equipped enemy who knows how fucked you are.

I love the vector so much. Other guns can't even compete.

Where should I drop to maximize my chances of finding one?

on your mommas dick

Such wit.

I had almost forgotten how much I hate the PUBG community.

its random, my dude. mili is aways the answer when it comes to loot tables but thats it. outside of that its everything random.

Christ I always panic and hide for a while just to realize the steps weren't even in my building

>Read this post
>Read into ini edit
>5min later I have no grass, can see through doors, windows and trees
>Didnt download anything, just copypasted shit into a text file
This is honestly the dumbest shit I've ever seen

Meant for

imagine if there was like 70 players alive instead of 35...


Is it more time-effective to go for shorter matches with kills, or longer matches with a higher rank?

The audio mix is fucking garbage in this game. Getting hit and suppressed by gunfire is the loudest and most startling thing in the fucking world. I can be in duo's and my teammate can be shooting a mini14 right next to my face and it's not even close to as loud as getting hit by a silenced pistol with the deafening snap sound and your character grunting louder than a nuclear explosion.


>spot first guy while looting a body
>notices that he has a level three helmet
>hold fire
>someone shoot me in the back
>i run to the other side of the tree
>level 3 helmet guy dont kill me while i was healing prone
>flank him on the right since FPP
>kill him with a concentrated burst into the chest since he was AFK and the helmet was an upgrade
>that one champ decide to beeline into gun shots
>spot him
>2tap his face

What the fuck does zeroing actually do? If I have it set for 100m or 500m, it's still going to be pointed at the same spot when I scope

>that feel when you chad drop and go hunting

post longshots
this was 600m


>Friends get so fixated on looking down their scope that they stop moving lose all situational awareness and get headshotted by a flanker
And they never learn.

removing bush still up , just got killed in a place thjat would have been impossible for him to know , i was just shilling not making a move so he couldnt have heard me

Bush whackers should be gassed.

lv3 vest lvl 2 helmt im dead in literally 2 shot by ump guys is nowhere to be found took him 2 m inds to get to my boddy. love the hacks in this game

Anyone else having trouble with shadowplay UI not working in pubg anymore
I just want to make webbums

Reminder to join the other discord as well for some fun games and discussion

Update drivers, usually thats the issue when the shadowplay overlay wont work

Yeah that fixed it before, but not this time around
I enabled desktop capture, probably gonna fix things but it's a pretty ugly hack


Reset the game/pc then, i have that issue whenever i need to dl new drivers, that fixes it usually

Shuffled some settings like save directories around, and it werks now. Not sure why though. Oh well
I'm just salty I missed recording a pretty cool doublekill scar spray yesterday, not to mention the heaps of great KAR kill I got in my last squad games
This general needs all the webbums it can get

can you get banned for ini tweaks?

I hate knowing people may be using this against me, but at the same time if It is bannable I can't bring myself to do it./

I'll make sure to report you user-kun

well I just know these chinks spots me from 500m away the instant I shoot at them if I am in cover. are they just like disabling textures or the foliage from trees or shit?

I won't help you justify your cheating ways
Do it and live with the eternal blemish on your soul

I don't have any intention to do so. I just want to know if this is the type of thing I am fighting against.

Like should I not be using bushes or tree foliage to block the line of sight of my enemies because every gook that isn't using esp or aimbot is just disabling all textures?

Honestly I don't know how this game is even survive how much of an absolute hacker clusterfuck it is right now.

I barely play and I can barely convince my friends to play, and when we finally hop on and do some matches we'll end up with a hacker sometimes 2-3 games in a row. Just walking or driving along and suddenly everyone gets headshot 5 times.

It's not even rare anymore, honestly what the fuck is Shithole doing

Play EU fpm, barely any hackers there

surviving*, it's late


how the fuck did you not just instantly die after that?

some real mouth breathers right there.

Beginning of season

more ded

It makes the bullet fly upwards out of the gun.

I've never seen anything that I'd suspect was hacking on EU.

So does this game have first-person-only -servers yet?

why do you care?

It has for months on NA and EU. I think Asia has only FPP squad and Oceania has no FPP at all.

Do you even play the game

I don't look at third world servers, so I don't know what they have.

Does anyone know if it is possible to make a script that disconnects me from a match as soon as I die? Seeing the death cam makes me rage. I don't give a shit if it would be considered a cheat.

Yes it is possible

Please tell me how to do it.

scar/kar is the best combo

This is correct


If they are chinks and kill you in suspicious ways, just assume they are using cheats, they've done more than enough to justify the stereotype.

You mean M16+trench gun.

This video game has really helped me understand the Japanese invasion of China better.

Is there ever any reason not to take a scar?

I prefer a silenced ump for rain/fog

I quit out of rain/fog.

>he pummels me freely
>all my punches won't connect

also why the fuck radio tower had no fucking gun

Just kite him to (one of) your team mate(s).

How can they detect if someone has edited their .ini file?

If they're too dumb to disable the ini options, they're probably also too dumb to detect when they're used.

Why else?

>just parachuted in
>looted a couple houses looking for an AR
>go into another building that has all the doors closed including the inside ones
>open random door
>get shotgunned in the face with guy literally just sitting behind door

I get that people camp in buildings towards the later circles but wtf? Why are people fucking camping in bathrooms within the first 2 minutes of the game in solo?

It's the most effective strat if you have utterly terrible aim I guess.

When is the game going to let me pick those wooden crates up? I'd at least like to move it behind a tree so I can dig through the loot without dying. Just leave all other weapons inaccessible while carrying it

Never I'd guess.

What mic should I buy to play pubgay?

I mean I guess that's true, but I can't imagine how that would be a fun style to play at all honestly.

Any as long as you can speak mandarin

Yeah, those are the only players who I really don't get. I mean, even the cheaters are having fun I guess.

Thoughts on the desert map?

I really dislike AK. I always whiff with it and it never delivers for me.
>inb4 git gud
I just really prefer Scar or M4 over it.
It's gonna be real nice. Honestly though I really want better performance first.

Even if they've learned else nothing from the issues the current map has no fucking water is going to be great.

Can't find a better image but enjoy


>Guy comes running up hill towards me, police vest, no helmet
>Mag dump SCAR into him
>Shrugs it off and headshots me from the hip

Cool game