Truest love edition
find your links on
Truest love edition
find your links on
xth for my wife Syndra
use sankaku for porn
I haven't played since before the tank update. Are Zac and Sejuani good now?
>ywn be a gingerbread man that ezreal dips in milk and bites the head off on christmas day
why live
I want to breed Lulu
I wanna cuddle Jinx and see her get a new skin in the near future
I want Nami to smother me with her fishpussy!
>tfw no qt petite gf
>1/6 enemy teemo 30 min in
>mushroom still chunks literally half my hp
I feel the need to talk about Kayn but it's 1:57 already so I'm going to sleep.
xth for Star Guardian Futaraka
Can I brag about the rank I get in Preseason or does it not count because it's easier or something?
What's the patch for
Reminder that if you are not level 35 yet as of today, you are a casual and don't belong here.
Is there any reason to buy extra rune pages anymore since you can change them in champ select?
is this..?
stupid fishposter you don't control me
what about bird posters
>im a rebel
>killing stuff is so much fun haha i hate everything
>stop calling me edgy silly boys XD
>omg shoes
>rawr >:3
>>>he isnt level 40 by now
no women will ever fuck you user
I don't evne know if that's physically possible even if you played 24/7 since the path and won every game
Are they trying to control me?
Reminder that if you play fizz you don't deserve to live
delete this from the game
somebody tell me how to filter this shit for some reason it wont work
monk champion when
>lee sin
>the blind ...
>That slut wanting to hold hands with him
Who do she think she is? This kind of sexual behavior can't be in league
Why would you not already filter X D is beyond me.
JHIN buffs when???
>season 8
>no pellar champion
Explain this horseshite to me lolsimians
I did it guys.
I made the best runepage for kindred.
it doesn't count for shit but it does improve your mmr so you place higher next season. Be warned, basically everyone will place 1 tier lower, so if you're D5, you'll place plat 5 probably
Imagine being autistic enough to feel the need to spam the exact same shit in every thread´, fucking waifufaggots.
Fizz is so shit with the new runes, I love it
>not realizing they are bots with programs that give them notifications when they get (you)s so they can reply
its 2016 user
Can Kayn be fucking deleted? You can 1v1 him. You can't ward for him. He can 1v5 and heal to full health.
Glacial Shard doesn't seem like it really does anything
>Get 2 Turkish shits on my team spam pinging there HIGH ASS PING TO NORTH AMERICAN SERVERS and talking in ROACH SPEAK
>Not being level 100 already
lol go back to work wagie
>favorite champion is niche and only good in certain situations
>when I finally get to play them my team feeds 10x harder
Why is it unfair.
No, you don't understand, it's to make them good again.
my filter isnt working i even tried it again with a ! why the fuck isnt it working pls help user
>mfw im thinking of way to impale zoe on a pole because ezreal is mine
what server is the most chink free?
I'd take 4 turkroaches in my promos over the chimpanzees out of Quebec
is the Team Ice ward available from mystery wards?
Why is lamb allowed to have the fattest ass in league?
What the fuck even is Yorick's role? He seems fucking shit, even at split pushing.
>Still no swarm champ
im going to need some evidence on this claim
That is by far one of the worst possible pages for kindred.
I have literally never seen a chink on EUW in 5 years.
>shit page
>shit kit
fits perfectly
With the maiden he's a dangerous duelist.
Because Booty.
Get the fuck out of here sand roach
No one likes you stop playing on others servers you fuck up Yuropoors games with how bad you are and now you come to NORTH AMERICA?
literally who
>dangerous duelist
>cant even 1v1 a nami top
Oh, is it time to brutally breed Shyvfag?
>ping "on my way"
>my toplaner engages five seconds before I am there and dies
>question mark pings me
I fucking hate toplaners so much. You have to be mentally handicapped to play that lane.
champ has a shitty NB3 playerbase and will go blue form and feed hard every other game. ban him or live with it.
You must not have a high enough IQ to appreciate Yorick
>Shit at splitpushing
He is really fast at splitpushing
He can tank towers with his maiden and minions, with zzrot you don't even need a wave
Qing people with sheen and steraks does a million damage, even more if maiden is on them
The thing is that Yorick is a high IQ splitpusher. You can shove down multiple lanes at once and take towers extremely fast, but you're useless outside of a 1v1/1v2
What would you recommend instead? PTA seems like the obvious pick but it's still shit for them.
There is literally nothing wrong with being bronze
Shyvy feels really strong but I only play her on my gold smurf so I don't know how accurate my assessment is
>They made an article explaining how to get your blue essence because people are that retarded
>Even linking it in the client notification
I know how you feel, Ahri.
>le splitpush
>kayn comes out of wall and deletes you
yea sure
I alternate between press the attack and then lethal tempo versus tanks. What's more important are the lesser runes from the tree. It gives you snowball potential and lategame scaling. Also get eyeball collection instead of zombie ward. Zombie ward is shit and if you want vision get the poro.
I was talking about breeding Shyvfag, user.
But how are you building Shyvana?
literal proof they are trying to make this a game for kids with learning disabilities
When Riot will buff armor and magic resist of all champions? Game is nearly unplayble now. Everyone oneshots each other and playing as a tank is considered trolling.
He kind of is, the only thing he has going for him is tower taking speed. He needs the minion wave to hit the turret, he doesn't insta-clear a minion wave like a Tryndamere with statikk will, and when collapsed on he has no way out so he'll just die every time. He also has a lot of bad lane matchups so he doesn't always get a good lead, and there are a lot of champions who can out-duel him in the late game so sometimes he can be stopped with only one enemy champion.
If people ignore him then he'll get an inhib faster than any other champion in the game, but it's fucking weird for you to split push without being challenged.
the season is over and preseason started.. how come the victorious skin isn't unlocked yet? when do we get it?
Just came back to the game. This is the most broken bullshit I have ever seen since release Xin Zhao.
Why are you retards complaining about kindred? Currently the highest jgl winrate this patch.
>Game is nearly unplayble now.
How to spot a silver shitter 101
>give people half of their currency through an item you have to open from a quest you have to complete
Gee, it's almost like they made the process retarded and unintuitive.
>Jinx is under 3 inches
>want to enjoy ascension
>keep getting dumb ass shit like bards and kindreds on my team while the enemy has a bunch of assassins
Knowing your horoscope could save your life down the road..
riot delete kayn from the game when
Tanks are pretty bad in general right now.
buy MR