Caracalla & Geta
>implying Geta wouldn't have stabbed Caracalla in the back when the opportunity presented itself
Caracalla dindu nuffin wrong
why was he named after wooden sandals?
Reporting in. Fuck Caracalla.
He would've but otoh fuck Caracalla. Quite possibly the worst emperor in the history of the WRE.
I agree with user
Guys like Nero and Commodus just didn't want the job
Elagabulus was 14 and can't be blamed for his complete incompetence
Caligula is questionable but his story was probably heavily embellished
Caracalla stands alone among the wretched
Look at those shit-tier Severan genes - neckbeard and grubby moustache on the right, fatso on the left.
Shit tier genes that can't distinguish left and righr
>Check it out
Say what you want, Caracalla had the best most iconic and unique statues and had a wicked sense of style, look how nifty that mix of rocks looks
He probably even wore pants and didn't give a single fuck
weaboo please leave.
>he probably even wore pants
The fucking madman!
The Severans and Commodus are the main cause of the decline of Rome
>He probably wore pants
Tell me Veeky Forums, did he really have disdain for plebs?
Probqbly the complete opposite, he gave rights to foreign plebs and converted a bunch of plebes to patricians and wore barbarian fashions (he is called Carqcalla after a gallic tunic with hood), he had a huge disdain for the senators tho, he purged hundreds of them and seized their shit
So he was 3rd century Merkel?
literally looks like pic rel
Stop it with this we wuz shit
[spoiler]rly doe he does look kinda niggish
No, and that meme is shit
Nice reductionist comparison faggot
He was also obsessed with Alexander the great and tried to make legionnaires reform in phalanx organisation despite its sheer obsolescence at the time. I will never understand why alt-righters and paleoconservatives use him as a meme figurehead
>tried to make legionnaires reform in phalanx organisation despite its sheer obsolescence at the time
Nice sensationalism, faggot.
>Christopher mentions that the term Phalangarii has two possible meanings both with military connotations, the first refers merely to the Roman battle line and does not specifically mean that the men were armed with pikes, and the second bears similarity to the 'Mariam Mules' of the late Roman Republic who carried their equipment suspended from a long pole, which were in use until at least the 2nd century A.D.[18] As a consequence, the Phalangarii of Legio II Parthica may not have been pikemen, but rather standard battle line troops or possibly Triarii.[18]
>When the inhabitants of Alexandria had heard of Caracalla's claims that he had killed his brother Geta in self-defence, they produced a satire mocking this as well as Caracalla's other pretensions.[19] In 215, Caracalla travelled to Alexandria and savagely responded to this insult by slaughtering the deputation of leading citizens who had unsuspectingly assembled before the city to greet his arrival, and then unleashed his troops for several days of looting and plunder in Alexandria.
What a cunt. It's as if Donald Trump decided to loot and burn Los Angeles and kill all its prominent citizens because Hollywood made fun of him.
This, for all his deficiencies I don't think his military actions were one of them it doesn't seem he suffered any huge defeat in his time, fucking Cassius Dio would have loved to stroke his senatorial dick to any humiliating defeat suffered by Caracalla, in fact he fucking pummeled the Parthians so hard their 400 year old empire died and could have ended the perfidious persian problem if he hadn't gotten assassinated
>Macrinus paid 5 million silver pieces to a collapsing empire for peace which would be moot 6 years later
Tread lightly. There are a great deal of people who wouldnt oppose that course of action.
It was 200 million sesterces actually, about 50% the annual legionary budget, why people respect that absolute retard is beyond me