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Veeky Forums movie thread
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Wolf of Wallstreet
boiler room
The Gambler.
yeah margin call is a great movie. really refreshing for a hollywood take on finance
this movie was comfy af
Forest Gump
>Taught us about big gains and commercial fishing
The Big Short
Documentaries: inside job, too big to fail, last days of leman brothers,
Tv shows: mad men, billions, suits,
The Godfather
American Psycho
8 Mile
dark knight trilogy
>successful billionaire defeats an environmentalist hippie, a misanthropic anarchist and an anti-capitalist revolutionary
How is it possible you could make me cringe that much
OP movie is great, A most violent year is about a business owner, go watch this and your batman bullshit will look like weeb stuff afterwards.
totally agree. essential winter day snuggled up in bed core
There will be Blood
Barbarian at the Gate
Why you guys never mention this in these threads?
Even though The Great Gatsby was kinda garbage, it inspired me desu.
Slipped my mind
I wish I had taken the "buy macintosh" meme seriously when I was a kid.
>if you had bought apple when forrest gump came out you'd be a millionaire today making your principle back in dividends a quarter
>tfw born 20 years too late
It was a beautiful movie to look at though. The cgi and 1920s nyc is amazing on a nice 1080p big screen.
Its actually one movie i would actually purchase the blueray for.
Silicon Valley. It's got some good biz insights in how a start up forms.
If you can find it, the 1980's era documentary following Paul Tudor Jones through the '87 crash is a great watch.
It's simply called Trader
Quote from that movie that sounds good to movie goers but is actually nonsense. it goes something like
"but you're selling something you know has no value!"
Yeah, I sell options, that's precisely the goal.
The actual answer is funny
"We are selling to willing buyer at the current fair market price"
Just watched Silicon Cowboys on Netflix. It's about the Compaq guys who beat IBM in the pc market. Super comfy and highly recommended
that's not about business, it's "rich pricks do cocaine: the movie".
They spend less than 5 minutes talking about how Belfort actually made his money. It's a total joke.
two for the money
owning mahoney
This was surprisingly good. Thought I was gonna see a movie about "woe is me poor Florida economu", wound up seeing a badass movie about a shark who does what it takes to eat. Fucking great movie.
The Big Short
All memes aside, it's a good, well-cast movie about an interesting aspect of the financial crash
Wall Street starring Charlie Sheen and Michael Douglas. Still the top biz/finance movie
>Ctrl+F "Barbarians at the Gate"
Good call.
Yep. Micheal Shannon is a great actor.
I know the moral of the story is supposed to be "greed is evil" but the holes in it's logic are pretty gaping.
He could have been a millionaire and moved his family into that mansion and still worked for the shark but he got all soft on some retard that refinanced his home 100 times and was getting the boot.
They should do a sequel where he's in jail for filing a forged document and his family is kidnapped by the cartel because he left them in that roach motel.
is this the mc donalds movie? if it is it's really good and inspiring and shit.
Yeah, it's a great movie. I had just read The E-myth Revisited, so it really helped me to visualize the sort of systems approach to business that he talks about in the book.
smashes most of it on the head. I mean, sits back and laughs at the rediculous song and dance that has to happen when shit NEEDS to happen.
Best episode i can remember from it, and still to this day i think back too. The episode where the VC founder moves all the companies cash into sesame seeds.
Its a dead take on how everything has to be inline and perfect for the money to be made - but in a tongue in cheek kind of way. Very clever.
that's the greatest way of learning when you're able to see some theoretical stuff play out in front of your eyes. the movie did the same to me with the concept of concentrating on your core business. I knew about this before, even about what the mc donalds brothers did, but watching it visualised in the movie made this mode of thinking really accessible to me.
by the way, is 'The E-myth Revisited' any good?
The E-Myth Revisited is an exceptional book. It focuses on developing systems within your business to maximize efficiency and allow you to remove yourself from the day-to-day of the business.
It's main emphasis is creating a turnkey business that could operate if it were franchised. The main problem people run into when creating small businesses is that they don't develop systems within their businesses, so they're constantly putting out fires and forced to work IN their business instead of ON their business.
It's a classic book, I'm surprised you haven't read it.
>The E-Myth Revisited is an exceptional book. It focuses on developing systems within your business to maximize efficiency and allow you to remove yourself from the day-to-day of the business.
thank you, man. I just ordered it from amazon, You sold me with that sentence alone.
It changed the way I look at my business completely. The way he differentiates working on your business and working in your business was a real paradigm shift for me.
fuck an it's insecure aspie trying to act super adult cringe post