Aatrox Edition.
OT: eyosongive.us
Aatrox Edition.
OT: eyosongive.us
1st for Kleptomancy on Ez
glacial augment kicks ass on blitz
>Still no swarm or gerbil champ
Who wants to fuck my wife Ahri while I watch?
I would really enjoy it!
this might not have turned out to be as viable as I had hoped
If you could play with 4 clones of yourself how far would you CLIMB?
do you work as a team? fall apart?
if you're low elo supports barely matter, I had a bot lane lose to 2 adcs
>worried Yorick is going to get nerfed rather than people just adapting to playing against him and capitalizing on his huge weaknesses
>people worried or angry about Yorick when they don't respect his structure damage
>fucking a slut
>not wanting to fuck a virgin slut like Zoe
Thanks riot for this one good match. The coming 10 matches is gonna be filled with top feeders and useless junglers i bet.
Daily reminder that ahrifags are retarded.
She canonically uses seduction to entice and then eat poor saps. She's killed an unknown number of people but likely dozens over her lifetime, and only just recently is trying to cut back.
She's a villain and a monster and you are dumb if you let your dick make you forget this.
I'd let them treat me like a cumdump where they'll take their frustrations on.
Rune pages for every champ (including Zoe). The gray rings mean the rune is a possible alternative.
me and a friend who are both low gold used to win games running taric and pantheon botlane in season 3
>playing Veigar's rival
It's like you don't like veilu
>tfw no qt petite gf
>lvl 23
Wut happened to your lvl 30?
Brand is my favorite champion
Why the fuck do people like pornstar zilean or any other high-elo troll? I don't get it.
We all play splitpushing champs and yell at each other to group and draw pressure
It works out really well because our combined thoughts for map awareness means we can 1/3/1 super effectively.
>yasuo zed yi teemo
jesus christ i would have dodged that game.
I had a bot lane of Soraka/Braum vs Thresh/Yasuo yesterday. Game also had Wukong top.
children play league too
So does clone mean EXACTLY like me or is that a copy? Cause if they are exactly like me that would be freelo, we'd always know that the others wanted to do, so there'd be no throws due to miscommunication only to getting stomped by better team. All in all we'd climb pretty high, I bet we could even make it to LCS in a year or two of straight hardcore training.
tfw need 900 yellow essence to unlock a skin and im out of unlockable chests. KILL ME
When the fuck do they reset so i can score Ss and get some?
>the absolute state of normals matchmaking
Whew, I just wanted to see what he has been building.
>1-30 still takes the exact same amount of time, if you factor in FWOTD it's 150 games instead of 170 so it's totally way faster you guys
>you get 20k BE through 1-30 instead of 13-18k, now you can buy THREE champs instead of two with all that money!
>if you play 8 games between first wins, the new system gives you LESS currency, otherwise you only get 10-15% more
>capsules take longer and longer to get as you approach the 10th one
wew lad
Speaking of Yorick have you guys had any success doing any sort of big macro plays with Maiden pushing different lanes than you are, or do you guys just hold onto her and use her as a pet in skirmishes, avoiding letting her go down a lane?
Also, have you guys had any luck with the double Zz'Rot ingenious hunter build?
>jungle nasus
I would do it! And you'd be forced to watch it all, but you're used to it since your wife is a big slut that gets raped by void cocks on the daily!
the fact that they try to keep justifying everything by including first win of the day is fucking retarded. First win of the day should be bonus on top of what you get not the fucking most important part.
I usually keep maiden for when I need to superpush or for when I get collapsed on. 2 zzrot is great, drop one mid because your team keeps losing teamfights and getting shoved in, drop one to siege an enemy inhib turret
>still no pool party Jinx
>still no french maid Jinx
why even live?
>Got a enemy judgment kayle some days ago
>goes vs our katarina mid
>she literally goes in melee range of her when E is on CD and lowkey ints making our team stomp them
what did i just witness
>Shyvfag changes their IGN because of all the bullying
Come back Shyvfag, I haven't had unprotected premarital sex with you yet!
I don't understand the mentality either
>can get high level
>too much of a bitch to just play and improve
>Gotta fuck on some dudes who can't play as well
??? I dunno nigga. League is trash.
What do you think about Brand jungle?
Thanks Riot
>Hecarim with only drakkar and predator can basically one shot people
been playing mid recently and Brand is actually pretty fun. Miss the runes, though - Being able to take some extra armour into assasin matchups was nice.
But i am maining pantheon now
Just one more to go, goyim. You like playing this game, don't you?
I wonder who could be behind this (sorry for posting rats i dont have any jewbirls)
Do you have any trouble getting ingenious hunter stacks?
How does ingenious hunter work with ruby sight stone? is it multiplicative, additive, or is the active item CDR cap also 40%?
I'm thinking of taking ingenious hunter on supports to just super saturate the map with Zz'Rots.
Bet you play the Dragon Slayer skin expecting someone to slay your pussy like he does.
Can Ahri even properly walk home after copious amounts of thick void cum is leaking between her legs?
who's your main
and why do you main this champion
active item CDR has no cap and stacks additively from all sources. You can get 65% item CDR and have triple Rots on the map. Have fun with your support builds.
I also love how they have to come out with graphs because otherwise people wouldn't even be able to fucking tell the difference. "Much faster" indeed.
Kill laner, kill jungler when he ganks you, that's 2 stacks and more is nice but not necessary. Haven't built ruby sightstone seems like a waste to me, I'm pretty sure it's not a flat bonus either but item CDR isn't capped,
You can also only have 2 zzrots up at one time so enough cdr to spam them isn't a requirement.
xth for breast metal waifu
>losing lane to a tank as Yorick
I don't think I've ever been this mad at myself over a video game
>sub of a cucktuber who uploads league gameplays
>he plays my main
>he builds him incorrectly
>automatically unsub him
wow since when can you get D
Protagonist of the League of Legends anime
>now you can buy THREE champs instead of two with all that money
Also factor none of that amount is going towards runes, and that is under the assumption that the player disenchants everything, so on the off chance that he receives ZERO champion shard he likes. Not likely for a new player.
Zoe, because she's fun to play and extremely cancerous.
I would probably sink far below my current elo and rage at myself for dying while BMing the enemy team.
>we're in an assassin meta, ADCs aren't even good anymore
Just embrace your inner heal slut already, we both know it's your destiny to fellate this cock.
>want to buy SG Jinx
>Jinx is fucking shit right now
It's like they don't want my money
Is Zoe as OP as people thought she would be? What runes are you running on her?
Best guy!
ADC isn't that bad with new runes!
>its another episode of the pbe is full of braindead idiots and i have to suffer through it to play the new champ
Who are the most broken champs right now with the new runes?
Yeah, now he has to buy mastery pages instead :^)
This is so fucking stupid
What's your build been looking like? Triforce, Zz'Rot, Sterakk's later because the base AD buff is % and more effective later in the match?
Why is there only one good LoL stream and why is it ____IMLS?
It's time for your milk
It's a fun meme and probably better than the end of last season
Blitz because robots are cool and his knockup is annoying as fuck.
Don't you still want to be nice, tight, and fertile just like Shyvana?
thats his only good skin
and i got five chromas!
I don't like Ez :(
I like LS but if he'd just spend more than two seconds explaining something before
>its like
>youre just
I think he'd get a lot less hate.
Ok, any caster with a root/stun and meteor
>not sticking to your main even when times are rough
What the fuck is wrong with you?
>impossible to dodge Comets
>dumb stupid ult cooldown
Fuck you and fuck Lux players
any champion that needs gold to be effective
>still no nude Jinx
Why indeed?
I heard you got a certain user Dragonslayer Panth. It's as if you meant something with that. I wonder
>post 3d woman
>implying that human girl can be anywhere near as tight as shyvana
How would Sona dom me?
>no Slay Belle Jinx
I prefer to taste tears than being bred desu
vi is op
you heard it here first folks
When will we finally a cute girl (male) champion?
>I can't make 6 choices in the time I usually had to choose a runepage and make masteries
im actually starting to like this build/strat!
anyone else doing some experimenting in preseason before the CLIMB?
You can taste your tears when you're being forcibly bred against your will. It's a win-win situation.
No she can't even walk straight after she gets pumped full of cum! I'm really lucky, she lets me lick it all clean and I love it!
Thank you